Vaticanime Thread. Episode 4 online in half an hour or less.
Vaticanime Thread. Episode 4 online in half an hour or less
By the way, the OP theme single "MYSTERIUM" by SCREEN mode was released a couple of days ago. I uploaded it to souncloud and youtube, but got copyright strikes (serves me right). Anyway, here's the dl link if anyone wants it:
I included a larger cover in the .rar file and pic related in case anyone wants it.
Also, here are the nyaa links:
Album Single:
Video Single, mkv:
Video Single, mpeg2:
Is Japan this naive?
It is true. Catholic church is feeding you propaganda.
Yes and no. In one hand, the reported cases of child abuse in Japan by the Catholic Church are almost non-existent; on the other hand, the practice of shudÅ (some monks and samurai would take young lover-servants) was relatively commonplace until end of the 19th century. So, yes, Japan on the whole is naive regarding the comparative, relative (and media pushed) spread of pederasty in religion, but at the same time, it's culturally not as significant as in the west (nor as pushed by media).
I know, but does Japan think it rarely happens or what?
Regarding the raw, apparently the WOWOW signal is garbage, so they're waiting for the other stations' broadcasts. HorribleSubs' upload should be ready in another half hour of so.
where did you get that from?
>the reported cases of child abuse in Japan by the Catholic Church are almost non-existent;
Because the catholic church is almost non-existent in Japan.
You mean I can go to japan and fuck pretty prepubescent boys.
I asked in #HorribleSubs in rizon (irc) and someone PM'd me that information.
>Because the catholic church is almost non-existent in Japan.
True, but how does that change that what I said is correct? By the way, while only around 0,5% of the population are Catholic (and another 0,6% other Christian denominations) a lot its culture permeated the Japanese's, like the always-seen-in-anime Christmas.
I won't tell you mean things like "You need to lurk at least for 10 years before posting" but I do recommend you read a little about sexual practices and overall sexual culture in Japan. The short answer to your question is "yes".
Thanks, then can it be the other way around?
Damn it, I just realized I put " Vatican Kiseki Chousakan" in the name, not the subject. Oh, well, I hope anyone interested just searches for "Vatican" and gets here.
What do you mean by "then can it be the other way around"?
Also the WOWOW raw is already up:
Can I be fucked by pretty prepubescent boys?
How many people watching this?
Thread is too early, some will come around when the subs out.
I don't live in Japan nor care about men in a romantic or sexual way so I can't tell you the specifics, but if you're attractive and/or wealthy, then your odds are very high.
Yeah, not many watch the raw only.
awesome, thanks, flac when?
is this thing worth watching? i'm getting homoerotic vibes here
It's just bait. Fujos deem it a waste of time.
Oh fuck I didn't even realize there were threads, I made one first day and got very little responses
The threads haven't devolved into atheist shitposting have they?
There's nothing homo about two priests who value and respect each other
A little bit, mostly people regarding Vaticanime as bad and cheesy but enjoyable anime and people arguing about religion. It's usually just one weekly thread.
True, but there is an obvious visual undertone meant to bait fujos to watch it, as does the manga.
It plays like a b-list horror movie but it's pretty entertaining. It is pretty homoerotic, though. I get the feeling the schoolboys are in some kind of threesome.
>It is pretty homoerotic
No it's not, you're just bias-projecting (or even internal projecting).
Anything will bait fujos, same goes for /u/
>You will never feed a nun your sausage
If you think the shit happening in this anime is completely platonic then by all means go right ahead.
If you think two men cannot be close without being homosexual, then I pity you, for you have a superficial and insincere understanding / outlook about friendship and will take you years to undo that conditioning, if you even want to change it.
Subs when.
Who knows? No word from HorribleSubs.
If that's what you think, okay.
Good luck, you'll need it.
Go back to /cm/. This is a christian thread.
>for you have a superficial and insincere understanding / outlook about friendship and will take you years to undo that conditioning, if you even want to change it.
Do you honestly think anyone here knows what it's like to have a close friend?
>Sup Forums is one person
It's been almost four hours now, I don't know what's going on. At least we know it aired because the raw is already up.
subs when
Also nice fuckup
My bad, user. Please forgive.
AS has the show so who knows when the subs will be up. Sometimes it takes them over a day.
Are you autistic?
Never once did I say Sup Forums is one person
But Sup Forums is certainly filled with similar people, many of which don't have close friends, or have ever
ok but if what you infer is true then why make assumptions about things you dont know about? mhm?
Are you?
What's AS?
>What's AS?
Ah, Amazon. I don't have it. Any way to see if it aired already there?
It's on their listing.
So it's just waiting for HS at this point
The godawful streaming service amazon has set up to try and compete with crunchyroll and funimation. Their subs suck and they have no fixed schedule for when they come out, so sometimes it takes forever. The real kicker is that it's only available for people who are already paying for amazon prime so whoever's dumb enough to sub to it is paying two fees.
>paying for anime
I mean at that point it doesn't matter who you give money to.
Also Amazon atleast has good video quality and subs OP and ED. Something that Crunchy is absolutely incapable off.
And their subs are perfectly fine and never reach the same lows as some of Crunchy's.
>Through the Dark Lord Amen
Don't open.
That scared the everliving beejesus out of me.
>It was delayed for like 2 hours on Amazon
>It seems to be out on Amazon now
>HS release is still not out for some reason
I wonder what's happening.
This delay must be the work of Satan!
Subs when?
Your combined digits result in 36 which is divisible by 3, number of the Holy Trinity, which means you are correct.
I know it's an edit, but, who's that?
>not praying to the Dark Lord
you mean in the original? card captor sakura
No, I meant the edit. Who's that supposed to be?
Desu Vult
What? Why not name her Christy-chan instead? Also, cute. Where is she from? /lit/, Sup Forums or something?
Created as a response to moe Islamist propaganda, first posted on Sup Forums
Miracle detectives in Ireland when?
I'm not even memeing that actually scared me because I expected a skeleton but that thing is just disturbing.
Ah thanks. Even if I'm non-religious it still bothers me to see that; no point in derailing the thread to talk about that though.
it was a legit jumpscare, you are not alone user
I was going to say that she was a modification of that old "types of female anime fans" image, but then I went and found the image and found that, besides the cross, she doesn't actually have that much similarity.
Subs never
Haven't seen that in a while. The moralfag and the hikki are the best.
Yeah, I'm getting tired of waiting and trying to time my answers to bump the thread without being obnoxious.
>Yes and no. In one hand, the reported cases of child abuse in Japan by the Catholic Church are almost non-existent;
Please, Japan has know about the little boy and the priest joke for years. Just look at Xenogears.
>It's just bait. Fujos deem it a waste of time.
Some people can enjoy "just bait", mostly because we are not obsessed with no homoing stuff and can enjoy homoeroticism without any on-screen confirmation.
>If you think two men cannot be close without being homosexual, then I pity you, for you have a superficial and insincere understanding / outlook about friendship and will take you years to undo that conditioning, if you even want to change it.
This would be true if you didn't use this excuse everything somethin gay happens on screen.
>Toya and Yukito are not gay, you just don't know what friendship looks like
Top right looks like a scene from a SoL BL manga.
Haven't played it in over a decade, what was the joke in Xenogears? Also one reference in one game doesn't equal to it being a widespread common knowledge.
Not who you replied to, but help me make sense of your posts:
>mostly because we are not obsessed with no homoing stuff
Isn't that the opposite of what you meant? ("We're not obsessed with homoing stuff") Otherwise, what did you mean?
>can enjoy homoeroticism without any on-screen confirmation
Then how can it be homoeroticism without a context? Wouldn't that just be in your head then? Also are you implying that the picture related is homoerotic? If so, could you explain why? I don't see it. I'm not familiar with BL stuff though.
I don't know who Toya and Yukito are. Nevertheless, could you point out what specifically from the three aired episodes convinces you the protagonists are homosexual or in a relationship of any kind but friendship?
From what I was told in previous threads there was never mention of a relationship in neither the LNs nor the two manga runs.
Fucking CR.
Can't wait for amazon to take over.
Isn't this an Amazon show?
You can't be this retarded.
Are you?
It's an Amazon show and HS rips both amazon and cr
noo! you summoned a fujoshit with this picture! Bad user! BAD!
But it's not an "Amazon show" my sweet user, you're being autistic again.
So you were just pedantically arguing semantics.
>Then how can it be homoeroticism without a context? Wouldn't that just be in your head then? Also are you implying that the picture related is homoerotic? If so, could you explain why? I don't see it. I'm not familiar with BL stuff though.
Do you have autism?
Sweetie, it's not my fault you are mentally handicapped and can't even bother to make sense when you write.
>First mentions of this anime were in a homo thread like a years ago
Why are malfags here?
Just make a new one if you need to resort to shitposting, it can be 12 hours to days depends on the popularity of the show for them to fix the bot or whatever.
Fuck off to tumblr retard.
>That posting style
It's you again.
God damn it, now fujos all are over the place. Nothing is sacred anymore.
>Eternal reminder to always ignore fujoshits.
>Haven't played it in over a decade, what was the joke in Xenogears?
There is no joke in Gears. They mention the Church has been gathering orphans and they have been used for as sexual toys for the priests.
Also for such a niche anime this thread has a huge number of newfags.
>Anime aimed at fujoshi
>Surprised fujoshi watches the show
Are you retarded?
Sorry, I should have clarified.
Isn't Amazon subbing this.
Guys please we're all cranky because subs aren't out just try to keep thread alive without bickering
Hey man fujoshi are people too what's wrong letting them enjoy an anime?
>huge number of newfags
>not replying xenogears every month is being a newfag
you need to go back
yes but mentioned it already aired so idk
fuck off fujoshits should be gassed on sight
>just try to keep thread alive without bickering
Capslock for attention
Probably HS fucking up with the rip. It happens when things aren't on schedule.