If you don't see this movie you are literally unironically a racist.

well tell me something that i dont know

>you are literally unironically a racist.


They're overcharging.

I pirated it, only because I was a bit of a fan of Peele's comedy work, and I've seen some fair transitions from comedy to horror. If it wasn't for the overt "whites are evil" subtext to the movie, it would have been a damned good thriller. Under thriller standards, I wouldn't say it was up to a Hitchcockian standard, but was pretty great compared to modern storytelling.

I've seen it. It was "Stepford Wives" but with Blacks.

Stepford Blacks


>still wont see it
what do OP?

they're so stupid. don't they know WE WUZ BLACK PANTHER is the film they're supposed to be showing for free?

>If you don't see this movie you are literally unironically white

That movie is racist as fuck. Imaging if a white man made a movie about going to a black mans house where his dad isn’t there and his mom is a crack smoking hooker.

>Implying only racists don't want to see awful nig movie.

I saw it because I fell for the positive reviews and found it weird and boring.
I didn't really get it. Why did the grandparents (the lobotomized housemaid and the gardener) behave like slaves?

Get Out is anti race-mix imo

Racists love this movie though. It's a great criticism of white bourgeois leftist behavior.

There is literally nothing good about this movie. If you like this piece of shit hatefilm, fucking kys faggot.

They used to get niggers that could act, and kikes that could pretend to be white. No one bothers, no one cares. Fuck niggers

>1865 + 153
>not being racist

I think they only behaved like that when guest come around?

and why did the grandfather tried to tackle him in the garden at night?

dude, it was absolutely terrible. It fell back on loud noises to make the crowd jump. It was comically bad.

Pirated it, nigger version of the Stepford Wives. That's all.

I haven't seen a single marvel movie why the fuck would I start now

>Time to boycott AMC theaters
Oh wait, I already boycotted all of Hollywood

Yet another Blaxploitation movie. No. thanks.

Whoops completely different movie, my statement still stands and I won't be watching this movie either

>tried to tackle him
He didn't. He used to be a sprinter and wanted to be better than Jesse Owens

sorry i don't watch diversity movies

Fuck Hollywood & Fuck Hollywood supporters/apologists/enablers, etc. Fuck ‘em all.

>Pretense of the movie is based in racial divisiveness and supposed superiority of one race's physical prowess over another
No, honestly, I just find it offensive and uselessly blurring the genetic predisposition for self-determination and encouraging groups of ethnicities to abandon their quest for excellence. For that reason, I have no sense of urgency to participate in its mental masturbation, and will likely never do so.

You guys are retarded, this movie is making fun of shitlib whites that jerk off to BLACKED and cuck shit.

The entire family/friend group is constantly talking about how fashionable it is to be black now, how great they are physically, bigger dicks, all that shit.

Its making fun of white liberals, you smooth brains.

Jesus fucking Christ the ammount of slide and bait threads tonight is surreal.
Fucking sage

this is true, i'm convinced most people ITT haven't actually seen the movie and just think it's another "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" movie

The black servants have had most of their brains replaced by white people's brains who wanted their bodies, that's why they act so strange.

I'm as Sup Forumslack as they come and I unironically think this movie is great. You can tell Key and Peele hate white liberal cucks that patronize and fetishize blacks as much as we do.

I'm sure the "all white people aren't actually all the same" pill is as eye opening for nogs as the "the Jewish conspiracy doesn't make sense because western Jews and Israeli's have polar opposite aims" pill is for channers

I just never found any interest in watching it. I already know blacks hate whites I don't need any reinforcement on that.

Precious is sort of like that

ok cool. what if i dont want to watch it though

Funny thing this movie is actually ripping on liberals who treat blacks like charity cases

Those actually look kind of fun/clever to ride. It's like a longboarding motorcycle

>free screenings.

Ahhhhh a sign of your future americans.

First they made the movies murdering you and your families that you could choose not to watch on tv.

Then they made free screenings of movies about murdering you and your family.

Then they made it mandatory to show up and register with ID that the movie was viewed about murdering your own families for being white.

Then our children hunted us because they were told to by the same them after seeing a movie.

Finally all of our families were dead because of them since there was noone left to struggle for our freedom.

why do dindus worship this movie? what are the supposed subtle messages?

that doesn't explain why he's running towards him out of nowhere in a dark garden and curving him right before he'd tackle him
Did he practice how to stop him in case he'd want to run away?

Settle down, Mohammed. It was a trash movie and only niggers would believe that whites would want to be in a niggers body anyways lol

This shit never happens irl

op trying to guilt Sup Forums about racism
shill thread sage


>going to movie theaters

98% of Hollywood movies put me to sleep; it's all vapid garbage

STFU nog


pic related.

Racist is a nonsense word
Only faggots and niggers say it

Dat be a good movie. White folks scary.

Glad i dumped cable amc was the last station i watched. Into the trash it goes

It's at the rotten tomatoes list of all time top COMEDIES if that's not their division causing tricks I don't know what is...
Also nominated under comedy category

Isn't the movie about rich white liberals wanting to be negroes?

Yep. It pretty much is showing the dark underbelly of liberals while masquerading as a progressive piece of work.

...nor do I listen to rap....