How do you go from this?

How do you go from this?

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I heard that it's not actually the official portrait that goes up in the white house

so obama wants a do over?

Because King Nigger, following the pattern of every other action taken during his Presidency, is above all else fixated on mocking and debasing any element of white civilization which the privilege of his office allows him to get his hands on.

Looks like he's really the coolest monkey in the jungle

Its not. I dont know why people are getting triggered. Its just some painting going up in some who cares.

Afterbirth wake of 1965.
America didn't reallly exist since then. Waiting for a non degenerate first class tier nation to exist at this point.

Trump tweeted today that his portrait will feature 2 dogs AND a Winchester

Find Rabbi Schlomo

jews user...jews

He's literally covered in dicks and sperm.

Fitting for bathhouse Barry, I guess.

Christians and Jews did this.

I get that he wanted a black artist but I guess Kehinde Wiley was just the only one he knew about since he's a well known black portrait artist. Hell, could've even went with someone like Alexis Franklin. She's pretty good.

It's the Smithsonian.

>takes less than half a second to spot the jew
Goddammit Sup Forums what have you done to me?

Sure about that?

>using (((sjwnopes)))

I don't get why people hate this so much. The leaves are a bit garish but other than that, it doesn't seem so bad.

For the highest office of the United States, there are some traditions that should be adhered to. His portrait should look stately and befitting of the "leader of the free world", but he snowflaked this one and fucked up big-time.

The whole thing looks like it was done on a computer especially the background with copy-pasted leaves that makes the whole thing look like a floral print.

Garish is polite when you consider that he elected to go with a copypasted floral print background instead of Washington D.C or even any American vista. Why not the MLK monument that was built during his election? Even if a bit on the nose, wouldn't perfectly acceptable. This departure makes it undeniably "modern," and so goddamn liberal.

>whole thing looks like it was done on a computer
Yeah about that, the artist photoshops and then sends it off to a sweatshop to paint it. That's why it looks like pasta.

>be obama
>get anti-white nigger to paint your portrait, make sure it violates tradition as much as possible
>get semen painted on your face
I guess you could say he...had it coming


so what happens when he goes to jail? do they remove the painting?

women's suffrage

obama was the only pathway to trump


Why does he have 6 fingers?



i got a solid chuckle, thanks

Obama and his administration is truly a fucking cancer of the worst kind, the extreme-left.