How does Sup Forums feel about the yamato nadeshiko character archetype?
How does Sup Forums feel about the yamato nadeshiko character archetype?
They're always hit or miss but mostly boring
I often like them.
>i am a gay faggot: the opinion
non-japanese cannot possibly appreciate them in any meaningfully way
Good, especially if they're voiced by Suzuko Mimori
Umi is perfect
For impregnation.
>yamato nadeshiko
>is lesbian as fuck
Does not compute.
I feel like it's one of the most widely misused terms on Sup Forums. The yamato nadeshiko is the flower of Japanese womanhood, the samurai's wife. I've seen anons try to stick the label onto all kinds of girls it doesn't fit on, like clumsy girls or weak willed girls just because they are otherwise demure.
Who is that shit who use yamato nadeshiko archetype with that shit of haruna sairenji
Usually it's the very japanese looking girls. The ones that are proper, polite, respectful but firm and strong.
I've seen it used on a few clumsy girls but usually those did fit the description above.
I've seen this phrase gain popularity recently it's probably the same idiot spamming a new word he doesn't understand every time he thinks he can.
Umi is perfect
Sniff Umi or lick Umi?
Sniff and lick her sweaty butthole.
What's the science behind a girl fixing her swimsuit like that being so goddamn ero?
Does anybody remember when Umi slapped Honoka?
They are for rape by foreigners.
I nakadashi her yamato race if you know what I mean
Too Japanese for me.
They are adorable.
Stupid question since the characters can be completely different personality wise.
Wasshi was better
I feel like my heart wants to leave my body
Hinata was better than both.
Sniff Umi's armpits and then lick them!
I love the sea. She's perfection.
Love them. Love them as much as gyarus. I really want a manga where a girl lives a double life as a gyaru and yamato nadeshiko.
It's inviting you to put your dick between her swimsuit and her buttcheek. The contrasting textures of the silky smooth and soft skin with the extra sensitive texture of the swimsuit is one of the most ero sensations imaginable.
They're overused and usually serve as typical redshirts, if you replace death with corruption and slavery to cock.
Nadeshiko? Can I nakadashi that?
Maybe some sort of Magical Girl or Cape situation?
She has to escape class to go save the world through the power of shitty spray tans?
you mean magical gal
Yamato Nadeshiko girls can only exist in a show with male MC since the one thing they have going for them is the unparalleled loyalty towards him. The kind of girl who always walks three steps behind him.