AMA: Former Banker and Private Equity Associate in NYC Making >$350K a Year

I bang out fat models with my bros all week to keep the American economy running, and on the weekend I bang out models and bottles at Lavos.

Hit me with any misconceptions you have about the Investment Banking/American Economy as a whole (Sup Forums seems very confused when it comes to financial literacy, economics, or really anything that requires a college degree for that matter)

You ain't shit until you get a table at Dorcia

yeah, but what's your gearscore noob

I'm jealous. My good friends went into investment banking and is getting $250k a year.

I'm comp sci and making $75k.

Not bad, but I like finance and coulda been making an assload.

how much nigger dick do you take in the ass?

>unironically kys faggot

You don't bang out models on $350k in NYC, you troll on tinder. Fuck off faggot.

>yeah, but what's your gearscore noob

Lvl 115 Combat in Runescape biatch, see me in wildy

Which bank do you work for? Timestamped pic for proof or get the fuck out.

Also, why do investment banking when hedge funds are much better?

Trips of truth



Help a poorfag get some food? I'm sick if cheese sandwiches..


Does your business card have a watermark?

>You don't bang out models on $350k in NYC, you troll on tinder. Fuck off faggot.

>Poor dude making 50K a year acting like he'd know. Lmao, sucks for you brudda, shoulda worked harder in undergrad.

Get a job at a hedge fund writing trading algos in C++.

>I'm jealous. My good friends went into investment banking and is getting $250k a year.
>I'm comp sci and making $75k.
>Not bad, but I like finance and coulda been making an assload.

MBA reset button always an option doe

What's a good way to move from transactional law into finance if you ever wanted to do something like that

You misspelt Grindr

>Also, why do investment banking when hedge funds are much better?

I worked for Goldman, but I do Private Equity now.

You have to work at an Investment Bank for a year at least and then the top performers at top groups at top banks get poached to go work at top Hedge or Private Equity Funds. The culture at Hedge Funds kind of sucks though, which is why I went to Private Equity instead. Hedge Fundies are all super quantitative fags with no social ability. Private Equity dudes actually have to sit on the board of their portfolio companies and communicate with C-Level executives so it requires more social skills.

>What's a good way to move from transactional law into finance if you ever wanted to do something like that

Top 12 MBA

Many many CS dudes that get MBA’s end up as Product Managers at tech companies. The investment banking track is reserved for a select few, mostly people who were already working in the sector before their graduate degree.

I'm working on a quant cryptocoin trading framework in my spare time.

Nah m8. I wasn't good at school and was in it for way too long. I like my work well enough. I'm 28 now and have chosen my direction. I will have to stride a bit harder to catch up financially to people like you but I will do it.

Nobody cares faggot. All you have done with your life is make Mr Goldberg richer.

How should I dodge the taxes involved in moving about a million in bitcoin into fiat?

What's ur opinion on Martin shkreli and the financial advice he gives out on YT?

Daily reminder that PE is a glorified Ponzi scheme and if SHTF investors will not see a cent of their investments, and unlike Madoff they have zero fucking legal protection.

If you're looking to make money, just stick your $$$ into index funds and don't get jewed by fucks like this. I went to school with their type, bunch of slimy fucks

Go back where you came from and stop ruining my city

>You misspelt Grindr

You some type of homo?

Why am I so depressed that I don't want to interact with people. I have no student loan debt and switched from business to plant science because I couldn't blend with yuppie culture and I just want a simple life as a farmer.

>Nah m8. I wasn't good at school and was in it for way too long. I like my work well enough. I'm 28 now and have chosen my direction. I will have to stride a bit harder to catch up financially to people like you but I will do it.

Yeah I mean, comparing yourself to Investment Bankers and Private Equity Associates is a good way to be discontent. In the grand scheme of life you're still doing better than the vast majority of people.

>The most famous, rich, high profile female movie stars in the world got their jobs by sucking old jewish dick
>definitely not models though

Borrowing used women is cheap and easy. Owning a young, fertile virgin is not. In NYC, damn near impossible.

>Many many CS dudes that get MBA’s end up as Product Managers at tech companies. The investment banking track is reserved for a select few, mostly people who were already working in the sector before their graduate degree.

Could always make 150K as an IT guy at a major bank or get a job as a developer at a quant trading firm.

>Top 12 MBA
That's a softball answer nigga I don't need advice to know I could give up a good salary for more schoolcucking

Gimme some out of the box ideas here

I'm jealous. We're gonna round all of your kind up on the day of the rope, though. You're a kike puppet and no matter what you do, you only damage the white world. I'm sure that doesn't bother a greedy little kike like you though.

What do you think about the following financial advisors:

1. Peter Schiff
2. Harry Dent
3. Jerry Tuma

Do you think gold/silver is a waste of money?

If you make under $500k you're far from impressive in Manhattan.

is 350k a lot? I'm gonna be making ~600k once I'm out of residency. also majored in economics in undergrad.

anyway, what is the culture like in investment banking and priv equity? is everyone a douchebag who believes they're not completely expendable?

hey if you dump me 15k into a paypal I can make the wall appear within 2018

Do you think BAs are a good career to get into? Serious answer plz not the fake smug shit.

Is it possible to get into private equity from the industry side? As in, rather than coming from the financial world, coming in from the fund's chosen industry?

Commie pinko faggot get off of my fucking board

>Nobody cares faggot. All you have done with your life is make Mr Goldberg richer.

Actually I fucking own a substantial stake in the most popular applications and tech softwares that you use on a daily basis, and I've helped finance the companies that make your cars, phones and clothes. All of this while making myself a rich man and banging out broads that you wish you could.

My life is pure fucking greatness and you are a shmuck.

>How should I dodge the taxes involved in moving about a million in bitcoin into fiat?

However you do it, keep a million on the sidelines for a good lawyer when you get caught.

fuck off you leech

How does it feel knowing that even though you think you're so smart, you're still stuck living in NYC? We're laughing at you.

nevermind I think you answered my question lol

Also, most people I know in finance are deeply self-absorbed, snobby douchebags who excel at sounding like they know what they're talking about without saying anything of substance. Do I need to learn to act the part before sending resumes?

>What's ur opinion on Martin shkreli and the financial advice he gives out on YT?

The entire reason he's in the predicament that he's in now is because he sucked as a fund manager. He's smart and knows his shit when it comes to analyzing companies but he's so cocky he thinks he knows everything and when you look at the performance of his hedge funds he ran all of them into the ground because he kept on doubling down and making stupid, risky bets.

How well did you do in college? How much time do you spend working? You must have an innate biological drive to work hard, dont you? Does money motivate you? Is sex one of your other primary motivators?

What happens to you if society collapses

How many rank 1's do you have? Let me guess zero. Lawl. I bang out rank 1 model girls

wow its this thread again

>Daily reminder that PE is a glorified Ponzi scheme and if SHTF investors will not see a cent of their investments, and unlike Madoff they have zero fucking legal protection.
>If you're looking to make money, just stick your $$$ into index funds and don't get jewed by fucks like this. I went to school with their type, bunch of slimy fucks

You're an idiot, Private Equity have been the highest-returning asset class year in year out for a very long time. There's nothing slimy about buying a stake in a company, increasing int's value and then selling it for a profit.

Stop demonizing shit just because you're too dumb to understand it and don't want to admit your own ignorance to yourself.

I’m studying economics at Baruch and graduate next semester. Gib job pls

fixed that for you famalam
lots of fat models at Lavo
you finance bros are alright
t. new yorker

I have an undergraduate finance degree from a state university, 5 years work experience at a nonprofit doing contract/revenue management and analysis, plus some accounting work.

I'm not sure where to go from here since most of my work is boring fund accounting, to use a private sector term. I want to get an MBA program I think I could do a top 20 since my GMAT score is 720, my undergrad GPA was just ok though.

I am thinking private equity, consulting, or healthcare. Can you tell me if it's true that private equity guys have to work crazy hours, like 60+ per week?


Why live in NYC? At the end of the day I have more money than you and I make less than half as much. Because I don’t waste it all on NYC living expenses.

>I bang out fat models
stopped reading right there, this is now a THICC thread

>That's a softball answer nigga I don't need advice to know I could give up a good salary for more schoolcucking
>Gimme some out of the box ideas here

There's no such thing as a free lunch. That's what separates bankers from dudes who scrape by making 50K a year. We see what has to be done and do it. Even if it requires 100 hour work weeks, sleepless nights and rigid courseloads.

My paladin is 410 and tanking heroic Dragon Soul like np you fucking scrub duel me outside SW I'll beat the shit out of you in my fucking PvE gear trash

>I've helped finance the companies that make your cars, phones and clothes.

Which are also owned by Mr Shekelstein, Mr Shutitdownberg, and Mr LevyStein.

Haha you are a good pet of the Jew. Pathetic

Answer the questions

I hate people like you. I have dreams that I smash you head with a hammer. You guys do not contribute at all. That money is blood money. Those women are broken and depressing to be around. Banks are evil.

no one cares, you degenerate
you will be gnawed to death by rats in a rotting NYC subway tunnel trying to escape the city in 2023
likely foaming at the mouth begging passing CHUDs to "AMA"

350k a year in NYC? That's it? Congrats on bragging how broke you are.

>You're a kike puppet and no matter what you do, you only damage the white world.

The difference between the white world and fucking Ghana is economic development. This economic development was made possible through our financial markets and private investment. Without the ability to finance operations, Fortune 500 companies couldn't operate in America. Without private investment, entrepreneurs would never have the capital to turn their ideas into viable businesses.

Admit you aren't smart enough to understand it instead of convincing yourself that it's bad

Answer the questions

Do you go to temple or are you non practicing?

>crazy hours
>like 60+ per week

I need some funds to go to cpac for more fundraising and deal making

You wanna help me out? I can give you more details. Giving you an offer to jump on board before the new digital gop game starts

>What do you think about the following financial advisors:
>1. Peter Schiff
>2. Harry Dent
>3. Jerry Tuma
>Do you think gold/silver is a waste of money?

I don't pay attention to individual investors/advisors. Everyone's got an opinion but what happens in the macro-economy is anyone's best guess really.

As for gold and silver, I don't believe in singling out individual assets and expecting to get rich off of them. This is the complete wrong way to invest. In a diversified portfolio, a small allocation (less than 20%) to commodities isn't a bad idea. Especially if your other assets are highly susceptible to inflation or stock market fluctuations and you're looking to hedge.

>The difference between the white world and fucking Ghana is economic development

No it is race. Stop defending the kike economic system. There are better alternatives.

I want to work in finance but i hate the idea to live in NYC. I’m country it gets. What’s advice to work in finance in California? I rather to live in rural area.

I am glad you are helping develop the western world by keeping the cogs of the economy going.

>The difference between the white world and fucking Ghana is economic development.
The main difference is the technology that white people invented, and the general high IQ of the population.

You're explaining basic political and economic theory to a troll and/or retard. There are better ways to spend your meager time.

>If you make under $500k you're far from impressive in Manhattan.

If you're only 25 making just under it, you're extremely impressive. It's not really all about the money either, everyone knows people working in banking or PE will get their eventually. It's more about earning your way into the exclusive good old boys club that high-finance entails. Women want to be seen with you and men envy you.


>Do you think BAs are a good career to get into? Serious answer plz not the fake smug shit.

As in Business Analysts? Like for McKinsey?

>Is it possible to get into private equity from the industry side? As in, rather than coming from the financial world, coming in from the fund's chosen industry?

Yeah but it's much harder and you'd have an easier time getting a corporate development role for a PE firm that builds up their portfolio companies, as opposed to an analyst doing detailed financial models.

>look at me I'm a hot shot banker boy

kys fag, I'd fuck you up

>How does it feel knowing that even though you think you're so smart, you're still stuck living in NYC? We're laughing at you.

NYC is the center of the universe. Money makes the world go round, and NY makes the money go round.

Must be a bitch living out in bumfuck Alabama, wondering what the world is doing all night.

>thats what separates us BANKERS from the common person
self-awareness = non-existent
lmao kys

>How well did you do in college? How much time do you spend working? You must have an innate biological drive to work hard, dont you? Does money motivate you? Is sex one of your other primary motivators?

3.7 GPA at a top 20 college, about 60 hours a week now but I really enjoy what I do so I don't mind - before I broke into PE it was closer to 80 a week. Yeah, some people are never content unless they're climbing higher. Money doesn't motivate me in the sense of what I can use it for to indulge in - but it is a great affirmation that I'm providing value to the world and working hard.

Sex is probably THE primary motivator for all human behavior.

How do you find time to work out when you are working such a busy schedule.

OP are you a shitskin or a Jew? Both? Would explain alot...

100 hour workweeks are no problem bro, but the real winners find a niche and differentiate themselves while they bust their ass

Hell is littered with people like you.

Why are you sucking up to a mongolian basket weaving forum?

>What happens to you if society collapses

I find a bigger rock than you, club you with it and fuck your wife.

i already work in finance with certifications. How far can i get without a degree?

Yes business analysts. I am a developer making a lateral movement to BA in the hopes that this gives me the business pull to be a project manager is this plan retarded?

Go back to plebbit with your nigger tier AMA shit.

>How many rank 1's do you have? Let me guess zero. Lawl. I bang out rank 1 model girls


>but it is a great affirmation that I'm providing value to the world and working hard.

>I’m studying economics at Baruch and graduate next semester. Gib job pls

Out a picture of your dick, timestamped with a sharpie and I'll send 10K to your bitcoin wallet to subsidize you until you find a job.

>I have an undergraduate finance degree from a state university, 5 years work experience at a nonprofit doing contract/revenue management and analysis, plus some accounting work.
>I'm not sure where to go from here since most of my work is boring fund accounting, to use a private sector term. I want to get an MBA program I think I could do a top 20 since my GMAT score is 720, my undergrad GPA was just ok though.
>I am thinking private equity, consulting, or healthcare. Can you tell me if it's true that private equity guys have to work crazy hours, like 60+ per week?

Consulting and PE both have 60 hour weeks. The thing is, New York is a city of hustlers and hard workers. For really driven and hard-working people, working from 7am-7pm is fucking nothing. What are you gonna do with those hours of your day anyway? Eat fucking doritoes on the couch? Might as well be in the trenches running the fucking economy.

>Why live in NYC? At the end of the day I have more money than you and I make less than half as much. Because I don’t waste it all on NYC living expenses.

Because New York is the center of the fucking universe and the energy, opportunity and livelihood is uncomparable. When I travel through rural southern/midwestern states I get really anxious and feel like the people I see living in the boonies are more dead than they are alive because of how unstimulated and irrelevant to the world they are.

>Which are also owned by Mr Shekelstein, Mr Shutitdownberg, and Mr LevyStein.
>Haha you are a good pet of the Jew. Pathetic

No, you fucking idiot, they're owned by my. Because my fucking firm owns the majority steak in them. Read a book retard.

I'll do it

>I hate people like you. I have dreams that I smash you head with a hammer. You guys do not contribute at all. That money is blood money. Those women are broken and depressing to be around. Banks are evil.

>Doesn't understand finance or economics
>Demonizes it

What a unique way to be ignorant