STEINS;GATE announcement

STEINS;GATE World Line 2017-2018 プロジェクト始動!

Jul 28, 2017 18:00

「シュタインズ・ゲート ゼロ」アニメ化企画進行中!


「シュタインズゲート ゼロ」のコミカライズ連載開始と
「シュタインズゲート ゼロ」のノベライズも発売決定です。

【STEINS;GATE World Line 2017-2018 プロジェクト】
What did they mean by this?

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OwO what's this

I don't fucking know, somebody who can read/speak nip summarise it.

Steins;Gate Zero anime production is now underway

Steiner are you there?


W-what am I looking at

Bad adaptation is comming?


What a great birthday present!

>more milking
Who the fuck cares?

Rerun of the original anime in October
S;G 0 anime might be aired after that
Prequel manga serialized monthly in Young Ace
Novelization announced

the only reason to SciAdv anime anymore is to see how bad they can fuck it up, 0 anime will be a fucking trainwreck.

Skipping suzuha's letter was unforgivable

it will maybe end at episode 23 alternate timelime so they can start with zero


>that Re-Awake
I don't care if the adaptation turns out terrible, I just want to hear that track again in the anime.

>tfw I'll never be a dirty secondary watching Steins;Gate up to Episode 23 β, then S;0, and then finishing with Episode 23 all the way to the true ending of the original

Oh thank Christ its still White Fox.

So, we basically have no actual new information, especially given the vague “2018-2019” broadcast date for Steins;Gate 0. Cool.

What are you thanking for? They did a terrible adaptation

post yfw gate of steiner vocal starts playing


Kagari looks bored.



White Fox has been shit lately.
Utawarerumono False Faces is the worst adaptations ever, they managed to remove the few good things from Re:Zero and they created the horrible Steins;Gate movie

As bad as it was, look at all the other SciADV adaptations. They're the least retarded of a pretty bad pack.

>the only reason to SciAdv anime anymore is to see how bad they can fuck it up, 0 anime will be a fucking trainwreck.

Maybe the anime will fix everything that's wrong with 0?

Or MAGES will be desperate

>anime fixing anything
>when it was done by the same studio that gives you the movie

It was decent.

The Steins;Gate movie was really horrible because it was based on subpar source material made to cash in on the franchise: the studio just didn't turn shit into gold. Haven't played Utawarerumono but I enjoyed the anime.


Fuck that faggot.

What did he expect anyway, another VN?

the first Utawarerumono anime was good.
but False Faces is a hot garbage, it was before i played the VNs and now it's even worse.
it's worse than any of the SciAdv adaptations, even C;C

How do we stop WF and their garbage adaptations lads

At least they're not a 12 episodes shitfest

Sssh, don't give them any more ideas.

Next thing we know, we'll have "Steins;Gate -1" : Pre-pre-prequel to Steins;Gate in some side character's perspective.

Eh, that sounds more appealing than DaSH honestly.

We're already getting Steins;Gate Elite though.

Re:Zero was great, damn I'm excited now.

>Steins;Gate Elite

So it's an remaster with some extra shit added in? For the love of god, can they not milk the poor thing anymore?

S;G should have ended at that. S;G 0 was a lackluster piece of shit and I couldn't bother with all the spin-off nonsense other than the drama CD with rounder Okabe.

We probably won't get much info for Elite until next year anyway, they're focusing on O;9 and A;C as of now.

I really wish it either got an actual sequel or they just moved on. They already have a shit ton of other VNs they're focusing on anyways

So is S;G 0 not worth reading? I just downloaded it yesterday and am looking for opinions. I'll read it at some point anyway if I'm really bored but dunno where to place it on my priority list.

>people actually dislike S;G 0

i can see how you'd think all the other spinoffs are shit (besides maybe Darling) but 0 was honestly fine


But it is getting a sequel user.
It's called Robotics;Notes DaSH.

I wouldn't say it's not worth it, it just felt kinda lackluster compared to the original.
Still worth reading though.

It's worth it. Not as good as the original, but still worth a read.

Thanks, I'll try to get around to it sooner rather than later.

I'm confused as fuck about S;G's extended universe after playing and loving it last year.

So far I know I need to play 0 to see some more backstory to the True End,and Darling for silly fanservice fun. But what else is there that's necessary? Between the re-releases and multiple timelines and chuuni subtitles I feel lost.

I mostly just want a bit more info about the main timeline they're on at the end after undoing their meddling plus Suzuha. Is there anything that goes over that or is it all about the other lines?

It's worth reading if you have nothing better to do. You're better off reading Dies Irae since it's last month's "flavor of month" and it's enjoyable.

Aside from only a couple routes that have some actual substance to them, most of them are snooze fests, memeing aside. Follow the guide if you get lost on the route order.

It doesn't compare to the original S;G, so don't go in thinking you'll experience the same magic again.

It's Kurisu hogs all the spotlight in every route: the Novel.

When it came out, most people praised it and said it was on par if not better than the original. After the hype died down people started nitpicking the game and such. I think most people are just disappointed by the ending.

Dies Irae is fucking garbage though

>It's Kurisu hogs all the spotlight in every route: the Novel.

I like me some Kurisu so I don't think that'll be an issue

I liked the over the top chunni shit and Reinhard's voice is sex. Be quiet, dumb moegefag.

>or is it all about the other lines?
Yes, pretty much.
Although there is a sequel novel (takes place 6 years after the original) that was supposed to released few years ago, but it was cancelled. Thank god they cancel it.

Too much of a good thing is a bad thing, didn't you read Muramasa?

>If you don't like a try-hard chuu2 powerpoint presentation then you must be a moefag

It's a fucking meme VN. It has no substance whatsoever.

Steins;Gate: The Movie − Load Region of Déjà Vu is a film that continues after the true ending of Steins;Gate and serves as it's epilogue.

It came out a while back and it's probably up on Nyaa, though I don't know if you've watched it already.

Did you not know about it?

More Kurisu? I know what I'm watching tonight.

It's a nice watch and a good end to S;G. The film mainly centers around Okabe and Kurisu's relationship above all else, so if you're looking for something take warning.

There's entertaining chuunishit and then there's bland, derivative, boring chuunishit.

Dies Irae is the latter

Is it an original film or an adaptation of some part of a VN?

No one care about S;G anymore, the teens who saw this already see cringey to conquer your harem with haha memes Im mad story.

Nah, I'm not interested in magical nazis


It's original which is why it doesn't really make sense.

Fully original.
Some part of the VN were animated for fanservice.

it's only good for the drunk Kurisu, story doesn't make any sense.

Looking at the synopsis yeah it sounds a bit silly, but I'll probably enjoy it regardless

The problem with S;G is that it concluded things too well. There isn't much room for other works to surpass the original because they can never be as complete as the original.

People who want another good time travel story, should just play YU-NO.

>Sup Forums suddenly hates WhiteFox and the original S;G adaptation
what the fuck? I know this board is contrarian as fuck and started hating S;G after reddit picked it up but that's still no reason to hate White Fox studio.

I do agree though, that they're really squeezing the franchise dry and there's little to no reason to give a fuck about the latest spinoff novel/vn/drama cd/manga.

>The problem with S;G is that it concluded things too well.

I'm glad it ended well, so you can just brush off all that other spin-off shit without worrying about missing out.

I'm pretty sure VN readers were always a bit pissy about the cut/altered scenes and ugly character art in the anime.

Personally though I could never hate White Fox after Katanagatari, even with the cuts they made.

Damn, so its all just stuff that essentially got retconned in the VN itself?

Is there at least something that focuses on Suzuha?

>ugly character art in the anime.

It doesn't look that bad, it's just impossible to beat the VN in that regard.

Here's some additional info:


I disagree, I really think that everyone looks bad in the anime even on its own merots. Its just an offputting style that looks really low-budget to me.

>anime adaptation of the subpar sequel

Wow, I'm so unbelievably not hyped.


Hows Robotic notes desu?

If we're Steins;Gate I can see people complaining about the lower quality character art, but if we;re talking about S;G 0 all bets are off. Lazy fucks, I tell you.

Even then, the character art never bothered me in the anime, even red haired Kurisu instead of her original chestnut colored hair.

The art can be excused, huke's style is suited for illustrations and not animation unless you have SHAFT tier budget, and they had a pretty low one to begin with hence all the talking heads

There's Braunian Motion, which focuses on young Braun and Hashida Suzu.
There's also one Suzuha manga, Boukan no Rebellion, which was pretty terrible imo
Anything else is covered in the spin-off VN.


Story is quite subpar, but everything else is pretty fun.


VN or anime?



Chaos;Head anime when? I want to see best girl animated.

ID'S HABBENING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dammit. I was hoping her route's ending had gotten a oneshot at least. Cheers anway.

I thought Sup Forums hated video games?

Already done

And it was SHIT

VNs aren't vidya, you can go ask Sup Forums

If you're interested, they already adapted the other endings for pachinko.
Here's one for Suzuha.

I guess you're right, I haven't actually watched the anime and have only seen some gifs. At this point I'm already used to shitty art styles so I don't particularly mind.