Elf-san wa Yaserarenai

What do you call a 40yo single woman?
Cake feels like an understatement at that point.

French toast?

I you keep making these threads, this poor elf will die!

She reminds me of a genderbent version of Hank Hill in that outfit. Yamero.

No, that elf will finally be thin enough for your liking.

Butt elf is best

But is she still a virgin?

Did someone figure out what the new girl is supposed to be?

Cute hag.

Best girl

Crazy cat lady

>best girl
>isn't fat
You are wrong.
Oku-san is better in every way.

>Oku-san is better in every way.
Oku-san doesn't have glasses.
They're both great though

Glasses are shit m8

Bitch, I will fight you.

Destined to die alone

She will win the Humanbowl

Toshikoshi if she is older than 31 - like the New Year noodles. Or himono onna if her vagina dried and smells like fish. You can't sell a dried fish. But 40 years is too extreme for both of those names.

She is not even exactly 40.
Her age is 4x in the manga so she could be closer to 50 for all we know.

i feel like if she was closer to 50 there would have been at least one joke of her insisting she's not even fifty yet. my money's on her still being shy of even 45.

Oga is perfect

> Fat
> Single
I don't think she is the issue. It's a telling sign when nobody tried to stake claim on her for over 28 years. She clearly isn't a fat diamond in the rough

I dunno man, I'd put my diamond in her ruff.

She is the one girl in the manga who isn't fat though. Her waist is tiny.

she has a doughnut butthole

Perfect for drunk anal.

A feminist? Rotten fish?


Too puffy.



Never in the history manga will there ever be a more beautiful face than Oga's

I find her really dull.


user, nobody cares about what you think, please stop wasting bits, servers are expensive.

is this supposed to be double pissu ahegao?


Actually that poor elf will die because of the amount of fluids she loses to vomiting as well as how fucked up her throat will be from the constant exposure to stomach acid.

Someone get her some medical attention.

I would do my best to dominate her in the sack

>Knows how to use her hands
How is that woman still single?

Speaking of genderbends


This is wrong.

Would the MC like his own fat or would he try to get slim? Meth looks like he would enjoy being a chunky girl.


Well, being huge gives you a sense of power over others.

Meth IS a chunky girl.

I don't believe you.

Let me believe.

Is there a self-insert in this?

I'm not gonna read it if it's just yurishit

No, there isn't. But so far there is no yuri and the main character is male.

I don't think you know what a self insert is.