It is commonly said that you shouldn't post on Sup Forums until you watch somewhere around 300-1000 anime. What would be the inverse? How much manga would someone have to read for the majority of users to think he has read enough to be capable to properly discuss manga?
It is commonly said that you shouldn't post on Sup Forums until you watch somewhere around 300-1000 anime...
200, but 200 actually completed, not 50 completed, 50 dropped, and 100 ongoing with scans once every six months.
Most of Sup Forums have seen less than 50 anime.
Probably true if you account for all of the people who only post in DB/JoJo generals.
really think so? i thought i was on the low end with only ~150 completed and ~50 dropped
If you've seen 1000 anime I would say you have enough cultural reference to discuss a manga you've read, even if its the only one and vice versa. I think they sort of go hand-in-hand.
Consider yourself an elite.
Most of Sup Forums doesn't really know what anime is but saw some pretty sexy girls whilst following red-pilled twitter accounts.
Fair enough, but what if you only read manga?
If you are going to go through the trouble of reading manga, at least be productive and read some literature instead. The only reason to watch anime is what the visuals and sound can provide you. Once you are past good animation or appreciating the characteristic japanese style of voice acting, there is nothing left to be seen. For god's sake, a manga doesn't even have colors. The style of anime is something that can't be replicated too easily, but manga is different. You already have to fill in so many blanks about the work that you can apply that effort elsewhere. For a manga, you have to imagine things like the transition of action and the change in time from one panel to the other or you might have to imagine what ambient the characters are in if the author is not very good at making that clear. Just don't bother. The only reason to read manga is if you feel you have to be "worthy" of discussing their adaptations or something like that.
You're a faggot.
Then I think you would be fine discussing the content of an anime, but then there would be things like animation and voice acting that your opinion would be less relevant on.
Tell me more.
I think I just answered your question wrong. If you only read manga then I think the parameters would be roughly the same. A few hundred, at least.
It's probably on the higher end, but this is pretty much fact
Really? I always figured the answer would be at least a little lower, because even though it's faster to make progress in a manga compared to anime, manga still typically take a while longer to complete, unless you only read 50 chapter manga
Doesn't matter. No matter how much manga or anime any one has viewed, as soon as one person shares an opinion that someone else disagrees with, any discussion, regardless of anyones "experience", will turn into a flame war.
There aren't more than 300 anime worth watching.
300 fucking anime is absurd not everyone is a neet mooching off of the government
My .txt has 65 titles including Ghost Slide, and I still feel like an enormous newfag.
I'm contemplating just watching OVAs for awhile. I hate bingewatching just to get a series over with without dropping it. Plus production values, easy to find, etc.
Wish i knew how many shows i've actually watched.
Stopped updating my list a while back, which i regret.
You have to learn japanese to discuss manga
then you don't belong here
This. I have 100 completed and many more on reading and I feel like there's room for improvement.
Try 20.
Or 1000 seasonal anime from the last 10 years. Dunno what's worse.
I can read an episode's worth of manga is well under 20 minutes, and there's no filler, for the most part.
I agree with that, but most anime is only 12 episodes, which isn't usually the entire story
It really is not, I have been watching anime for three years and have well above 200 animes completed
You shouldn't post about manga unless you can read japanese
It's not absurd if it's your hobby, newfag
Actually since 2016 I have start thinking that people doesn't even watch anime, they just read reviews on MAL and then shitpost randomly.
Not that far off with the rise of ironic weebs. I feel like most people don't even watch anime and save anime girls images.
>been regularly watching anime since ~October of last year
>60 animes completed
Math checks out.