Sup Forums should pick every month a subreddit they fuck with, just to show Reddit who is boss...

Sup Forums should pick every month a subreddit they fuck with, just to show Reddit who is boss, and no media agency and no law could stop it, not even the cia could shill in pol, and Reddit rules don't apply to Sup Forums.

But nooo moot the fag said he thinks raids are dumb, so we just stopped doing something Sup Forums was know for.

There is no reason why raids should be against the rules.

Why don't you debate them with facts in a respectful way?

Holy shit, it's hickock45 waging war on little black men from the woods!

I'll go undercover sir

I'll go in black face covered in white face

No one would question that level of race non binarism

Plebbit deletes/downvotes any facts they don't like. I think plebbit is a waste of time unless you want to accelerate those idiots into making themselves look like retards.

Take all of my upboats, sir!

Reddit users aren't retards. They're appropriating retard culture.

Just do what they do to us: ie spam bait and try to get a reaction. Plebbit progressives generate a ton of salt when their echo chamber gets breached.

>Raid threads
Fuck off nigger

Well my mistake I didn't mean to be so culturally insensitive to the mentally challenged folks at plebbit

It'll blaceptuon

This is the only logical conclusion. Do we not doom ourselves to endless strife otherwise? Does a professor beat their students?

See I was the black man in that picture

As a trans person of color, I find this highly offensive, I am reporting you the SPCA. I am litterally shaking.

I'm also a trans of color here choo choo

See you were fooled again

>battle of the imageboards
no thanks

Tell the spcas hello. I like their burrito

>Muh epic Reddit trolling!
>Muh free speech on Reddit!
You have to go back

But won't you think of the children

>hey, let's all go browse Reddit
the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums

Reddit won't know what hit em

Another example of my undercover work

>shitting in a pile of shit



Look captain I can take the case. I've had ebonics training

See my creds


Also read this with only needing a little help on the ooga

Me and my other Undercovers are ready


And if you gaze long into reddit, the reddit also gazes into you
Raids were responsible for our own refugee crisis' which watered the boards down with imported newfaggotry

Because of the upvote/downvote system, and Nazi mods, Sup Forums is one of the only internet forums where you can present a differing opinion and people will read it.

This isn't Sup Forums faggot. Fuck off.

a lot of subreddits are designed to be echochambers and if you post other view you'll just get banned. Here are some examples


those are the most obvious ones I can think of

anyone reading should check out r/forwardsfromhitler

it's actually a great repository of based fascist memes. The subscribers participate in a type of cuckoldry where they make fun of the memes. I guess it's like us when we laugh at SJWs. Either way, fertile minds there. They are already exposed to these ideas, and none of them are able to counter. When I post far right wing shit in the comments I get lots of upvotes even if no one comments agreeing with me. These people are on the precipice and ripe for redpilling

>Sup Forums
>Debating with facts

Why debate with facts when you can call the opponents (((kike))) shills and insult their flag