What would you say to me if I had all of the masons secrets?
I'm not a mason btw, but I worked hard and found all of them through my own intuition.
Other urls found in this thread:
Get right
I would say that anyone can learn them.
Holographic Disclosure
1 youtube.com
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The Unmasking
1 youtube.com
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Heaven is a place you go to while you're alive. Reaching heaven is reaching and opening your 7th chakra.
7th heaven, get it?
Are you Black Sun desu?
stop posting this stupid shit, this is meaningless garbage for the most part
No it isn't. You can't claim something is meaningless if you don't adequately explain yourself. Everyone should be able to judge something for itself.
I mean sorry for being mean but let's discuss this why do you post this? What do you think it means that is so important you feel the need to constantly spam it? Oh I understand it ok pretty sure you don't but let's talk about it
I want to, but I have made a deal with them which they are upholding.
it's literally just maths.
but some words those idiots use are right.
what the fuck is that
unless of course you are the retarded kid that you may be,always spazzing and acting like an idiot in that case I won't tell you what it really means, but if you aren't him let's discuss it
Just maths? Surely you can't be this dumb?
Oh nvm then if you don't know what Black Sun is then you don't have the answers you are LARPing like you do. But we do :)
Spazzing? I'm just asking you to elaborate and actually explain what you mean by meaningless. If you're saying that it must mean you've watched all of it. So tell me, why exactly doesn't it have meaning?
Oh. You're Bodhi Mantra. No wonder. You're the biggest disinfo retard on Sup Forums. That is, when you're not LARPing as Anon5.
yep knew it, you are an idiot and a spazz and need to gas yourself faggot kek
you see, that's why you don't get it.
it's all maths, everything is maths.
no you don't, or you wouldn't discount the words I spoke because I just told everyone what it was.
A mason knows it's maths.
You don't deserve it for being such a faggot but I will help you, since you obviously know that what little you know about any of this you learned from me.
>A mason knows it's maths.
yah nvm you know, all you need to anyway good work desu
There is more than just maths also though that is just the most important thing the true history of humanity being a pretty important thing as well Atlantis etc
Fuck off Anon5/Bodhi Mantra. You are just another israeli shill.
you are an idiot and always have been you will never figure any of this out lol
if you are too fucking stupid to know I am LITERALLY the only person on this entire site that figured all of this out you are even stupider than you act. I will wager my life in fact the only way you even found that video was watching videos on my channels and it was suggested to you so you watched it and spazzed your pants thinking you found some red pill when it is really pretty meaningless. Let you in on a little secret smart people have known what is in those videos for literally millions of years, what do you think atoms and electrons etc are? They put it in a way brainlets can understand rofl and you think it is some red pill. Literally anyone who knows anything about science and math has always known this you are just too dumb to connect these things together before it is explained to you in in a way retards can understand
For someone that claims to be enlightened you sure do seem like you're consumed by your ego. Really makes you think doesn't it?
nice desu try this
masons aren't enlightened they are just selfish assholes that got TAUGHT the secret.
none of them found it by themselves.
I found it 100% by intuition when I was a god damn child, and these shitheads have made the education system to fuck us over and make it impossible for people that know it intuitively to get through unharmed.
Obviously they do this to stop competition, it's a system of control as they say.
You don't seem to think much at all. If you weren't such a massive fucking tool I would have helped you understand all of this a long time ago. I know I am smart, I know I am educated, I have the diplomas, degrees, awards and knowledge to prove it I won't act like I am not surrounded by idiots here to spare your feelings. If the truth hurts get off the internet. I have been here trying to help ungrateful ignorant little shits like you for years. Stupid people cannot be helped however all they dos is screech such is life desu, such is life
>masons aren't enlightened they are just selfish assholes that got TAUGHT the secret.
this is true, but it wasn't always true
Please buddy explain to us how you figuring out how mass is an illusion and this world is made of empty space and light is some red pill for the masses? It is literally chemistry 101
Can one of you queers just spill the beans to confirm or deny what it is we all think already
>Obviously they do this to stop competition, it's a system of control as they say.
this is debatable there is something much deeper but depending on your knowledge of this math you don't seem to have figured it out yet
Should we do a Black Sun thread? Good dong desu
We have no secrets.
I have a secret the awakening cannot stopped you will prob be drug through the streets like Mussolini was.You prob don't know much anyway
What do you think happens after the 7&7 or do you even know what this means?
If there is an “secret to the masons,” it makes sense if it’s based off of math. The masons were quite literally masons, and their entire profession was built off of a practical understanding of math and geography. We approach questions with what we already know, and the masons probably approached their questions with math.
So - tell us if you will - what is the secret of the masons OP?
the g means goddess. that is all. these are the people who have sex in order to offer idolatries to this goddess. and invent the word homo and blame them for it
oh rofl this faggot hahahah, the G means a lot fo things but not Goddess buddy
I'd say you were full of shit.
Masonry is not about 'secrets' as much as it is about being a good man who can keep true to his word. The secrets matter less than one keeping something secret simply because they promised to.
Beyond the 'secrets' you claim to inuit'd, Freemasonry is about the study and application of the several moral principles that it teaches through its various esoteric degrees and catechism.
Came late to this thread, no idea what you are talking about, but I've been getting back in touch with my spirituality throughout all this truth madness. Not sure what to believe of you or anyone around these parts DESU. What do you suggest I start with. Is the Bodhi Mantra channel yours?
The thing about this reality is not what does this mean but rather how much can you tell me it means, if you are looking for A meaning of something instead of it's meaningS you have lost the plot. Everything has infinite meanings the trick is finding the underlying principle and governing dynamic linking them all together
it means only goddess. i'm sorry friend. but it's the only thing that makes sense. we dont even need to discuss literally the opening pages of the Bible. to me the most important if there is a such thing. something happened. woman fucked up and was first to do so for "some reason". she came from man. and we say she creates. and all these people needed to do to do everything they've done is two fold
>cut your dick off because adam sinned first DURRRRRR
>fertility cults are not real because they make my frog dick feel too good and also because women can and should crush and rule us and build a better society and DOWN WITH PATRIARCHY
you all better listen to me. and well
>Not sure what to believe of you or anyone around these parts DESU
You will know what is true trust your gut and your intellect. Find your own truth do not let anyone define it for you, you are the divine spark of the creator you are infinite do not limit yourself
>What do you suggest I start with
start with this playlist
I would watch the playlists first it makes everything else easier to understand
You should give this guy Manly P Hall a listen or read his books.
Some of the best information on this sort of thing you will find. I wish I had found him earlier in my initiation.
kys bro you are hopelessly retarded the Gnostics and free masons wrote your bible and you have no idea what is really in it and what it really means you honestly are beyond help, better luck in your next life
meh Manly is very basic tier and can be wrong about a lot of things but good into level stuff
oh you're one of those "people need to be controlled" idiots are you?
you realise that THIS is a controlled society?
that THIS is what control does?
all of this chaos, this is the reaction.
they ARENT gods, they are shit at what they do, and they use their incompetence to trick you into thinking its nessesary JUST LIKE THEY DO WITH WELFARE TO SOCIALISTS
oh my god you're all so stupid.
nobody believes in humanity but me, I'm fucking alone.
everything is planned, everything is fake but HUMAN CREATIVITY.
the ONE THING they don't have.
i wonder how long until op's family force him to take his meds again and he stops posting these
>oh you're one of those "people need to be controlled" idiots are you?
No you are one of those idiots that makes wild unfounded assumptions and is wrong I imagine pretty often. You want to start over and ask em to clarify so you can understand what I meant by this or continue arguing your strawman?
a dumb kid looks over at another kid work out how to make the nintendo work.
he then kills the other kid and tells everyone lies about how it works and makes up shit so nobody can work it out.
then he says "we have no secrets", alluding to the idea that it can just be worked out, despite him deliberately misleading everyone.
that is you, you're the fat idiot kid that never worked it out on his own.
you're all worthless subhumans and you will all die.
Id say congratulations on being a glorified
rotary club member.
a few things here. be fruitful means to fugg, to most people. animals received this blessing and curse and not command as well. they dont all reproduce. not that any of that matters. next. if be fruitful means to fugg why do most people say the fruit of gnosis was not in reality some form of sex? we are to be as wise as the serpent. God doesnt want us ignorant. it's not what goes in mouth that defiles but is what is comes out. who knows everything right now like most people say about this? nobody. and in fact, Bible says literally that no man understands. God regrets creating us. "eating" unknown fruits of origin and then fashioning masonic fig aprons for your cursed womb is what. lack of knowledge?
the good thing about him is that he is very accurate and covers a wide variety of things that are applicable to these mystery schools. I've stumbled upon many other sources that are very insightful in certain things but some of the other things they say are misinterpretations or blatantly wrong. I'm watching that video you posted though,
Thank you, I'll at least give you the benefit of the doubt and try to look for myself. Maybe we'll get to converse at another time.
How old are you? You sound young and dumb. To verify, state 2 digits of 3 of most importance.
you're so close to it, you just have to use your brain, not like a modern scholar, like a child.
the G means one thing only.
you will kick yourself when you realise it.
kek I lol'd pretty much. There is nothing really secret about their knowledge the secret is being smart enough to find it and figure out what it means, very few can however I don't blame them for only wanting to be around others with their level of knowledge and intellect after all you half wits alike this idiot and the holographic spamming idiot
are nauseous to be around and vapid. I would have joined them instead of the Black Sun but they exceeded their mandate and used this knowledge for evil intentions this goes against the karmic principle of the creator therefore because of polarity it is time you are put in your place. You betrayed your duty and those that gave you this knowledge to safeguard
>"It is good that a man not touch a woman."
>but here's like ten pages of why you're all whores and why only SOME people marry
you excuse a lot of things. and there's many examples of covenants and marriages
Over the rainbow it lays
She awaits the triumphiant return of the King
no, it like everything in life means infinite things, you obviously do not understand geometry yet look into platonic solids also gematria, you don't understand how the alphabet was constructed yet do you? kek
You are the prophet thread guy methinks.
You just figured out the big secret and you dont know what to do so you're putting it here for attention/entertainment.
The truth is there's nothing to do unless you really want to. I just fail to see the amusement in talking to oneself as I'm doing now.
why am i wrong asshole
muh fuggen isis awaiting osiris benis
communist propoganda
oh yah as I said he is great entry level to give you massive amounts of information especially about mythology, symbolism, and antiquity to send you in the right direction. He is great and it is good you found his work desu, it served its purpose. Enjoy the playlist good luck on journey brother into the new awakening
go back to your tids pods challenge
kill yourself with a shotgun in public and see if anyone notices you nihilistic faggot
I just
Leave comments anytime in any video my friend you are joining the council of the illuminated. You will need to share what you learn and help others
right on. close enough, n'est-ce-pas? you must know your spiritual enemy in order to try and walk on his face all the time :)
To see a whole picture many perspectives are needed do not fear to peer thru the eye of another
never. this will literally never happen in my life. it makes my knees buckle and i find less than negative infinity need for it
kek nihilistic? Wow you can't even have a conversation can you? The point of conversations is to come to mutual understanding, you don't seem to be able to determine what is objectively really and instead seem to just randomly choose what you want to believe. You should work on that you ignorant cunt you look as moronic as this idiot now
Isn't one of the Masonic secrets that the Abrahamic "God" isn't God at all? That they or their proto-group were the editors of the bible? And like everything they do they wove truths in with lies?
this guy gets it
no I just can't do anything right now I'm waiting on funds.
also I want to tell everyone but I can't.
elaborate. for the second time now
it has nothing to do with language.
they hate language.
if they had their way, there would be no language.
all body language. know what im sayin
Why do secret societies always end up with sacrificially eating babies behind a curtain?
because they worship sex and procreation. so like some animals. theyre even told to not throw the surplus in the furnace. like the animals and drones. but some people do do that
kek yep you are clueless.Spelling = spells without language how do you think anything in this world would happen you massive fucking tool? kek spend a few more years looking you are at level one rofl and thought hey I have to share this thing I found with the world I don't really even understand! Yah are nowhere near the aracnum buddy those that know can spot others that know very easily and you don't know. He watched a youtube video that told G = geometry or God and thinks he figured out some deep truth lol
When you figure out geometry is God you will be much closer til then try not to advertise you have some truth you don't and are nowhere near
>eating ground cinnamon by the heaping tablespoon full
>all this might be explained by divine vaginas
the second one makes more sense, no? satan rules the air. why do you enable him? look at your picture. look how secular and new age you are. the rod. the serpent. when they healed? these were only times when people had faith in God to heal. has nothing to do with anything else
OP, is this just a guessing game?
Can you tell us at least how you found this knowledge, and what can lead us there? It would be helpful to reveal some info not already publicly available
Thank you for your time and efforts
i forgot to say i guess that no wonder geometry always gets pushed. masons ban gays and women. do they ban math? youre just a decoy fox pissing everywhere so the hounds dont find you
> they hate language
> use a letter in their symbol
Hmmm, a bit weird
someone should beat you with a bar of soap in sock
why. because you sound like a bag of potatoes and nothing else?
nice get I already gave you all their secrets desu OP is clueless
this is kind of relevant, you want all the masons secrets? They are in this image enjoy kiddos :)
this is you. m.youtube.com
literally nobody cares. this is what you sing to yourself. how you talk to and about yourself. what you expect from others. and you never get it
try taking some ormus or lsd you fucking nit wit, you are a massive sperg everything you say is reflection or your crippled brain and the way you view the world nothing more it say everything about you and nothing about the topic at hand
dumping my Mason folder
note the masonic hands used in the chosen song. it's exactly you. all dainty and fancy and stirring and bottling your own farts but all you said was "me know everything and OP stupid faggot". And me. And you never say why. Just make random Xerox claims and ad homs. And then it's back to Shekelberg
nice tits
>looks like a spread eagle