Why are many Japanese anime so inhuman?

Why are many Japanese anime so inhuman?

Why are they so obsessed with surreal, unsettling, nihilistic and ugly settings that mock or deny the beauty of god, christ and human dignity?

If you want to bear witness to God's beauty, then I don't know, go outside?

You're watching anime in order to experience something unnatural and surreal as it is different from what you see daily.

That is the only way that art can be made under the constant acceleration of post-industrial deterritorialization unique to neo-Japanese capital structures.

Meanwhile in reality: The average anime is about a catgirl going to highschool with a talking pet or something.

Why are you conflating an arbitrary depiction of divinity with innate humanity? And why, of all people, should the Japanese be expected to do it?

Please indulge me and expand on this

i cant even follow your logic

They are goddamned pagans, son. You expect something good from them? They gave us Saint Young Men though, but that wasn't enough to make up for their bullshit.

Infact this is now a Moe Jesus thread, post Moe Jesus.

The monsters and graphics are often inhuman and disgusting. Anyone who hasn't been exposed to that crap since birth would look away in disgust.

I know, I saw some people do exactly that. Generally old people who were raised on entertainment that appreciated and elevated the beauty of our world, nature, history and folklore (old Disney, westerns...)

Name 10 shows that are what you described.

ergo proxy
dead man wonderland
Armitage III
I am a Hero
Casshern Sins
ghost in the shell
Mardock Scramble
Kara no Kyoukai

Pic related is how you make good science fiction on the other hand.

Holy shit he did it.

>Pic related is how you make good science fiction on the other hand.
Finally, someone with taste.

The idea that god, Christ, and the dignity of man are ugly things which make the world worse is a valid point of view.

Don't forget that the West also has a tradition with the grotesque, take H.R. Giger, Grand Guignol, Kafka, etc.

As for the old Western nostalgia, keep in mind that South Park and Rick and Morty are their progeny so I wouldn't really call it a Japanese phenomenon either. Isn't it just a combination of less censorship, post-modernism and enticing the viewers with the extreme?

Personally, I believe the Japanese take great liberties in the fictional realm to compensate for their repressed and suffocating reality.

my niggah

Beauty is as a subjective concept though. Finding beauty in depressive, sad, grotesque or just alien like things is a completely valid point of view. Berserk has gorgeous art, but it's mostly grotesque dark fantasy and nihilistic stuff.

Also, things like EVA are the exception rather than the rule in anime. Most anime have cheerful design, bright colors, beautiful people/scenarios and generally portray the world, story and characters in a very pretty/appealing way.

>god, christ and human dignity?
Out of those things, there are 3 that never existed.

>Replying seriously
That guy was either a troll or a retarded. Western medium fits much more into his description than anime.

>Christ never existed
There's a difference between being atheist and being uncultured

Christ has never existed, understand "the Christ as told in your shitty book". There might have been a dude that they passed off as a miracle-man and used his life to manipulate people but his whole life, even his identity, is most likely a lie.

Anyway, this isn't the board to discuss this

>Berserk has gorgeous art, but it's mostly grotesque dark fantasy and nihilistic stuff.
Berserk stops being nihilistic and dark halfway in tho.

Also early Berserk somehow manages to be comfy.

>Manages to be comfy
There are very, very few shows that are full blown retard nihilistic and don't have even a few comfy moments. The only one that comes to mind now is Texhnolyze

Japanese despise the Jew, and rightfuly so. Plus they have based Shintoism and Buddhism which are already a part of their rich cultural history.