I fully support this! As long as they're vacationing from me, I'm vacationing from them.
Lincoln Gomez
It is racist. There are also racist white people. Some people from every race are racist. So what the fuck do you want?
Josiah Green
>since america is a white supremacist country
I wish it was
Angel Taylor
dont get me wrong, they should all go and stay there, but how the fuck can they be such hypocrites while parroting "equality" and "dont judge based on skin color" and the fuckin come and say all whites are inherently evil, and we shouldn't even be able to travel? are they fucking trying to start a race war?
Kayden Martinez
>How the fuck is this not racism? This is textbook racist, wtf I hate niggers now >I hate niggers now >now kek
Wyatt Hall
Exactly. If it was, there wouldn't be a nigger problem. There wouldn't be niggers in the first place. No niggers, no problems.
Logan Brooks
Good news. Hopefully, they self segregate. I wouldn't mind going to a nice tropical retreat with no niggers allowed. This opens the door for that. They can call it white guilt trip, or whatever, but the end result if I can stay in a hotel with no niggers allowed, I would.
Landon Wright
good idea send all black people back to africa we can save them from the white menace
Ian Mitchell
I'm not even mad. I don't want them around me either. As long as they go back to Africa, we're peachy.
Hudson Foster
I knew I'd seen her face elsewhere
Michael Moore
They are niggers. Chances are they got double-digit IQ. And yet you expect some consistency? Get rid of this deeply ingrained subconscious leftist equality programming, leaf friend.
Camden Adams
holy fuck imagine the shit storm that would ensue if we created a white only retreat? no blacks allowed. holy fuck i can see the tweets now
Jace Sanchez
i support this idea. just lets me know where all the shitskins conjugate so i can avoid it
niggers think we're going to get upset we can't be by them when that's all we've wanted since we freed the slaves
Jeremiah Rogers
Why is everyone so outraged over this? You all realize that if they're all in Costa Rica bitching about us, then that means they're not here and doing things that make us bitch about them, right?
It's not like any decent person, white or otherwise, gives a fuck about Puerto Rico to begin with.
Brayden Powell
If only. Why at 3:40 there's white people in the background? They're still injecting themselves into a beach that is full of white people.
Tyler Rodriguez
i dont expect anything from these baboons anymore
thats not the point, like i said i hope all niggers go to costa rica, nice b8 btw, but its the hypocrisy they spew they are this stupid. theyre renting a white owned resort, theyre giving money to a white landorld, hahaaha niggers
Thomas Perry
We should encourage this.
Samuel Butler
I'm perfectly fine with a black ethnostate in the US, as long as all niggers go there and never come back.
Ryder Barnes
i want them to be shamed and face social ostracism for being openly racist, just like i would be. i want every media company who publishes their racist bullshit to be drummed out of business. but mostly, i just want them to shut the fuck up.
Jace Thomas
someone needs to make a white version of this. I hate being around niggers.
Jack Rodriguez
I no longer give a shit. Let them leave if they want
Oliver Hughes
And now you understand world history. Congrats.
James Walker
like i said the entire world would literally erupt in a shit storm
Landon Wright
>"I feel like white people shouldn't even have passports"
Niggers say the darnedest things.
Hunter Collins
>Bigotry is okay when we do it >Colonization is okay when we do it Nigs are seriously the worst.
David Kelly
Pure hypocrisy.
Nicholas Diaz
They probably realize that any area with only brown/black people is just too dangerous. They picked Costa Rica, one of the least black (at
Jackson Phillips
kek exactly, they wouldnt go to those shitholes. but theyd flip shit when you call them shitholes. imagine i openly said "i cut black people out of my life and its never been more breezy" on a documentary. be a huge chimp out and my city would be looted
Bentley Rogers
On a certain level I can't help but feel bad for them, but god I wish there were none in white countries. I know some who are truly good people, but the outliers don't make up for the norm.
Asher Long
Good let's pay them to live there and take away their citizenship.
Kayden Gutierrez
>Hey guys! >Hunter Cuckace here! >You can't have a black ethnostate or I wont be able to get a black bull to plow my girlfriend!
Jayden Robinson
>buttmad white maggot is bitching about Negro colonization Since when have niggers colonized your shitty cuckhold nations? Never. But they should. Off yourself cumskin
Camden Ramirez
It begins....
Michael Long
It should. Your subhumans. Tyrone fucks your wife and his He is your master, you dirty albino rat. You don't deserve a right to bitch about niggers. Thank your nigger masters they only bitch and not genocide you subhumans off the planet with their nigger rage.
Jordan Moore
Okay one Racism is just a made up word to protect races from criticism. And 2 i'm all for that, of course don't like the thing they bitch about white people but don't really care that much, every race should have groups where only their race is allowed including whites, and these groups should expand into countries.
Charles Cruz
you're** and okay pajeet. feel honored you're even getting a response to your obvious b8, i think youre just salty your life is complete shit
David Sullivan
When is Vice going to be Timothy McVeigh'ed?B
Jack Bennett
Is this a promise?
Thomas Lee
Who would want to go on a retreat with a bunch of nigger bitches anyway?
Joshua Ross
we should be encouraging black nationalism to deport the niggers to wakanda
William Cook
Oh, go shit in your street or something.
Ethan Kelly
>It said while cleaning Tyrone's cum off its toothless wife
Owen Wright
good one, pajeet
Parker Howard
It is so adorable when they assume any white people would want to share space with them in the first place.
Camden Green
Yes. That's the kind of behaviour identity politics encourage. We are headed to "fun" times.
Lincoln Brooks
>What it's like to take a vacation away from white people.
So, they are stealing vacations now?
Matthew Flores
Elijah Powell
if im gonna be blamed for something n omatter what, i might as well play the part
and i'm pretty close to unironically playing the part
Ryder Scott
Can they stay there?
Benjamin Cook
What tha fuck ever...
Bentley Jenkins
We need to encourage this kind of identity politics.
Leo Lewis
Who cares? Or are you saying you want to vacation with niggers?
Josiah Hall
the hypocrisy, user
Hudson Moore
dood it's fake. vice probably created it themselves simply to write a story about it.
Hudson Evans
What hypocrisy? Are you saying when you vacation you invite a bunch of niggers with you?
Jaxon Ross
kek no, burger, the fact that they tout not to judge someone based on the color of their skin, but they judge us negatively because of the color of our skin
Henry Lee
This, also Costa Rica will start genociding them when they reach the millions and start migrating into cities