Hello, I have the best villain theme in all of anime
Hello, I have the best villain theme in all of anime
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Best hair too.
Not nearly enough smut of her
It's a crime there is a sever lack of Oyakadon with her and her daughters.
>the best villain theme in all of anime
>It's a crime there is a sever lack of Oyakadon with her and her daughters.
I think this was more than enough.
God bless Hirame.
She was the only good villian in the series. If she didn't exist klk would have essentially had no point.
I like the song, but I'd say Blumenkranz is better as a theme. The second the chanting starts it just takes control of the scene. Corset's theme wasn't used as memorably.
Does Blumenkranz hold up to proper pronunciation, Sup Forums?
The original is just a better singer. It is proper pronounciation.
Source on this? Please?
Best MILF of all time too.
How does Ragyo's hair work?
She's not so much a "mother I'd like to fuck" as she is "mother who will fuck you whether or not you'd like to".
Its made of internet fibres
Her raping was more disturbing than the eclipse
now imagine KLK getting a season 2
>Spending the afternoon at the spa with mom
what do?
Get an erection and hope she notices.
Light's theme is better. Or L and Near's, if you consider them villains.
>doesn't instantly recognize the artstyle
no one here takes dragonball seriously
No. I don't. Hence I asked.
If you can't instantly recognize their style, you need to lurk for at least 3 more years before posting.
Set it 10000 years later, after the species cultivated by Life Fibers to be their ideal livestock kept evolving without them, until they became the monsters searching the universe for new aliens to wear. If Gunbuster can have a sequel, anything can.
No. I don't.
Not that user, but, I fap a lot and even I don't always recognize artists I have saved other works from.
Indeed you don't. :^) exhentai.org
Thanks a lot, kind user.
Don't mention it, people who whine about giving sauce are more obnoxious than those who ask for it.
Go back to your containment thread, flips.
>tens of thousands of Ryuko and Satsuki hentai images/doujins
>basically nothing of Nui
Why must we suffer like this?
While I agree, they are useful in keeping the riff-raff out of Sup Forums. This is the only board that still believes in lurking moar.
Nui a shit. A SHIT!
Not even the best in her show.
Such a shit character with a good theme. She only got good when she got disarmed
I usually wouldn't give out sauce to people asking for it but I make an exception when anons don't ignore them and act like cunts instead.
You shouldn't talk about Ryuuko's canon waifu like that, user.
is posting G E N O C I D E cheating?
So you're just like a retarded knight in shining armor, IF the persons too dumb to be able to find it why should you give them it? Fuck off you new fag. I don't think you know how it works, someone spoonfeeds they think its okay then it fucking rotates into more and more. You don't belong here.
Wow, someone's cranky. :)
Your bitterness about it only makes it more fun to do, user. I've already said I literally only do it to piss faggots like you off, and I'm going to keep on doing it. Keep crying, senpai.
A S H I T !
yeah if KLK is the only anime you've ever watched
It's obvious, close your eyes and let her have her way.
How can doujin artist draw her with no arms?
Whats anime?
Why is it a meme here that you don't call anime anime?
New TV series with Taku Iwasaki when?
She's basically the new Maestro Delphine. A character that lends herself to doujins but almost none are made of her.
My computer died, can I have a name?
And Nonon.
Her theme is pretty cringe for everyone who knows german.
The lyrics dont fit the story
>be axis buddies
>have German in your medical journals
>can't pronounce it to save your fucking lives
>only remember the main jojo and their jobro themes from part 3 and 4(and Kira theme)
>tfw you'll never get part 5 anime with Iwasaki
Is JoJo good or is it just a meme
The lyrics are about making a perfect garden by culling weeds and perfecting what survives. Ragyo's goal is letting a "perfect" race of beings rise by culling humanity, and in doing so join them as perfect.
What went right?
that is fucking AWFUL
these sound more like amateur highschool projects than anything else
unironically 2/10
Mowntendoo makes some pretty good shit
No it isn't. The lyrics are cliche themes about the strong culling the weak.
Ragyos goal is suicidal from a human point of view. She wants to extinguish the entirety of humanity so parasitic aliens (not confirmed to be intelligent) can spread everywhere ironically like weeds.
You misunderstood the life fibres objective completely they are more like tape worms.nthere is no superiority plot.
You guys have no taste
It should get a movie, that explains the connection between Mako and Nui.
Pleb. Here's the patrician choice.
Nui is mako
Not enough Oyakodon h manga / doujinshi in general
Already has it, it's called Gurren Laggan
Nah, Nui is hiding inside Mako. The last few episodes had so many hints to that.
Ask Go Nagai.
>look up yuri of KLK
>almost LITERALLY nothing involving Nonon, the lesbian of the series
>everyone's obsessed with muh incest
Explain this bullshit. I want muh nonon
aren't mako and nui lesbians too?
Nui sexually identifies as a life fiber
For the very up&down quality of the show, the music is alright.
like what?
they'd have to be intelligent since they made humanity.
I think he means this.
They didn't make humanity. They evolved early hominds into humans but that doesn't suggest intelligence just that they increase intelligence.
Oh, this is a lot more than I was expecting. Thanks user, you're alright!
They alter dna to make their hosts more powerful. Thats how the goku uniforms work. That doesn't mean they are intelligent. Life fibre beings like senketsu, ragyo and nui are intelligent.