Why are your thoughts about backs?
Why are your thoughts about backs?
i dont like them
Oh look another shitty template thread that belongs on /e/. Fuck off.
Is this a boy or a girl?
it's over dude Sup Forums has been finished since last summer
You don't have to ruin the fun for others just because you finished fapping.
Way too horny to think.
Hot desu.
girl(male selfinsert)
Thighs are better.
I want to breed with this girl.
I want to cum on them.
Even if she had the mind of an old man?
I have a thing for bare backs.
I'd say two summers ago, if not earlier
Go to then if you want to fap. Better yet, go there and don't come back.
10 years ago all this place ever posted about was haruhi and was infested by tripfags. You seriously think Sup Forums was ever any different?
why would I care about backs, when the best piece of meat is right below it
Shirtless backs are fantastic!
back is the hardest spot to clean
butts > thighs > hips > bellies > legs > backs > feet >>> tits
You might be onto something....
I want to lightly run my fingers down her back
Backs are love but napes are live.
>wants to know the pleasure of being cummed inside
>knows exactly what makes me go crazy
How do I look exactly like this?
This nigga knows
Pretty underrated desu
The back is the perfect semen landscape. Spraying your seeds all the way to her back means you came really hard.
The only worthy back in this thread. I want them strong lats, defined serratus, yuge traps.
muh doka
Nah I'd rather cum in a girls butt crack desu
As a midriff man, I love the backdriff. Backs are really the thinking man's fetish that anyone can respect. Bonus points if it's a muscular girl's back.
tits should not be that low
butts>hips>thighs>tits>bellies>backs>>feet=any other misc. body part
tits are damn good, but you can't not love a nice tumtum over them.
really damn good, too bad Sup Forums is full of footfags
>too bad Sup Forums is full of footfags
They're just more vocal and cancerous about it.
>tits over bellies
Tits + Bellies > Bellies > Tits > Butts > Backs > Thighs > Feet > What other part of the leg are you fetishizing? Knees? Shins?
back view > front view
Nog tier list.
Well frankly, I think their a bunch subhuman criminals that need to be sent back to...
Shit. I misread that.
all of them aren't criminals, don't be mean