
When will this show get good?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Nishio told Matsubara he bought Selesia's doujin in Hiroe's script
>Proceed to hug Meteora

When they give Himegimi more screentime.

Whenever chuuni gets more screentime, so probably in the end. Or never.

and himegimi in pv when?

in the next pv picture

Is this a newcomer? I don't think I saw her in cour 1. Maybe I blinked too fast

Nishio seems cool, I hope he survives the great d.

and when they change the mc

On Saturday

Honestly is not that bad, it's just the pacing that's atrocious

It just so happened that good pacing is a pretty important part for a weekly show
But Fate/Zero had the same problem maybe not to the same extend though and it was still great

Here's how to save the show:

More Altair in promotional material, ensure to the fans the fights are at least happening

I just wanted more shark in my lifetime

I don't like it, I have nothing to be excited about. I don't even know if half of the fights I expect will end up happening. I don't know if Rui will have a satisfying battle. They should tease a lot more than pic related. Just plaster Altair's smug face all over the screen if she is sure to show up.

Especially this one



A Michael bay fan, I see

My fondness for Selesia has dictated that I watch in 5 ep chunks rather than on a weekly basis.
That way, I get enough plot and Selesia to be satisfied after my viewing block.


They didn't watch ep13 at all?

Great concept, great premise, had a very great future as a Masterpiece, but Aldnoah Zero director and shitty Troyca Animators, this is what you get. I still love the show only because of Himegimi

Maybe you should contect whoever is in charge of it? I thought wikia is crowdsourced

what other studio and director would you like?

Never watched Aldnoah, was it really that bad?

we are the only who still watch this and i doubt someone cares enough to change it

it gets good 22 episodes in but only if you watched the specials

I did change it but I have no idea how wikia works. Here's hoping I didn't cause a disturbance

>last thread died without hitting the bump limit


This series is just animators jerking each other off trying to justify drawing anime titties as a form of art or meaningful creation.

I like this show and episode discussions could be really good sometimes but we obviously don't need 24/7 threads at this point

It's good to have a thread right now since there'll be an episode tomorrow and new content is coming out.

From what I can gather it was a mess in terms of plot and completely shat the bed with its ending.

We barely see any anime titties in this.

anime titties when


Tomorrow it seems

>Proceed to hug Meteora
Did Yuuya kick his butt?

>What other studio and director would I like?
Kenji Kamiyama would be better and Production I.G., Bones or P.A. works would've done animations better

Dem knees

Everytime I see a thread while browsing the catalogue it surprises me that people are still watching this trash. I dropped it after 9 or 10 episodes and haven't looked back. The OPs are usually negative too, so I guess you just like the pain.

I haven't dropped it because I still like some of its characters, like Selesia and Yuuya.
Also I always set my expectations at their lowest point before watching, so that I won't be disappointed.

It's the best show of the season when they actually bother to release episodes.

Never. You knew and watched it anyways.

And when theres no Meteora infodumping

And when ∞GodMachine starts playing

we haven't had a episode in almost 2 weeks now, everything that could be discussed has been discussed and bitching is not funny if there is no one else

What do you think?

PV pics when?

30 minutes

No fucking nipples. Series dropped.

Men nipple not allowed
t. Kumeta

it all ready peaked episode 1

Why the fuck would you want to see a man's nipples? I mean it would even take a miracle if we get a panty shot from Hikayu or Selesia, if they are even wearing one.

>Episode 13 actually attracted more viewers than episode 1


they know they are losing viewership and they release this, really?
this basically confirms this series as a sick joke from Aniplex, Hiroe and Aoki

Best eye

but shark wasn't even in yet

Best everything

When the miracle great emperor plan finally kicks in.

Blame the Director, he's responsible for shitting Aldnoah Zero S2 and now responsible for shitting this show which had good premises, As a light novel.


The last thing Altair sees before her demise.

That's a good way to do it ^^ selesia is awesome >_< I should've waited for a bunch of episodes to come out but it's too late now. Selesia has become my new waifu as of late >_>

No. I have to disagree. That would be the last thing you Alicefags will see before your Waifu's demise

Vogel Chevalier is back!?
Will we see Charon?

Here we fucking go

Knowing Aoki this will properly be the last 10 seconds

Right in the middle of the city huh?

>Aniplex shills it hard
>BD doesnt sell
>Merch doesnt sell

Blunder of the year?

well, now that's better, but it will probably be just part of the crossover they are planning

Charon is Vogel Chevalier

Bravo Nolan

>Will we see Charon?
Looks a bit too confident for someone who just discovered her husbando is on the enemy side.

>We'll finally get some fanservice
>Vogel is back

Maybe there's a hope after all.

The timing coincides with the festival so let's hope the episode doesn't end with that.

By far, for shit like this is that i barely have any hope in anime in general, just as i actually get excited about an original show it underperforms badly, adaptations are fun but not exciting, you already know what happens, and just pandering to demographics pays more than actual good anime, so studios become lazy

There's no way we won't see charon now.

Elimination Chamber Fes confirmed.

When you stop whining like a little bitch.

Biggest blunder is that Hime doesn't have a scale already.

if it did, it wouldnt be even enough to redeem the show

This must mean Altair

Whats the point of a scale or any merchandise if no one is going to buy it? Hime is also a terrible character

>muh bullies
What was Hiroe thinking?

Not the bullies meme again.

that OP is just asking for extra shitposting and extra whining, as if we already didn't have enough

just saying, we don't have to stick with this thread you know

Make one and I'll follow suit.




>No matter how good the episode will be we still have to wait 2 weeks for the next one
At least it's not just fanservice episode, Wheelchairvalier gives hope
Whats the point

>More meaningless fights
At this point even Magane ruining something is more interesting.