Did anyone else stop watching before the last episode?
I don't want it to end.
Dragon maid
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Garbage ironic weeb anime. I will rape and lewd your stupid loli slut dragon and there is nothing you and your facebook friends can do about it.
I'm halfway through the series, and living in a constant cloud of despair knowing that I will shortly run out of episodes to watch and my life will essentially be over.
It'll be like the time I finally got the the end of NGE/EoE. It felt like the love of my life had just divorced me.
If you don't include the last episode in your watchable episodes, then it already ended.
Your attempts are as futile as they are stupid.
I wish I had stopped after it stopped being interesting and somewhat unique and started being a generic SoL. Jesus Christ that shit got awful
but at least this way he can avoid the forced rushed drama of the last episode, which ultimately serves no purpose because you already know what's going to happen
This series was great, I should rewatch it soon
Fucking faggot.
Thanks to you and your shitposting, the last FOUR maidragon threads were DELETED, because you're so fucking afraid of "ironic weebs".
>Kobayashi no Normalfag Dragon
>anime secondaries
god i want kanna to suck my dick
am I the only one who liked the dub
This anime was a mistake
i thought the dub sounded too sexual compared to the original
I didn't like it. All the girls do their generic "snarky girl" voice that you hear in a lot of dubs. Maid Dragon was shit anyway.
They are being deleted because It's off-topic twitch shitposting garbage. The manga thread has been up for hours.
but english tohru was so damn good, hell pretty much everyone sounded great
if anything sounded generic it was the sub, everyone sounded like the typical animu grill kawaii desu nonsense
Stop being retarded.
insulting me doesn't change what I said, broski
The last episode sucks major ass.
For some reason this anime failed to grab me. I just found it hard to care for any of the characters, whose personalities and actions seemed painfully juvenile. Some of the art was cute, but it could not keep my interest past 3-4 episodes.
It is not that I don't like comedy animu, just this one did not resonate with me at all.
Yes you're the only complete retard here.
Why do these facebook retards spam threads here? Use the catalog newfucks
This is why no one like you Dragon Maid fags.
Does anyone else remember that time when Sup Forums was perfectly happy with KSCNMD, and there were regular, civilised threads discussing the manga, the anime, the characters, the tits, and the jokes?
Does anyone else think that that happy time was about three days ago?
You mean, a bunch of facebook fucktards here three days ago? The jokes are awfully repetitive so there's nothing else other than typical meme bullshit.
Not my fault if twitch kids are hype about their second anime.
Retarded facebook poster.
Good for you redditor.
>and the jokes
Yeah, I loved it when Elma reminded us she loves food for the 100th time. I laughed my ass off when Tohru tried to give Kobayashi her tail just like in the episode before and after. Let's not forget Kanna doing the funny face again.
>typical animu grill kawaii desu nonsense
Normal Japanese anime voice acting is now looked down upon. Sasuga F/a/cebook.
"How To Kill a Series" by IRC
Your own cancerous fanbase did all the work.
cancerous fanbase, or relentless and utterly transparent false flagging operation
>twitch underages are coming here now
Its beginning
I was watching the dub back when it aired, I even avoided watching the sub at all to not spoil myself
I've been here all along and I'm not going anywhere, and I guarantee I'm older than you
>I was watching the dub
You don't belong here.
The dubs is garbage.
but it isn't?
it's pretty great actually
Nah its fucking garbage.
>series gets a refreshed viewerbase
>people new to the series start talking about it here civilly
>Sup Forumsutists start trowing a fit "fucking normies reeee" and derail any form of discussion
I'v always known Sup Forums was awful but reacting this much just because a series was shown on twitch? Pathetic.
No wonder all the boards acknowledge shit on this place
Thats right now fuck off back to twitch where you belong.
Yes Sup Forums sucks. Now leave us alone.
>There was 2 maid dragon threads up
>Better make a new one
Kill yourself
look buddy if there's anyone more autistic about every single difference between subbed and dubbed versions of shows than me I'd love to know about it
I'm always painstakingly going over any variations in between versions in anything I remotely care about, from the dialogue itself to the way it was delivered and everything in between
if I think something is good I would trust my opinion a whole hell of a lot more than yours, so show some respect to those who know more than you and actually provide your own evidence or shut the fuck up and never reply to me again
The dub is absolute fucking dog shit.
>show some respect to casual newfags who watch dubbed anime on Twitch and shit on Japanese A-list seiyuus
I already told you I watched it when it fucking aired
>dragon maid
>a-list seiyuus
>on Sup Forums
Are you retarded?
Maid Dragon a shit.
I watched maid dragon on kissanime at 480p
I don't have the time, patience, or internet to find some obscure torrent to download for hours so I get a few extra pixels
there's no point when I'm on my phone anyway and I doubt there's a torrent of the dub to begin with
Can't even tell if this is bait or not anymore.
Get the fuck out of my Sup Forums.
Getting your penis licked by Kanna-chan.
What a waste of quads.
if you want complete honesty it's all entirely true but I know I'll get free (you)s from sperging faggots like you so I made sure to include every detail
see? it's too easy
>hurr I'm to dumb too use torents
>streaming just werks xd
>hurr pander to me Sup Forums!
Are you retarded? If you don't like it here, leave.
>Look at me being retarded!
I never understood this (you)s thing. Is it a Sup Forums meme? Then please, fuck off and go back.
>hurr pander to me Sup Forums
I never said that lmao
sounds like you're the one who needs pandering to, sorry you get triggered that someone doesn't care as autistically about video quality for fucking anime (a waste of the resolution cause it doesn't have small details like real footage) as you
you just never learn
>I never understood this (you)s thing. Is it a Sup Forums meme?
It's funny how you literally know nothing
Does ironic weebs normalfags get mad when I say that I want to cum on Kanna tight little cunny?
>amicool yet? xddd
Gotta love retards like you who think they're doing something substantial. Keep me entertained.
>I don't want it to end.
Pay a prostitute to tell you the same 3 jokes they use every episode when you're having withdrawls, problem solved. And if you enjoyed the dub it will be all the more authentic.
>newfag desperately trying to save face
Fuck off back to fagbook, please.
The perfect body.
I'm sorry I don't go to your containment board. Oh wait, I don't give a fuck. Go back there and rot, shitstain.
do you think saying the same thing over and over and pretending I'm the mad one makes you more right
every (you) makes me stronger
first it was reddit, then Sup Forums, now facebook
what website will you tell me to return to next? cripplechan? tumblr? 9gag?
I want to cum inside Kanna-chan pussy.
No point in even arguing with fucktards like you.
I think its better to kill yourself, you waste of space. Not sure what you think you are accomplishing by screaming out how much of a retard you are. At this point I'm just feeding a monkey in its cage since its interesting.
>Hahaha look at me being retarded, you are so stupid for calling me out on my retardation!
I don't think you're just pretending at this point.
Yeah I was following the series as it aired but still haven't watched the last episode because scared
Wish I could taste it.
Not like you had any argument in the first place, shitstain.
I'm sorry but if you hate the dub you just have shit taste
So rapeable
>getting so mad that you have to resort to posting pedoshit
the state of Sup Forums, everyone. Enjoy your ban and the time you just wasted on your miserable life
Holy fuck this thread went down in a matter of seconds
This is expected when I noticed dragon maid threads are still up.
>He starts off by redirecting some fag to Sup Forums because he doesn't like a meme.
Don't talk to me Kanna hater.
>Did anyone else stop watching before the last episode?
Dropped after two episodes. Regret I didn't drop after one episode.
>he doesn't know that Sup Forums's done this for years
Sound like absolute shit.
leave the cunny alone
>its a meme so its ok!
>its a meme in Sup Forums so its ok!
Attentionwhores like you should be gassed.
It's to be expected with the whole twitch anime streaming thing going on.
shit taste desu
Sounds like what some ironic weeb would post on facebook. Is this your first dub?
Not even clicking that video.
I fucking hate dubs so much