>Jojo goes to shit after Hamon dies
>somehow keeps going for 20+ years
>after all this time, we STILL haven't gotten an MC as smart, funny, handsome, and lucky as Joseph Joestar
Who can even compare?
>Jojo goes to shit after Hamon dies
>somehow keeps going for 20+ years
>after all this time, we STILL haven't gotten an MC as smart, funny, handsome, and lucky as Joseph Joestar
Who can even compare?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself
t. Hamonbabby
Enjoy your generic shonen ki.
>ha ha I tricked you
>it was but a ruse the whole time
>I pull an asspull and tell everyone I knew it was supposed to happen, despite no indication of me doing it
>I literally defeat everyone like this
>I predict what everyone says so much that you could predict that I'm going to predict something
I don't care if it's b8. Joseph fags are the fucking worst.
Hi animeonly
I'm sorry you're not intelligent enough to keep up with best Jojo. You're right, Autism Kujo is a much better protagonist. Remember that time when he punched a guy a bunch of times? Or that time he said a one liner, then punched a guy a bunch of times? Man, Part 3 had such INTERESTING battles, didn't it?
>part 2 babbys
worst part of the fucking fandom
[/spoiler]Jotaro dies in Part 6 and the world is reset.[/spoiler]
Explain this, then
desu, I only hate Part 3 because it totally ruined Joseph's character. In 50 years, he went from a badass trickster, to a meme factory with the worst Stand in the group
Where was this strawpoll taken?
Altough my favorite Joestar is Joseph, how can you not like gappy? He's handsome Sup Forumsnon and had some pretty cool fights until now.
Or was this a bait, and I felt for it?
Probably Twitter.
>Part 3
Now this is retardation. Worst part aside from one, right there.
Parts 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 blow it out of the water
>normalfag votes
>being worth anything
choose one and only fucking one
Didn't read Part 8, I'm waiting until it's all done to binge it in one go. When Gappy pulls a Tommy gun out of his ass and starts deflecting laser eyebeams with shot glasses, let me know.
dumb contrarian pleb poster
Oh come on, if you're judging by stands, then 3 is even worse than any of the parts. 4 is great, and 5 is amazingly fabulous.
The concept of stands is better than hamon.
But with the introduction of stands JoJo started focusing on a lot of whacky abilities instead of the characters.
For a long running manga this is great, since the reader gets interesting stuff with each new opponent but it suffers as a story overall.
>t. fag who read part 1-4 and is currently watching part 4 anime
Steel Balls > Hamon > Stands
*blocks your path*
Yeah, Stands are a good addition, but part 2 is better than part 3 with characters alone.
Part 3's stands all suck, all of them.
I agree, they were too basic in their range of abilities, especially the main characters.
I liked it better when stands devolved into "set up a weird or unlikely situation where I can exploit the otherwise useless ability of my not-punchghost"
The Tarot card stands were pretty lame overall, with a few exceptions (Hanged Man, Justice, Death 13). It really picked up when it got to the Egyptian God stands, though. Stuff like Bastet, Osiris, and Sethan were crazy in how their battles went. Cream was great, too.
>Hokuto shinken rip-off
>thinking Part 2 is anything like Part 1
Part 2 should have been longer, but Hamon couldn't bear another part based on it.
I'm still convinced a longer part 2 would have been cool, but I think it was so based because of the characters, setting, and atmosphere more than because of Hamon.
>Jojo goes to shit after Hamon dies
>picks back up in Part 4 when not every stand battle is ORAORAORAORAORA to win
>Keeps going for 20+ years
>We're finally blessed once again with an MC as smart, funny, handsome, and lucky as Joseph Joestar in Part 6 when we get Gyro Zeppeli__
>Part 6
Not even the same universe, bro
he probably removed part 5 from his memory
Typos are a bitch, what can I say?
>killed off the vampires
>the vampire weapon is obsolete
>oh no
You forgot 6.
>6 not better than 5 and 3
6 is better than everything before it.
Enjoy your Pokémon
>the world is reset.
Read the manga faggot
>worst Stand
It did it's job, unlike the battle stands of the group minus Star Platinum.
Vento aureo=Steel ball run>diamond is unbreakable>battle tendency>stone ocean>stardust crusaders>phantom blood
The only thing I enjoyed from joseph joestar was "Next you're going to say_____" ruse cruises. The rest of battle tendencies was okay though.
The best part is 4, and it's mediocre
Really makes you think
>Plotholes are Unbreakable
>best part
6 is worse than 4 but better than the other ones
part 7 is best part and only fags disagree
>part 5
6 has a better Jojo, villain, and story than 4
Wrong on all counts.
I dunno, 6 has a more planned-out story but it was kind of weird, and the pacing was very flawed at times. It had a far better ending though.
>Liking part 5
>Jojo, villain
Agreed on this as well. Part 4 was just random shit until Kira appeared, part 6 is more complicated and had a point from the get-go.
Gyro is so based
>Part 6
>Better JoJo
>Better villain
>Better ending fight
>Better overarching story
>Part 4
>Better supporting-characters
>Better minor villains
>Better stands
>Better setting
Yeah but none of that matters when Part 7 exists
Partfags from most to least insufferable
hamon is the most generic shit ever
part 6 had the worst stands by far desu
this except 6-3
It's pretty unique and interesting for a literal bog-standard eastern mysticism technique, with actual eastern mysticism influences (the breathing stuff) instead of just being dragon ball ki again for the millionth time
Yeah, who could possibly want to see stuff like gravity-manipulation, string transformation, phasing, summoning stuff from the past and sentient, body-hijacking plankton when we could be seeing things like:
A big boat
A beetle that flies fast
A sun
A tumor
>A buff man that just punches and occasionally bullshits up an ability until the last moment
>Just a knight with a sword
>A long-range stand with an incredibly powerful ranged attack it barely uses
>Piece of shit vines that will (rarely) let its user have psychic powers
Stands were largely trash in 3 before Egypt
You mean just Joseph?
6 definitely has the best stands and best usages of them
Hamon was the best Shounenshit power for that time period
6 probably has the best use of stands in that it doesn't rely on new abilities as much as 7, but I think in terms of stand-design itself 5 is better.
>eating ham and kiwi sandwiches in the baseball stands
I only now notice the designer hand on that hat, wow.
I can agree with that.
Dude Part 3 had a lot of extremely bad Stands.
Part 6 is in an easy second place though.
Part 3 is honestly shit. While part 1 overall was worse, the first half of part one (the mansion arc) pretty good. I'd much rather watch part 1 again than part 3 because at least part 1 contained its shitness in 5 episodes instead of 50.
Lol you can't even give an opinion yet
It is Hokuto Shinken but worse in almost every way, how was it the best power at that time?
I liked part one desu. Most underrated one as well.
Part 4 was written off the top of hiraki's head.
Hamon was just as bullshit a power as stands are and you know it. also, for the record, old joseph is better than young joseph.
But part 1 was like 9 episodes long
>Jojo goes to shit after Hamon dies
when did hamon die?
Part 4 is about Jotaro gong to Japan to find the Stand arrow which plays a consistent part through the entirety of DiU until the very last fight. Kira was hinted at pretty damn early and just happened to be the sleeping dragon in the town before he gets exposed.
It's pretty much the same consistency as Jolyne doing random prison activities as Pucci tries to kill her by giving out stands.
Pretty much every part with stands is 50% random shit with character exposure. Even SBR is like that despite being a fairly focused story.
Hamon isn't in the new universe because Vampires/Pillar Men didn't do the Kars thing
>tfw I like Part 1 the best
You people exist?
Also, I think we can all agree here that Part 7 is the best. After that comes 5.
It could've ended after Part 1 and it would've been okay. It descended into a shitty meme fest from two onwards
No thanks. Part 1 is dull as fuck.
>but part 2 is better than part 3 with characters alone.
Wasn't the group of the part the best thing about 3, I really enjoyed their interactions
this is why i don't visit jojo threads anymore
İt's just filled to the brim with joseph fanboys
Joseph is overrated
If you're talking about Ireneverse, then you're simply wrong because everything before Stone Ocean still happened because only Pucci was erased.
If you're talking about the SBR verse then yeah no shit Hamon doesn't exist because the Pillar Men don't exist in that universe.
JoJo in general is overrated
I feel like my power level isn't high enough to understand you
Saying overrated is overrated.
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: You can't
Never watched JoJo
Where do I start
The manga
The beginning
Don't skip parts.