Smartphone Isekai

>Throw OP MC
>No humor
Is this kind of show really popular in Japan to warrant an anime

I'm wondering about that too. I heard user said that the LN is one of the best selling LN in Japan, but what the hell?

The light novels are supposedly flying off the selves since the anime started.

Not best selling in Japan just best selling by that publisher.

The anime has done its job I suppose. I wonder what other isekai adaptions will follow suit.

Death March is coming soon which is basically the same as Isekai Smartphone.

Is it as comfy as Smartphone?

It's even comfier and it has catgirls and lolis.

>he measures LN quality by popularity
>he doesn't realize all LN are shit

Best seller for Hobby Japan. If you're going to complain, don't be a fucking retard unable to understand what you read

In the top 5 anime this season. Top is currently 18if.

>t. western lit cuck

Friendly reminder that an ordinary guy wrote this hot garbage for fun and is now rolling in cash and bitches.

How many members does he get in his harem again?

>unironically think LN garbage measures up to actual literature


'Actual' literature is archaic and boring

Just like your life.


Worst show of the season. probably the history of all anime. Here I thought Taboo Tattoo was the worse trainwreck I ever saw, but even that ridiculous shitfest was more fun to watch, and is still miles ahead of this Smartphone Isekai garbage. It's almost like some rich 9yr old got money from his parents to make a self-insert anime with a terrible self-indulgent plot just to animate his Deviant Art tier genetic waifus

Why is /lit/ always so butthurt that no one cares about their "true literature"?

Have you watched only 50 anime?

Great question. I'm not even sure half of its posters actually like to read to begin with.

name a worse trainwreck than taboo tattoo and this one

If you're trying to defend this show, you're doing a pretty bad job at it

This might be generic trash but far from the worst. Your new, as well your intent to 'fit in' is showing.

That's easy. Kabaneri.

Your favorite anime.

Rail Wars, by far.

Punch Line.

fuck you

I disagree. Kabaneri was ok for half the season, had good art, interesting setting, god-tier waifus, and a good plot until Biba showed up to ruin everything and turn awesomeness into a steaming pile of hot garbage

Gee. You could almost say it was a train wreck

The show is fun and quirky, the characters are cute and well thought out and the story - well, we'll see how it goes. Haters of the show are in the same caste with the haters of Eromanga Sensei, and while entitled to their opinion, should continue the bashing in Reddit.

>he tries to fit in
kill yourself

still not as bad as this one due to the afore mentioned reasons

Flip Flappers

A train wreck has inertia, user. It builds up hype before going off the rails.

This is a pure comfy trolley ride from start to finish.

The first episode was 10/10.
Then it slowly shitted up .

>starts speaking of literal trainwrecks
does your mom know you forgot to take your autism medicine this morning?

japan, house of:
>chunni's (kids who think they are the demon King)
>bullying (so hard that many ppl end un killing themselves)
>social pressure (go to school, get good grades, go to university, get even better grades, marriage, work)
>anime (a way to tell an story, but a window for day dreaming to others)

...and you are surprised this kind of stuff is popular?

I remember falling for Mumei right away.. then it all went wrong, so... so wrong. The horror is coming back to me. Why is god so cruel!?
Please make the pain stop!!!!

Why do you think I'm butthurt? I'm just correcting someone that said something generalizing.

This anime is so bad it actually made me think about an alternate universe where things get interesting

Everythig happens exactly the same until that fight with the spider that absorbs magic, but this time when mc steals the core the following happens

>spider powers down and desintegrates
>mc: yes we won, now random girl destroy it
>just when one of the girls is about to destroy the orb a vocie can be heard
>Finally!! im free from that spider prison
>the orb explodes leaving a bunch of red smoke
>from the smoke a powerful lich comes out
>it's been 1000 years i should start draining the magic of this world
>what's this someone here has an incredible amount of magic!!
>lich grabs mc from the ground and absorbs all his godlike powers
>with his last bit of magic mc manages to open one last gate for the girls to escape
>samurai girl manages to save mc and get him trough the gate too
>A now powerless mc and his team will have to figure out how to fight the now godlike lich

I think he more questioned the need for an anime on it.

The better question would be what is the purpose of /lit/?

LNs aren't allowed on /lit/ or Sup Forums. Imagine thinking your medium of fanfics is relevant when you're not allowed anywhere. Why don't you have a board user? Is your past-time not considered a real hobby?

> Can't use clearly defined terms for anything remotely resembling their correct use
Do you have literal brain damage?

To cicrclejerk their western superiority since they can't handle that Asians can write.

I'm just wondering how far they'll portray his socipathic streak in the anime.
Can you imagine this cutipie (pic related) saying this to a guy he's holding up in the air by the throat: "If I ever hear another word like that come out of your mouth, I'll rip your tiny pecker off, shove it down your throat, and then stich your mouth shut. You'll be sucking yourself off for the rest of your days. Understood? Nod if you get the message, asshole." That or the incident where he beat up 2 guilds, stripped them all, hung them by the ankles in the woods, took photos of them and told them he'll spread them in the capital if he ever sees them again and then left them there.
Source: LN 4 and 1.

I'm really curious what makes this particular one sell. You don't need much writing skill, hell, you don't need any writing skill to shit out this pile of garbage. Even I would be able to write something better in two weeks. One, if I wouldn't play Dwarf Fortress at the same time.
Therefore, there must be like thousands of basement novels like this, so what makes this one popular? I think we all can agree it's not a matter of quality of the writing. Or plot. Girls aren't particularly unique or memorable either. And don't even get me started on MC.
Overlord has Papa Bones, Konosuba and Re:Zero toy with cliches making isekai adventure horrifyingly hilarious and hilariously horrifying respectively, SAO was (somewhat) fresh when it came out and at least made an attempt with setting and romance. Even if you don't like them, you can see what made them popular.
But this has absolutely nothing to offer. It's just an isekai cliche checklist. Well, it has a smartphone, but I don't think this is something that won the audience. Therefore, if this has absolutely noting of value, why this? Why not something else? Is this some ironic masterpiece of postmodernism that sells because it's shit? I don't get it. I understand the concept behind this isekai fad, but the sheer scale of what I'm witnessing is beyond my comprehension.

Ow, the edge.

>it has a smartphone

That's enough, there's a shit ton of isekai so they get filtered out quickly on their premise, you just have to hook the audience once and not have shit writing style.

Rail Wars was not an Isekai though so by default it cannot suck anymore than this show can. Besides it had much better sluts than this show by far.

How shit is smartphone's writing style compared to this piece?

/lit/ literally has the best memes on Sup Forums.

The girls are cute and endearing.

Isn't that literally every isekai LN?

Do people not understand jokes anymore?

It sells because it's so bad it's good. Like crack cocaine for normies.

It's funny cause they're both shows about trains. Genius, anons.

Even trashier

The directing is fucking bad

That would be the least of its problems.

Is it supposed to be like the opposite of konosuba?

No? Have you actually seen those shows? both are literal tranwrecks. They're not about trains in the slightest

isn't obvious? Money, mah friend.
Consider all i said that explains why such a self-insert novel is so popular.
> is it popular? then it sells
it is not quantum mechanics.

There's nothing wrong with that, it's 10/10 for the action and opmc which is it's main focus.

>What's with that otherworlder he wields weapons in both his hands.
This got me way harder than it should.


fuck you

yae a cutest

>Kirito-tier protag
>shitty animation

>HOY Isekai Never

Isekai are a guilty pleasure of mine but Smartphone is just too bad even for my shit taste.
MC just gets too much extra shit.
Increased physical and mental capabilities (along with innate martial ability)
And he can do literally ALL the magics, even the personal null magics. Total bullshit.

Does he use his phone more in the novel?

Its fun and cute


The anime of Jitsu Wa.

Berserk 2016.

Hand Shakers.

This fucker has the world's most punchable face.

smartphone isn't even the worst trainwreck this season

I love fucking train.


what are you assblasted about?
this is following the same atmosphere and formula as zero no tsukaima which you love so much

The ln even has the same illustrator.

wasting gray matter over this bro

The anime is comfy, cute girls, nice protagonist, doesn't seems to have drama, is a good way to heal you after a long day of work

Looking at Amazon they are low. Everything gets a boost with anime but this still is nowhere near big series.

we just don't live shitty LNs, webnovels and assorted trash, is not our fault that that is what you think that asian literature amounts to.

>irresponsible galaxy tylor
Oh god, what is this?

And actual bad anime

Captain Tylor sequel set 1000 years in the future. It's also 3 minute shorts.

>Captain Tylor sequel 1000 years in the future
>3 minute shorts
I'm genuinely upset.

death march has some catharsis in food porn and Satou's romantic choices, smartphone is actually just

just what?


just what?

I don't get why this one got the anime adaptation and 10 nen goshi didn't.
It's the same concept, but the execution is better.

I don't know, user. Re:Monster is pretty bad, user. He's basically monster jesus.

Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey, and Eragon for way back garbage.

Also neo political correctness derails writing

I can see Re:Monster gaining an ironic cult because of its edginess/people here seem to like Tatsuya Shiba esque unfairness.

Sues are fine as long as they don't pretend to be fair like Kirito, Erza, almost every YGO, etc

If only.