Summarize Sup Forums in one image

i'll start






>implying stalin would be angry at those useful idiots
he would use them and when theyre usefulness ran out, he would take them out back and shoot then. communists were somewhat based in that way, killing the useful idiot degenerates



thats pretty much it....




>Implying there are any useful comrades, beyond those useful idiots, for the country to be manned with




>JFK isn't doing a undercover roman salute right there




>the most multicultural white supremacist community



Average Sup Forums user since the 2016 election

Review brah Elliot Rodger, when did Sup Forums culture become cringe culture





This is a good one




How am I doing so far, guys? Started a few days ago and I find this rather fun.

Guy at far right knows there's shots incoming
He's facing straight at the wooden fence, all tense

D-did the antifag stagger before he even bunched it?


Whoa, I never saw that guy in the background before. Doesn't he have a gun?

> summarize Sup Forums in one image

>Didn't get Nepal
>Didn't get Congo
I am disappoint


This originally


He can't keep getting away with this!

JC is a better fit thought, since his humour and demeanor are so detached compared to his actions
>My vision is augmented

So greentexting was just merchant texting?

holy shit

why are you still here man, this is the first time in months and months that i've been back to 4
It's time to leave this cesspool



this but unironically if ironically otherwise just this tbqh desu


They're hard to find and I haven't been at this long, c'mon man.

They're like Janus. Paul is JC and JC is Paul.

Besides Paul was like Sup Forums when you first set foot on it. Acting weird, until you actually get to listen to him and get redpilled for the first time in-game.

JC is more the "user" instead of the site/board itself. He can let Paul die or save him.

The game is just a big memetic metaphor.



The anointed one

Reality is insanity.





>aus bantz


Fuck I'm on here too much

unironically this


>This is a picture of Adolf. He liked animals. At age 54, he was pushed to suicide by systemic bullying.

Since the dawn of History the negro has owned the lands of Sub-Saharan Africa, rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy.
Crunching acres of gems and precious metals beneath his bare black feet
Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light
His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals
Yet he never dreamed to use them beyond carrying the reaping of the year.
A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use.
He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour.
Etc., etc.
Also :
>There aren't blacks that are aware that they don't mix well with whitey
>We can't let blacks have Africa since they'd misuse it
Sup Forums is not one guy, and that means Sup Forums isn't a white supremacist.
Africa needs competent leader to elad it, however, not barbaric genocidal powermaniacs, hence why loose colonialism is required until they can independantly govern themselves without turning into a bloody murderous dictatorship ten years later

hurrdur le bizou bizou burning trash muppet puppet meme xddd


what did he mean by that ?


This image made me sad because its painfully true. Just leave us alone ffs. Its gonna happen because they'll push us too far.





this guy drowned trying to teach some underage girl how to do sword things in the woods btw

This is a good one. Has lots of layers.


The best.

In a way yes, but it is more about taking back agency, free will, free speech, and culture.



was waiting for this. this is sublime.

I think one of the roots of the issue is aid.
Aid gets delivered then a warlord with a private army (which will probably turn on him at some point) will fight and kill the other mob to secure the grain and whatnot so they can be the one to give it to the people, this securing favour amongst the locals.
They want to be Jesus and hand out the bread and will kill each other for it.
As long as almost half of the African nations rely almost solely on aid they wont get their shit together. I think the African Union is an ok idea because independently very few nations are organised enough to create a diversified economy, a lot have one crop like coffee or what ever and when they have a bad years harvest their entire country falls to shit again.
Although the Union makes is so S.Africa and Egypt call the shots and are selling out to China so the lack of sovereignty is an issue too.




The only based person on this entire board and it's a koalafucker. The world is truly doomed.


this sums it up nicely

no its because of genetics

>why are you still here man, this is the first time in months and months that i've been back to 4
>It's time to leave this cesspool

Worst shitpost ever Ausbro... I pity you.


I got to get the fuck out.

Don't say "based", our thoughts are dictated by our language and if you talk like these dickholes you'll end up like them.

