So did she end up actually quitting drugs and having the baby? Or is this scene some kimd of weird alternate future?

So did she end up actually quitting drugs and having the baby? Or is this scene some kimd of weird alternate future?

Other urls found in this thread:

She dead user, the funny man said so.

>the funny man

They once called him Lawrence, that is, before he ascended to a higher plain of existence.


Word of God says it's just a hallucination from the drugs.

Lets face it, it was better for her and the child that she died. She was a druggie and child wouldnt have had changed that. She would still whore out for the next high while the daughter would be neglected in some seedy den.

In the end her daughter would be whored out and abused by her mother for money. She was the scum of the earth and it was objectively good that she was removed

It's what could have been if she quit drugs at the very end instead of going into the bathroom and overdosing.

Why does the art look like a cheap doujinshi?

because it's one

She found her ending. A dying wish.

>There are faggots who actually got shocked and triggered by this
literally pussy ass entry shit

>read some light guro, ryona, scat, etc on sadpanda
>read the comments because I'm a masochist
>people whining about imaginary characters getting hurt
>some guy crying about womens' rights
>another fag saying he can't fap to this
>and some cocksucker cries that the guy didn't get what he deserved
Why are people such pussies?

It's the brotherhood of man, user. we're educated into believing that their's intrinsic value in human life

I expect people who put in the (admittedly minimal) effort to use sadpanda and other similar places to not be cockmonglers. I feel like being an abnormal fag is becoming rarer and rarer than it was. Or at least no comment and so you can whine about 2D drawings of people getting hurt.

I actually take the extra effort to mock and humiliate these faggots. Even if I don't like posting on the panda.
>muh womayne rytes


boku no pico academia

Her final Trip

You don't want the source.

You're alright, user.

Why'd he cut it off tho

She's a sadistic whore in love with the MC-kun on the left, so she sexually tortures and rapes the girl with the (forced and drugged) help of MC-kun, then stuffs her in a bag and leaves her to be raped by delinquents.

>[Oyster] Igan da Shin (Twisted Lips) [English] =Torwyn=

Doesn't the teacher get kidnapped and raped in another work later on?

It was heaven. She got to live with her little baby in the afterlife and nothing bad ever happened again. Heaven exists in 2D, it has to.

Satan, stop this

i think so

it's depressing because even though it's a fictional story you know that it happens in real life all the time.

Hey man, I'd rather be alive then dead. It sucks, sure, but you're breathing.

It's not realistic at all dummy.
The characters act completely retarded and unnatural just to fuck over our MC. Are you actually telling me that the dad fucking his daughter then the mother kicking her out immediately without hearing anything from her is realistic?
Are you telling me a bunch of dumb teens kicking a drug addicted pregnant woman and gaining ecstasy from her death is realistic?
Real life isn't a grimdark shithole like how it's portrayed in a hentai manga.

Why isn't this on the panda?

Somebody hasn't read girl in concrete yet.

>without hearing anything from her is realistic?

Bitch please, there are cases where the mother plains ignore when her kid is being raped by the step dad, there are also cases about violence, just because the mother doesn't want the man to leave or any other bullshit reason.

>Are you telling me a bunch of dumb teens kicking a drug addicted pregnant woman and gaining ecstasy from her death is realistic?

Are you perhaps forgetting that there are also cases of retards killing homeless guy for fun? Its not a pregnant women I concede, but you are very much wrong if you think shit like that doesn't happen.

>Real life isn't a grimdark shithole like how it's portrayed in a hentai manga.

Next time, if you are curious, go to /gif/ search for a rekt/gore thread, and watch how ISIS excutes people, cartel videos of people being torture, or people just being absolute scum. Then remember what you wrote, and you'll realize how wrong you were.

No user, you're the one living in an unrealistic bubble where all people love and care for each other.


God doesn't know jack shit, he's old and retarded.

And you're living in an unrealistic bubble where your ecosystem isn't steadily murdering you dead.

Because they actually left the caves Bearskin-kun.

Nice try Satan

Fakku shill thread, report and move on

The author confirmed her death himself.

Are you guys out of touch with reality this much?
The shit you're posting about happens in war zones, crime infested shitholes etc.
What you're posting about rarely happens in a normal functioning society.

Nice numbers

Is it me or this cat is alittle sexy?
It has to be those eyebrows!

user you clearly are stupidly Fucking lucky and have never had a single major thing gone wrong in your life.

She's clearly tripping balls.
First of all, we see her dead on the last page.
Secondly, she not only kept using drugs after figuring out she was pregnant but she also got the shit kicked out of her before ODing on her final bit of supply. Even assuming she survived that, and even assuming the even greater impossibility that her unborn child survived that, do you think her unborn child would come out of that unharmed? If fucking Foetal Alcohol Syndrome can ruin a child, can you even begin to imagine how her child would look and act if it was even born in the first place? It'd be utterly retarded and incapable of moving, assuming it doesn't die hours or days after its birth.

>It's the brotherhood of man
Ironic you should say that, considering nobody would whine if the roles were reversed and a man gets cut up by a woman.

It's true, everybody gets beheaded by ISIS a couple of times, it's just part of growing up


>be pregnant
>shoot heroin
>get kicked and punched in the abdomen
>get fucked by some disease infested hobo
>expect the baby to be healthy and fine
Are you people fucking retarded

>I still remember the bitter smile my editor gave me
He can't keep getting away with it.

Get a load of this weirdo

Are you living on the planet earth or is the internet intergalactic now?
This shit is happening all the time everywhere
These are literally just first results from google and they are from this year, I didn't even have to try a little bit.

>This shit is happening all the time everywhere
Stop being an edgy faggot. Only in actual shitholes is this stuff considered common. This rarely happens in developed areas.

My point exactly.

>everywhere I don't live is a just a shithole
You're in denial pal, if you live somewhere were nothing like this is ever happening you're in the minority by FAR.
Just what do you consider a developed area? I could probably even find some shit from those places easily.

dumb paranoid poster

What? Are you proud of reading this? Not thaat I judge, it's your shit after all, but I wouldn't go feeling proud about reading gore shit.

>Won't name a place so can't be completely proven wrong
Ah, I love it

On an unrelated note Hana is qt


It's a fucking drawing. If you're crying about someone who doesn't even exist yet don't bother with real life people who have real life problems then you have no right to complain.

I now notice this. Is that really the same person as
Hana looks like Saki's daughter but I don't think that's Saki at the end.

>Most humans aren't mindless monsters
>human history

What is empathy ??

Did you even bother to read the rest of my post? Or are you too retarded and too focused on trying to "Gotcha!" Me?


it was a good fap

But the baby was awwwwright

user you aren't really as cynical as this are you?
if you are I suggest you go outside, people are mostly nice.

This has to be bait

>go outside
Sunlight has been proven to lessen an user's powerlevel.