So that’s why he wears it
Ben Shapiro is going bald
That's why Jews wear it in general...
If it's not his natural balding pattern, wearing a kippa all the time is prone make you go bald in that spot.
I used to call them “bald spot covers” when I was a wee lad. I didn’t even know what horrible people they were yet.
He's also put on a bit of weight over the last couple of years.
Pretty unusual to have such a large crown bald spot with almost no thinning at the hairline.
wearing a hat all the time does that, idiot.
literal bullshit, god how LEAF can you get?
My hair pattern = my truth. Lefties, keep slitting your wrists....
I'm pretty sure they use hair clips to attach the hat to their head. This pic is most likely just the result of the hair being pulled back underneath.
No. Its caused by cumulative damage to hair follicles by testosterone.
legit dude, u cut off the sunlight from your head bro
Yes, people do bald here, in fact it's the worse kind of balding. People who recess on the front often stop there. Those that bald from the crown area usually thin all over. Front recession are perfect transplant candidates, crown balding/thinning takes a lot more work and money.
The Yamaka clips to the hair to stay in place. What you're seeing is the cap pulling on his hair making his scalp more visible.
of course a swede has looked into replacing his waning hairline with transplants.
I checked it out, it might be a myth, it might be true but it's inconclusive. It could make you go bald by fucking up you sebum and cutting blood circulation
>he thinks he can shame me over a hair transplant
Isn't America the cosmetic surgery capital of the world? Especially with your "American smile" fake ass white teeth. Lol wow...
If I pull that off, will you die?
It would be extremely emberrassing.
He should get a bigger jew hat to cover up the bald spot.
>So that’s why he wears it
that's why all jews wear them
Does Ben hide his Jew gold under his funny little hat?
look it up before speaking you fucking idiot you have the internet right there holy shit lord have mercy on this fucking moron amen