Le Based Asians

>Le Based Asians


This is just your daily reminder that non-Japanese Asians are untrustworthy scoundrels who hate you and want to subvert/destroy the west.

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you are on an anime imageboard, gas yourself, nigger

Herer's a few from another video.

>T. Zhou.


>Chinese immigrant and Naval officer was arrested for spying on the US for China.


>Chinese immigrants are systematically spying on western companies that employ them.



>Chinese corporate espionage costs the US hundreds of billions of dollars a year.



>Chinese are buying up massive amounts of US real estate and subtly colonizing the US.


>Chinese Born New Zealand Minister found to have studied and trained Chinese spies at Chinese spy school.
Kill them all or drive them out of your countries before it's too late, all Chinese immigrants are the vanguard of further Chinese colonization. The only good chink is a dead one.

Anime image board, not Asian image board.

Chinks/Gooks can't into Anime to save their life.

I wouldnt even trust the Japs to be honest, they are probably just playing the long game.

They actually need us as a bulwark against Chinese colonization. The US is also a massive market for their goods.

I expect them to stay fairly loyal. It's the chinks that are the biggest problem.

>this could have been prevented

>Its not in white-people's nature to fight, Asians are born warriors.

Did the massive K/D ratio of Western soldiers in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam teach these buggers anything?

Well duh...
I post this every day here and Sup Forums still can't get a hint.

If only we had fought on the other side of WW2.

We'll need to teach them it again during the Race War/WW3.

They will probably be very vulnerable to SJW conditioning if the Jews ever want to niggerize them in the future.


You heard about that femist cult that took control of Korea?

It's already happening.





Typical. The thing is, many of them support liberalism here, yet are conservative in their own countries.

back to rebbit

back to China.

I'm 100% sure the people who write those comments are hapas

Korean women also make the most noxious and self-righteous Christians.

Something about them is just mentally fucked but I can't quite put my finger on it.

>T. Zhang or pic related.

No they aren't chink. And you know it.

So what your problem, huh ?
Yes, we Fucking hate you all.
We pay Jew, Turk, Nigs, Refugee and other leftist organization/foundation through ADB, AIIB, Crime Syndicate and etc to Destroy your Disgrace Nations.
You created so many fucking mess in Asia, whole of Asia sometimes had a trouble in border because of border you've had drawed.

Hope Whites became Extinct soon

No shit. They voted only 1% behind spics in voting for hillary.

What a fucking Weeaboo faggot.

All gooks/chinks are spies or cheaters. They'll put gutter oil in your food and human meat just for saving a few cents. Cannibalism in china is a big thing

Japs also have distinct moral. Maybe it's a biological thing

We'll gas you vile yellow goblins soon enough, Chang.

So all this is the west's fault you vile little creature?

>Taiping Rebellion 1850-64
>60,000,000 dead

>Great Chinese Famine 1958-62
>55,000,000 dead

>Four Famines 1810-49
>45,000,000 dead

>Three Kingdoms War 220-280AD
>40,000,000 dead

>An Lushan Rebellion 755-763AD
>36,000,000 dead

>Landlord Classicide under Mao 1946-49
>28,000,000 dead

>Laogai Forced Labour System 1945-76
>27,000,000 dead

>Second Sino-Jap War 1937-45
>25,000,000 dead

>Qing Conquest of Ming Dynasty 1616-62
>25,000,000 dead

>Chinese Famine of 1907
>25,000,000 dead

>Dungan Revolt 1862-77
>20,770,000 dead

>Conscription Killings and Famine under CNG 1928-46
>18,522,000 dead

>Conquest of Timur
>17,000,000 dead

>Northern Chinese Famine 1876–79
>13,000,000 dead

>Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 1966-76
>10,000,000 dead

>Famine and Disease in China during Japanese Invasion 1937-45
>10,000,000 dead

>Chinese Civil War 1927-49
>8,000,000 dead

>Yellow Turban Rebellion 184-205AD
>7,000,000 dead

>Chinese Famine of 1936
>5,000,000 dead

>Miao Rebellion 1854-73
>4,900,000 dead (60% of Miao ethnic pop)

>Second Indochina War 1955-75
>3,800,000 dead

meant for:
>1931 China Floods
>3,700,000 dead

>Chinese Famine of 1928-30
>3,000,000 dead

>Chinese Drought of 1941
>3,000,000 dead

>Three Alls Policy 1940-41
>2,700,000 dead

>Campaign to Suppress Counter-Revolutionaries 1950-51
>2,000,000 dead

>1887 Yellow River Flood
>2,000,000 dead

>Warring States Period 475-221BC
>1,500,000 dead

>Chinese Occupation of Tibet 1950-present
>1,200,000 dead

>Du Wenxiu Rebellion 1856-73
>1,100,000 dead

>Hakka Genocide by Qing Empire 1855
>1,050,000 dead

>Yellow Tiger Massacre 1644-46
>1,000,000 dead

>Warlord Era in China 1900-27
>910,000 dead

>1938 Yellow River Flood (man-made)
>900,000 dead

>1556 Shaanxi earthquake
>830,000 dead

>Yangzhou Massacre of 1645
>800,000 dead

>1976 Tangshan earthquake
>779,000 dead

>1938 Yellow River flood
>700,000 dead

>Dzungar genocide 1755-58 by Qing/Manchu
>600,000 dead (80% of Dzungar ethnic pop)

>Wei-Jie War and Genocide 350-351AD
>400,000 dead (Jie were completely exterminated)

>1642 Yellow River Flood (man-made)
>378,000 dead (China's small Jewish population wiped out)

>Typhoon Nina and Dam Failures of 1975
>350,000 dead

>1851 Yellow River Flood and Nian Rebellion 1851-68
>300,000 dead

>Xinhai Revolution of 1911
>220,000 dead

>Boxer Rebellion 1899-1901
>150,000 dead

>White Lotus Rebellion 1796-1806
>120,000 dead

Why do Chinks like dying so much?

Don't forget virgin boy eggs.

>Small Jewish population wiped out.

Oy Vey!