Buyfag Thread

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WonFes in 2 days

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Should I sort by scale or by franchise when displaying?

is you body ready?

Stop buying with your dick.

If you have a detolf or something similar, you can probably display it by franchise/series for each tier, but on something like a shelf I prefer by scale.

I prefer scale unless you have a lot of the same series.

>no dick
what's even the point?

I thought it was a joke but it's actually a GK.

>dick cannot buy when it is not sold

Always buy with your dick. It is usually the correct choice.

Displaying by franchise looks wonky unless you have either similar or wildly different sizes, so really it's both.

My dick makes purchases without consulting with me.

Where to get money


Anyone have any ideas on how to hang a daki/tapestry?
Without damaging it obviously.
I'm thinking some sort of sticky wall-mounted clamp if it exists, but searching gets me only undesired results.

That looks like semen from the thumbnail

Command hook & binder clips

Killy looks pretty bad but I'm still happy he's getting an action figure. Now the question is, how many Safeguards will I get?

>only one half-decent non-lewd megumin daki
>0 good megumin figures
why live

Why the hell didn't I think of that. I have hooks already. You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I'll dance at your wedding.

>why live
Hope for a better future.
A future filled with Megumin.

What are your thoughts on Coldcast/polystone figures, I'm thinking of getting one, it has a quite intrincate hair and pose but I'm afraid that sooner otr later I will end up breaking parts of her.

>tfw there's nothing you want to buy

Just finished this show yesterday, surprisingly good for 2.5DPG. Anyone getting this? 18k is pretty steep for a 1/8.

you'll be lucky to receive it in good shape, nevermind what happens during ownership

Who seriously likes this shit?

What the fuck is this

Yeah but it's basically two characters. She's well worth it to me.
Also was only 15k on AmiAmi when I preordered. Gotta get in there early, friendo.

It's basically 2 figures for 18k so I don't think it's particularly expensive.

It's an experiment to see how low saberfags will fall.

I think I'd spring 6k for an IBM only figma, if they ever find out how to make that work properly. It'd be neat for posing other figma as Ajin.

She was pretty cute. I'm happy with what they did with her character in the second season. They really fleshed her out in what was otherwise a very male centric show.

You think they'll release a second version of this with his new costume? That original mask is terrible.

This looks like a copy of the original Despera manga, but does anybody know if the seller is legit?

There's already a SAS you cuck

>That entire figure is terrible


Oh you're right! It's a lot more condensed than I would have hoped but it works, thanks man.

Pretty on par with other figma, not sure what else you expect from that character design.

To the user who found his grail on manda, What was it?

Wall scrolls or posters? I want to decorate my room and I'm worried about which looks tackier

Who's that, Broccoli Dude?

Wall scrolls are definitely tackier. They're also sometimes made out of shiny cloth that looks very cheap and out of place.

Wall scrolls definitely look tackier. Depending on your room you can maybe have one, but I'd always favor framed posters, unless you want to put it like behind your door, then I think a scroll fits better.

>Not framing posters

It's like you don't know a thing about class.

You can also get really cheap poster framing that looks half decent. It's basically a cardboard backing with a sheet of plastic on top. You slide the siding over it, kind of like report covers from your school days.

I was just wondering where to hang a daki. Behind door is perfect, since it's very lewd.

She's one of the factors behind Tanaka's change of heart in the manga. She's been utilized pretty well.

>WonFes in 2 days
Here we go again... trying to stay up till 3AM just to see these new stupid vietnamese kids' toys.

Thanks for the tips, framing is another investment but I bet it looks way better.

Waking up on sunday morning and have dozens of buyfag threads to read, dozens of new figures to see is so comfy.
Too bad I won't resist until Sunday morning, and will most likely stay up overnight to follow the threads and wake up feeling like shit.

Is 38cm (about 15 inches for burgerfriends) too deep for a shelf for figures?
I don't like the idea of putting one figure behind other, so I most likely will just put them side by side. 38cm feels like too much wasted space though.


we live in a truly wonderful age

If you don't want to put figures in the back then it is too deep. My shelf is about 32cm deep and I can just about fit two rows of figures with a bit of space between them.

Put tankobons/boxes/etc in the back.

mine are 11in deep (IKEA Billy) and its more than enough, even putting them 2 deep on risers. if the sides are clear you can get away with a little more

Just put Books/BD's/boxes behind it.

You took the words from my mouth. I am a saberfag, but I despise all saber clones and crazy stuff, my love is only for the vanilla one.

Glad to see there are still people with taste.

Most exciting moment of the year.

>tfw you never have enough stuff you like to fill out a wonfes bingo sheet

>you will never cum on Lily
Why bother with this pathetic life of mine?

put your hopes and dreams on there. only people who indiscriminately buy everything produced, or buy a lot of lewds that take 2 years to go on sale, have fleshed out bingo sheets with lots of ongoing/announced projects/prototypes.

What is hotgluing?

Hotgluing what?
WonFes exclusive GK?

But it comes twice a year!

Does anyone actually? I feel like most contain a good deal of filler people don't really want/know they won't win with.

>mfw something like this will likely not be in Wonfes again

Or any Kiseki figure because Sen 3 won't be out on time.

oh... I'm sorry user.

>WonFes in 2 days
Prototype please.

>put your hopes and dreams on there
This. I know I'm never going to get a bingo, but it's nice to dream. The last time I made one was a year ago and it's nice to see how it has changed.

what wouldn't I give for gym wear MHXA

Oh boy, time to trawl YJA until my eyes bleed for the opportunity to get ripped off on GKs by scalpers.

Man, those Shinjuku outfits do terrible things to me. I seem to like casual clothing a lot.

He didn't look too bad to me. I wish the safeguards weren't so pricey. I might've been tempted to get a couple if they were cheaper

>No Jeanne
Let me call you Brother

>finally get a girl to come up to my apartment
>sees my figs, most of them lewd
>doesn't say anything
>after half an hour of awkwardness she says she has to go

Shit, why did I fall for the slippery slope meme?

She knew she can't contest against them.

I'd gladly buy any more Nendoroids they make, can't believe they only did two for Sky.

My body is ready.
I'm expecting it to be 20000-25000¥ and probably shipping hell.

What, a life size replica of Excalibur?

Doubt it's be good quality, and I always found its design kind of shit

it's not your figures fault that your charisma is at -10


Yes, and a part of Bandai's Proplica line.
It should be fine. I have some wands and compacts from the Sailor Moon line and honestly I feel they're decent for the price. I do understand I'm mostly paying premium for the license and gimmick and I'm okay with that.
I'm a Saberfag so I don't think much before I buy.

It was most likely your own fault
>Uhhh cute arent they huhuhuh
>So w-wanna hold hands or I dunno sumthing
Don't lie, it was exactly like this right?
Don't bother with 3d, user. It's a waste of time. Both yours and theirs desu.

That's why I have what is basically an actual man cave, or at least a small room at the back of my house that is where I keep all my figures and black metal compact discs and firearms and cold war military surplus. I'm not hiding it but there's no reason for most people to come back here. It's also where my computer is, and since I'm not a complete faggot though I understand why someone would believe otherwise, in real life I refer to it as my home office instead of calling it something autistic like a man cave.

You are aware the circle gets their GKs mass produced into pvcs by QSix later on, right?

The bingo sheet is always hard for me becuase I don't want to fill it up with "never ever" hopes and dreams, then have only the free space checked after WonFes. I always try to make mine semi-realistic and draw a blank on the last few spaces to fill.

It's one of the few consentacle hentai available and Lili is really fucking cute, serious waifu material.

5500 yen isn't that pricey for an action figure nowadays. With the usual Amico discount they're going to be 5000 yen.
I think I will get two. I'm not familiar with the line but according to /toy/ they're good quality.

And what is possibility of that happening for such unknown character like Lily?

When you make your bingo sheet, do you endeavor for the sheet to be aesthetically pleasing, or do you strategically place things that are most likely to create a bingo?

>I always found its design kind of shit

Yea. That silly-looking, clunky hand guard. Alot of FSN characters have crappy costume designs. Archer and Lancer's embarrassing color coded muscle suits also come to mind.

Don't forget Shiki's orange and blue shirt from Tsukihime.

i randomize as much as possible

You're retarded if you think a random girl would be fine with lewd figures on display. If you really don't want to chose between 3dpd and 2d then seduce the girl BEFORE showing her your collection.

I own both the 1/12th Synthetic Human and CaRB and the SH is great. My CaRB has an issue with his wrist knives (one of them is super loose and doesn't stay out). I may get a couple but idk yet.

Lawl, Zero secondary newfag here

>get to arrange the sheet yourself
>Not playing to win
You just made my grandmother vomit, asshole. Do you know how hard it is to clean up chewed prunes? Apologize and then strategize, motherfucker.

Cute, I want the Hassan one.

You guys buy stuff like this and keep it out in the open in your house? My wife would blow a gasket, and that's not to mention it having a bad effect on the kids... So everyone in these threads just plans on being single their entire lives? I'm not sure that's healthy, or worth it.
