Coffee in general is bugman tier

shitty dehydrating """drink""" that does nothing but give you a placebo buzz of fake productivity. In reality coffee just makes you more complacent with sitting around on your ass doing nothing, and that's why it's pushed so hard on the masses. Are we in agreement, Sup Forums?

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where my /sipbois/ at

Docfag on night shift here.
Coffee is a stimulant. Dont really know how much of it is.placebo and you get a high tolerance fast but it definetly is a stimulant.

You're probably right but for all the wrong reasons like everything socially retarded nazi's say.

I drink 3 cups of coffee when I wake up in the morning before heading down to my homegym and doing squats, presses, and deadlifts. What now, faggot?

>placebo buzz
>makes you more complacent
>Are we in agreement, Sup Forums?



It's a GABA inhibitor, which means it decreases sleepiness but only if drank when your GABA levels are notably low, such as in the morning. Drinking it all day is a waste of time, having a single, strong coffee in the morning will prevent you falling asleep at work.. Something the NEETs who start threads like this aren't worried about.

Arabs invented coffee

Therefore you support Arabs

Therefore you support ISIS

Drumpftards BTFO

>tired physician doped up on stimulants
Yes! Please operate on my intestines!

The only time I drink coffe is when I'm heavily exhausted after a.night of drinking or I'm really dreamy and slonberish during the day. And thats rare.

Fancy coffees are for fags. Straight black coffee is for men.

this is so true.

How do you drink three cups of coffee and then do squats without shitting your britches?

>having no sphincter control
Hello poo

>not getting caffiene shits

Non white/bugman detected.

>coffee just makes you more complacent with sitting around on your ass doing nothing
That's fucking bullshit. A mug of strong coffee literally kicks me in the ass. It's a huge stimulant for brain (or any) activity.

>it's a GABA inhibitor
This is not true

>Yes! Please operate on my intestines!
You have no idea...
Drug abuse is huge among medical personel. Coffee should be the least of your worries

Honestly, coffee is life.

Any one who rejects coffee most likely is really straight edged and virginal.

>a placebo buzz of fake productivity
no. i don't really work in the morning before i've had my cup. i can't understand the hate for coffee.

>needing THREE cups of coffee to get your fat ass to the gym
I wake up and hit the gym WITHOUT drinking that shit, what now faggot?

nuff said

Fuck you. Finns drink more coffee per capita than anyone else and they defeated Stalin and Hitler.

I don't drink anything that's got drugs in it as a Hindu spiritualist it's very important that I keep my third eye clear

personally i've discovered thatthat coffee just gives me negative side effects. headache, profuse sweating, heart palpitations, even fucking imflammation. Coffee does NOT seem healthy to me at all. Maybe some ppl respond better to it, i don't know. Maybe people just get so tolerant and dependent to it's effects that they don't notice the side effects anymore. That's probably even more unhealthy.

I'm constantly discovering that I hate coffee. I had no energy yesterday so I whipped up a cup. Drank 2 sips and instantly felt like shit. I guess I'm sensitive to it or something. But then I decided to try deep breathing instead, and holy shit. I had a genuine burst of energy that was lasting. Honestly deep breathing gives you more authentic and meaningful, healthy energy than coffee EVER could.

But WAIT, there's more. Black tea is awesome. I feel like the caffeine in black tea is different. Not only is it a measured and more modest amount of caffeine, but I'm convinced that it is a better source of caffeine period. I think caffeine from natural sources like tea leaves is how we were intended to consume caffeine. I NEVER get side effects from black tea caffeine, it ALWAYS feels good. Black tea is also really healthy for you. Green tea has decent amounts of caffeine too and is fucking amazingly good for you.

tldr coffee is shit drink tea.

You probably get gassy with milk too you literal subhuman

Shhh, shhhhhhhh. (Don't talk to me just yet. There's something I need to do first.)

Fuck off emu lover.
Caffeine acts on the adenosine receptor. In higher doses it inhibits the inactivation of cAMP.
Troll on reddit, you fag

The coffee helps make sure I get my morning shit out. Drink 3 cups, do some stretching, start with the squat warmup sets, and this will loosen me up enough to take a shit before doing the working sets for my squat.

I'm getting my fucking energy so I can get BIG GAINS, brah

>caffeine is a GABA inhibitor

coffee is a drug just like sugar and alcohol and drugs will have no place once we finally take over america. if you want to do drugs then go to mexico otherwise you'll be executed on sight in the new white man's america

you've been warned. all drugs are degenerate

But Drumpf/USA and ISIS are literally already on the same team, retard.

>implying you aren't one of them trying to shill for anti-coffee sentiments so the rich can keep all the increased mental and physical productivity to themselves
You and your ilk tried to do this with cacao a few months back too. Fuck you faggot. Eat a dick.

Alcohol is implicitly white. Blow it out your ass, Mehmet.

A black coffee in a big mug seems very white to me boss.

But yeah fags that are addicted to it need to go.

>homofag bottom detected

we get black tea right

coffee and cigs are why bugmen and brits have the worst teeth

Your kind are worse than the weed lmao fags

I know right. I had an operation on muh dick and they gave me enough to fly really high, but not enough to go to sleep and i overheard two people arguing:
>did you inject XXX?
>no. wtf, i thought you did inject XXX?
Would have been terrifying if i hadn't been high as a kite. I don't blame you people though, i blame the system.

You need a coffee enema.

>increased productivity.

as if. it's called pushing yourself. it's healthy to do and it doesn't require coffee.

drink black/green tea or do deep breathing.

but look. if you respond well to coffee then i can't really talk. i personally respond awfully to it.

>black tea coffeine is natural
>the coffeine from coffee is not natural

You stupid faggot, I get more work/research done in pursuit of the JQ with my cups of coffee, fuck off calling the coffee bean the bean Jew when coffee was made by Capucin Monks

Sounds like you have a low fiber diet

I drink my coffee black, no sugar. Faggy coffee is for soy boys

You're glowing.

If you drink anything other then black coffee you're a soyboy. Black coffee is god tier

sippin on dem antioxidants.

feels good man

instant coffee,lol.

well instant coffee seems fucking unnatural to me. weird derivative. Maybe naturally brewed coffee would be better. i need to try that out.

and i meant that there might be a difference between the type of caffeine in tea compared to coffee. But i'd need to check the science on that.

Coffee increases cortisol to excessive levels which literally destroys brain cells.

how are the yellow teeth going

>but look. if you respond well to coffee then i can't really talk. i personally respond awfully to it.
I do. Started drinking it at an early age. Still ended up tall. It's been a great tool for helping with intermittent fasting. It's been my breakfast for years. My stomach stopped responding well to food in the morning in high school years ago. I don't just drink coffee though. I smoke cannabis. It's called a hippie speedball. I am sorry to hear that you do not have a positive reaction to coffee. If you can respect my results then I can respect yours.
Cheers m8

Fuck you! The pope already ruled coffee can be used by Christians with no adverse demonic effects centuries ago.
No, the bullshit coffee snobbery is what’s bugman tier. Like what you like, but if your coffee order turns into a run-on sentence, then you get into soyboy territory -esp. if you use soymilk or non-dairy creamer.

T. Red Bull

Adding milk and sugar makes it taste better tho.

I don't go into a restaurant and order the shittest thing they do.

Most people who aren't taking Tyrones BBC daily are fully capable of holding in a poop.

i just read that there is a big difference between unfiltered and filtered coffee, and that unfiltered is worse for you. I think it seems to come down to a sensitivity issue. it's about how you respond to coffee. some ppl respond badly, some respond well. I think it actually comes down to a genetic level. I've heard about that.

With that said, tea is undeniably healthier for you. There's more healthy compounds in tea compared to coffee, and more modest amounts of caffeine which is probably a good thing.


I agree
Kind of cringey when people talk about coffee and how addicted they are to it.

Stuff like that happens a lot. Partially because we have to import many nurses (and more and more docs) from shithole countries who cant speak or understand german properly. I always hope when i have a tough case that my nurse is a native german. Or at least white. Notable exception are slavs. Most slavs in my clinic do a terrific job. Really made me appreciate them more and to me, they're white.
But arabs and africans are a different bunch. Some are alright and hardworking, most are really friendly but overall the quality is less good.
It's an un-pc thing to say but that's how it is.

Just chew the goddamn coffee beans

>Coconut oil
I just had an allergic reaction from the words.

Why that tells us that instead of being addicted to hard drugs and alcohol that fry the brain,they just enjoy the possibility of being jittery.

>Has actual measurable levels of caffeine
t. retard

but coffee isn't necessarily unhealthy. let me add that.

>MFW NatSoc's gonna NatSoc

Fuck off Anti-Semite! I'm drinking my coffee....enjoying my coffee!

there is only one true stimulant
>pic related

even wouldnt accept this


Fuck I'm getting tired of you larping faggots trying to tell everyone what they can and cannot eat/drink.
You're probably a fat hideous weakling.

>recommending amphetamines
Are you from Alberta by any chance?

Most normies have never taken serious drugs and have no clue how fucking high you can get in life and how shitty real addiction is.
It's the typical attention whoring of the instagram generation.
>i drink a lot of coffee. Look at me so addicted lolollololo lmafoabbq

I hate normies so much...

Are you basing this all off the (likely instant) coffee you had two sips of yesterday?

I need at least 2 cups a day or I get a headache and cranky. Sometimes I drink it at my aunts house at night because her's is delicious. But then I'm up all night with jitters.

Coffee is kind of bugmen. You end up depending on it. It's addictive.

Just plain water would be non-bugmen.

Hoooolly shit came here to say this and ya beat me too it. Fiber and water lift bro, not coffee.

I think a large component of whether you can 'tolerate' something is mental. You sound like you've already made your mind up about coffee before you've tried it. No wonder it doesn't work for you.

Yeah every one should try eating 25mg alorazopam every day for over a year.

Wtf i love coffee now. Hinduism is demon worship. Repent of your idolatry and believe on Jesus for forgiveness of sin.

Quit drinking coffee 8 months ago

One of the greatest decisions of my life. I used to feel tense all the time and I had no idea why, but when I quit, I found I get to bed easier (even after just 1 cup in the morning), and I feel more relaxed all the time. I don’t even need coffee to wake up. I usually drink a sparkling water and that works just fine

Coffee is delicious. If you need it to ((((stay @wake)))) I have bad news.

You should just stick to drinking her coffee then, user.

yes. im clearly just an awful responder and it was unfiltered which probably made it worse.

if you respond well to coffee and it isn't a problem for you, drink up. it's not necessarily unhealthy to drink

So you admit Sup Forums is always right?

nah man i want to enjoy coffee and i'll keep trying to enjoy coffee. im just piss weak sensitive to it. might be some placebo tho ur right. I'll relax more when i drink it next. but my heart beating out of my chest feels pretty real to me. like i said, im a pussy.


literally every time I drink coffee I go into a state of like pseudo-mania, complete with the euphoria and racing thoughts. Shit is wildly addictive to me, I prefer it to actual stimulants like cocaine.

Caffeine is very real, and Coffee is great mmkay.

Coffee makes me tired. When I drink it I have to yawn for the next half hour or so and feel like shit.

Doesn't happen with tea.
Is that caffeine resistance or what is going on?

My mom fell for the Xanax Jew. Literally couldn't function without it. I only take it in emergencies. I'd love to drive over at 8:00 for a cup.

i wish. one day I hope to live just south of "Texas North"

No, go fuck yourself. Coffee is fine as long as it's in moderation - as with pretty much anything in life.

A cup of coffee is a great way to start the morning.

>caffeine addiction isn't real
t. people who have 2 cups of coffee a day for 20 years straight

Benzo addiction is real tough shit...
It's disgusting how we prescribe that like candy. But burgers with oxycodon top everything.

>Obvious troll thread.
>50+ replies.
>Literal autists post literaly false information or bring up anecdotal evidence of rare side effects.

There is no hope for pol.

what's manlier? Espresso or cappuccino?

i dunno what is going on but it happens to me too. are you drinking unfiltered coffee? instant? cos that might be why. try a proper filtered coffee instead.

also i'd strongly recommend trying deep breathing for energy

I like the taste of ristretto. That's why I drink it. I like really bitter tasting things. I don't do it for the buzz, I don't even like the feeling of too much caffeine.

>There is no hope for pol.
Ey, if blacked threads can reach the bump limit then this thread can stay up as well.
I does not belong on this board but we all know what the real problem of this board is... It' mo

>Adding milk and sugar makes it taste better tho.

It tastes better if you are a soyboy.

I don't actually think coffee is good for you but I don't think it even registers compared to other shit people eat.

On one hand it has negative side effects, on the other hand Michael Phelps smashes to black coffees every morning and he seems to be pretty healthy