Greetings Sup Forums

Greetings Sup Forums.

I bring word of a group whom percieve the world as it truly is. You are mindless sheep, driven to hate with such blind rage that you do not see your very belongings being taken out from under you.
I speak of racisim. There is no reason to hate the blacks aside from the illusion that having nothing is better than being a Negro. By blindly attacking those whom your deceived parents instruct you to, you are kissing the feet of the rich, filthy with your suffering at what can be barely called a job.

Nothing is binary. There is an exception to every rule, every statement every fact. Not all blacks are theives, Not all liberals are obese. Learn to hate the billonares that would shit in your mouths and you'd still bow down to them.

I am not telling you to become anything you aren't. I'm telling you to see things as they are.

I don't hate black people, faggot.
I don't hate anyone. I do like posting swastikas on Sup Forums for fun.

>not all liberals are obese

>I'm the only one who doesn't think in absolutes
Wow you so smart.


>no reason to hate the blacks
>see how things really are
choose one


stop acting like you are smart. niggers are trash.

OP is such a faggot that i caught aids from this thread

we are not the same, niggers are animals.

too late.

>I am not telling you to become anything you aren't. I'm telling you to see things as they are.
I always thought that was the whole point of this board but its own popularity has changed it into this nupol monster where the only reason to come here is (and always has been but in a different way) for the lols.

you dumb

>I bring word of a group whom percieve

boring thread

Nothing is binary, correct. Which is why I'm allowed to hate thieves and niggers. There are some good niggers, I don't care. Let them have their own country.

Greetings OP.

I bring word of a group whom percieve the world as it truly is. You are mindless sheep, driven to hate with such blind rage that you do not see your very belongings being taken out from under you.
I speak of classism. There is no reason to hate the rich aside from the illusion that having nothing is better than being rich. By blindly attacking those whom your deceived parents instruct you to, you are kissing the feet of the blacks, filthy with your suffering at what can be barely called a job.

Nothing is binary. There is an exception to every rule, every statement every fact. Not all rich are theives, Not all liberals are obese. Learn to hate the blacks that would shit in your mouths and you'd still bow down to them.

I am not telling you to become anything you aren't. I'm telling you to see things as they are.

whom'st'dve spell it racisism?

>There is no reason to hate the blacks aside from the illusion that having nothing is better than being a Negro.

It's called high crime rates and low general IQ. If those two issues could be fixed among African-descended people then there would be no racists

fuck off kike. Your going down with your nigger slaves.

LightBringer, what is this group?

How do I join? Will you accept me?

>There is no reason to hate the blacks aside from the illusion that having nothing is better than being a Negro.

Really, kid? How about you look at some pictures of 1940's Detroit or St. Louis then go on safari in those places today.

We have lost so much of our civilization. Beautiful homes, cities, parks and libraries built by white Europeans for their descendants.

Fuck off you liberal fuckwit. You're not an elite anything and you've likely never left the comfort of your mom's suburban gated neighborhood except for your dormroom at some equally delusional Marxist (((university))).

Look at the Carnegie Library. Once a temple of learning and architectural beauty for the sons and daughters of Europe, now in ruins because the local black demons have no value for beauty or learning but only death, violence, and other primal animal instinct.

No. I don't hate them because of their shit colored skin or their noxious smell, but because of places like this. Ruins they have created out of once first world cities. Cities which once hosted industry, art, and science which now no sane man would dare walk the streets without armed guards.

Fuck you and your nigger pets. Shitbird fan fiction writer.