Who the fuck has physical porn these days? This shit should be hidden under like 15 different folders labeled something inconspicuous
Who the fuck has physical porn these days...
How many fucking threads of this shit do we need? Read the fucking archives.
Nips still do. Especially the teens
Nips don't have PCs and looking at porn on a tiny flip phone isn't a very good experience.
Where the hell do you think all the shit on the panda comes from?
>nips don't have PCs
Source? I get not having a desktop PC, because limited space, but not even a fucking laptop? Do they just write down all their college notes by hand? Where do they browse 2chan?
on their phones
The japanese had internet on their phones waaaay before smartphones were a thing. They were browsing the net on their flip phones in the 2000s.
I print lewd fanarts of anime character and put them in a binder so yeah people still do that.
who actually downloads porn to their computer these days? It's all like 3 clicks away on several websites
Who downloads anime?
What the fuck?
Why didn't we get that shit? Smartphones are lame; I miss being able to flick my phone open, it looked cool. Do they just hate us gaijins that much?
>hidden under like 15 different folders labeled something inconspicuous
Or you could not let other people snoop around your PC.
Nigger, even non-Japanese people are moving away from computers. Some guys have tablets at least, but to a majority the phone is all they need.
Even Sup Forumsnons are following this trend. The influx of images from facebook and imgur (and other places) stems from this development. Soon, people will give us funny looks again for owning actual computers.
I like my smart phone but I miss my old flip
An average Japanese family doesn't have a computer, unlike in the west.
>not having a loli.tc fault hidden in your notporn/ folder
>like 15 different folders labeled something inconspicuous
>literally "\things\don't click\cp\cp"
>a good plan
is right.
Sounds good to me. Just design sites to not work on phones and you can keep normies out
Fuck off back to wherever you came from, newfag.
But then where do they play Starcraft and LoL? Or all those dating sims and VNs?
>But then where do they play Starcraft and LoL?
Those are Koreans.
>Or all those dating sims and VNs?
Very niche minority.
Nips even have events where they need to visit specific locations at specific times to unlock dating sim events. Using mobile devices for this sort of shit has long been ingrained into the culture.
That sounds awful and great at the same time. What are some examples of such games?
I don't play such games. I only learn about them indirectly via anime, such as The World God Only Knows.
Love Plus.
>no one understand the spirit of a collector
Do you also think the Atari Jaguar had such games?
People who don't want to navigate through ads/adblockers/proxies to get the stuff they want to see again.
>I miss being able to flick my phone open, it looked cool.
I don't. My first cellphone was a clamshell back in 99. Hinge broke after a couple years. Nokia was my personal favorite. N-gage lasted me 7 years till the speaker blew out, then another two with the earphones to take calls, before I forgot to charge the battery after switching to a new phone.
>\history\german history\second Reich\the Kaiser\the Wilhelms\Wilhelm ll\his left arm\loli
My sister likes to snoop around when she is over.
Strategically place some incest hentai. Preferably some that involves snooping around computers.
I KNEW it was somewhere in German history. I shouldn't have gotten so distracted by the Hanse.
>\Wilhelm ll\his left arm\
Quite frankly if you are not going to bother changing the file- and folder names to something conspicuous that wouldn't come up either in a random or in a targeted search, there's no point in hiding it in a folder maze at all.
Just encrypt a disk and set a password requirement.
You know that someone's buying the doujins you get off sadpanda right?
This. Windows since XP, at least, can search by filename or folder name. So invert the folder name, and just post some incomprehensible to outsiders string as filename.
True, calling it loli probably isn't the best idea. I better rename it to "treatment as a child", but she never searchs anyway. She just randomly looks through folder when she is bored, and she always disables the hidden folder function for some reason
>15 different folders labeled something inconspicuous
What is this, 1998? Just use veracrypt and name the container systemrestore.bak in your windows directory like a sane person.
>\things\don't click\cp\cp
Immediately thought of this kek. Gotta love tech illiterate retards
You don't buy doujins? You don't like supporting an artist's handmade work?
Teach her how to do it properly on your dad's computer.
>15 different folders
oh no
it would be a shame if someone were to perform a recursive directory search for .pngs, .jpgs, .mp4s, and .mkvs
>7 years with an n-gage
oh my sides
In fact, secretly plant some interesting stuff on your dad's computer before showing her how to find it.
>windows key -> find -> oniichan
>1000+ hits
Any girl with over 1000 oniichan's is automatically a slut.
Wouldn't that make her mom(mies) a slut(s)
Why though? that's so fucking weird.
What kind of girl are you envisioning that could remain chaste while surrounded by so many onii-chans?
Paid nothing for it. Won it playing mini-games in an online contest when the system was launched.
Intentionally plant a hidden folder with a really clickbait name(/porn/incest/*nickname you use for sis since childhood*), then a few mp4s that are actually all the same video, but padded to different sizes. And the videos is you staring right into a camera and telling her "*name*, there's something I've been dying to tell you since puberty. EITHER STOP LOOKING FOR PORN ON MY SYSTEM, OR FUCK ME ALREADY Be sure to set up a hidden cam to catch her reaction.
The average nip is actually behind the average westerner in terms of technology. Did you know fax is still a relatively common form of communication for them?
A girl that likes them young.
Its almost all the eggs level of autism. I like it.
Sharia law is coming to Europe and Anglo's will shortly thereafter follow. You won't be able to access porn or anime for that matter.
Best case scenario, user becomes a new hero of Sup Forums. Worst case, she confronts him about it, and he just tells her it was a joke to get her to quit snooping.
I live with other people so downloading porn and stuff conspicuously is pretty hard. Buying it would be hell.
I don't think I've seen a hentai or doujin good enough to warrant a physical purchase though.
And you let her do this because?
I miss the guy who fuggd his loli sister, he was a true legend
>that's so fucking weird.
We are talking about the Japs
why buying a western porn mag? are jap porn mags still pixelated?
>t. millennial who never work on established office workplace.
>his computer isn't password locked with something no one would ever guess
Lol wut
>he thinks he can hide his porn conspicuously
>all you have to do is right click the folder icon and see his recent folders
I know you masturbate to mom incest son
>not clearing "last accessed" list or flooding it with work-related files
I keep all of my high res porn mixed in with my laptop's /w/ folder, which I set to be my desktop background on shuffle.
Do it.
who the fuck saves porn these days?
>He allows his porn to show up in a search
You are just one innocent keyword away from fucking yourself
Someone who isn't a slut that needs a new face every time they fap.