Untranslated Story Time - COMBAT DOLL USUNE Masatoshi Extra Works - USUNE Masatoshi

Hey there. Dumping a 2016 anthology. You might know the author for Sunabozu. It doesn't seem like OP can bump their own threads with image dumps, so keep an eye on the impending 404 for me.

うすね正俊が長きにわたって描き続けたシリーズ『COMBAT DOLL』全4作!! デビュー直後に描いたアクション短編『HUNTER』、『サムソン』、『バイバイ ブローバック』も収録!! うすねファン必携の作品集登場!!






Neat. So what happened to sunabozu manga? Did he just drop it in 09?



Running in Comic Beam last I checked.








Thank you for your effort user.



































































