Shingeki no Bahamut

New episode today. Hopefully it picks up since a lot of people have been losing interest in this show, not that I really blame them.

Other urls found in this thread:

They really shit the bed with the second season. Bad decision after bad decision in making it. First season had its issues, but at least it was fun and exciting throughout.

They clearly don't want the show to have "Favaro part" and "no Favaro part" so he comes and goes, but it's frustrating.

People lost interest because of the focus on Charioce and Nina. Jeanne's story is boring too. They fucked up badly with Virgin Soul. The only things that are keeping me from dropping this show are Rita, Kaisar and Favaro. It says a lot when the main characters from the first season are the only things that are carrying this show.

I dont know wtf you anons are talking about this show is awesome. Charioce and Nina are the only reason I'm watching. Season 1 characters are awful.

Even if it does pick up the pace, having to wait another two weeks for the next episode will be painful.

I like Charioce, but Nina is eh. but at this point, she's an essential plot device for Charioce's development so whatever. I still love the show because of the world. it's not often you get Christian mythology in fantasy anime.

>The only things that are keeping me from dropping this show are Rita, Kaisar and Favaro.

Same here. Whatever fag thought the story should revolve around cheerios, dragon slut, and boring ass Jeanne should be put down like a sick horse.

This is an African American.

>Season 1 characters are awful.

Excellent bait, you made me angry.

Nina is good but Charioce is a terrible character and their relationship isn't fun to follow.
People are upset because the show practically swapped genres. That's okay if you like both genres but if you don't it can suck.
The second cour has been really slow so far however they need to inject a lot more Favaro and Rita in to save it.

>Charioce's development

No, Bacchus is black. Favaro is supposed to be Italian or at the very least some type of Mediterranean.

Other thread was created first. Use the catalog.

No way am I posting in that shitty thread. Alessand needs to fucking die.

>Nina is good
I love this meme

That's a shitty title though so I don't want to.

>Nina is good

How? She's literally retarded, has zero loyalty, doesn't care about anyone that isn't in front of her aside from cheerios, and is a hungry cock addict who wants to fuck her dad. She's a hilariously bad character and her only saving grace is being cute, which doesn't outweigh all her negatives.

Everyone is upset that Favaro isn't in it more but that's no reason to hate the girl they got in instead. It's not her fault she can't compete.

Those are all the things that make her entertaining. Are you so autistic that your idea of a "good" character is one you'd personally like to be friends with? You know these anime girls aren't real, right?

It's a new write they hired for this season.

>Nina is good
Nina is not good. She's the weakest part of the show. I mean Cheerios is bad in his own right but Nina barely has interest to be in this story. She's a filler character in her own show, she sucks up screen time on pointless, irrelevant shit. Just this last episode for example, we could have had more of the awesome areena escape, instead we got goofy, redundant heaven escape. Nina has no personal goals or tangible attachement to the plot, she just bounces off each character and tags along for the ride with little agency of her own. She's just the woman writer's blank self insert in her fantasies about dating Charioce.

>People are upset because the show practically swapped genres.
What the fuck does it even mean

>it's ok for a character to be shit if they're "fun"!

She's a bad character and isn't entertaining. She drags down the show like concrete shoes in the ocean and does nothing interesting or enjoyable aside from slobber over cocks. The fact that you like her is a testament to your terrible tastes. She's a side gag character that was made MC because the writer was drunk and as retarded as you.

oh no wonder.

went from adventure fantasy to romance fantasy.

not that user.

Was adventure fantasy, is a romance drama.

Everything you're saying is a problem with the writing of the plot in general not using the characters in a meaningful or fun way, not with Nina. Her being a dumb cock-hungry genki who does cute shit is fine, the problem is she doesn't fit well as the main character without some other hook, and like you say the Cheeriors romance one isn't good enough. Nina is one of my favourite characters but its the position she's been put in that doesn't do her any favours.

Well they're shit and I hope they get blacklisted from the industry.

>She's just the woman writer's blank self insert in her fantasies about dating Charioce.
Fuck off

>went from adventure fantasy to romance fantasy.
I have no issue with romance, the problem is that Bahamut romance is fucking shit.

So basically the girl upsets your autism and so you are angry that anyone else could find her entertaining? I like her goofy personality but I agree she doesn't work as an MC the way they are using her, maybe at all.

He's not wrong.

>is a problem with the writing of the plot in general not using the characters in a meaningful or fun way, not with Nina.
And yet pretty much every other character is able to still have a goal, a story line, connection to the plot BUT the main heroine. It really doesn't matter where the heart of the problem lies, in the end Nina is still the problem.

He is.

Read the interview she gave aniki. Cheerios is her dream guy and Nina is a blank, you do the math.

That's because the one they choose for her is a shit romance that no-one really buys. I like Nina, but like others have said she'd probably be better as a side character. She could've worked if maybe they'd used her desire to be a bounty hunter as a driving force in the plot, or at least something more proactive than needing dick.

How can you insult him for liking Nina because he finds her fun, then turn around and say she's bad because you don't find her fun?
This is just a difference in opinion in how the two of you enjoy Nina, there's nothing to argue here.

He's right though. Her only purpose in the plot aside from wasting hours of screen time is to list after cheerios.

She doesn't upset my autism, she drags down the story, has no purpose in the story, and is a pointless character. You finding her entertaining doesn't make her less of a shit character; at best she should have been a side character like Bachus.

>People lost interest?
Did they? I thought there was never much interest for Bahamut to start with. Sadly, since its really gorgeous.

It's not just because she's fun, it's because she has no purpose, wastes screentime, and drags the plot down. Her being unlikable is just an unfortunate bonus.

I liked Nina in the beginning, but at this point I honestly think Amira was a better character. And that's coming from someone who wasn't a big fan of her in Genesis.

>Jeanne's story is boring too.
Now this I outright disagree with. Jeanne actually has something meaningful going on with her place in the story that goes beyond a highschool crush or Kaisar's endearing but ambiguous sense of duty.

Honestly the problem with Nina is that I don't care for any of her scenes, they're filler, they add nothing of value and feel awfully padded. Thus I associate her with boredom. I'm also tired of the hazy morality romance which makes her lose even more sympathy points from me. I don't have any interest in her anymore, if I felt any kind of sympathy or connection to her I could maybe tolerate her goofy, pointless scenes. Alas, I don't and her scenes are headache inducing to me.

Amira was so forgettable I had to Google who that was, but now that I remember I am inclined to agree. I find it kind of funny the second season just ignores her existence.

Let's be honest the story has always been dogshit in Bahamut. Your thinking that she drags it down is just because you don't enjoy scenes with her in. I don't like the romance shit either, it was funny at first but became way too one-note when Cheerios got involved. I like Nina as a character but yeah, the way she's been written this one dimensional she'd be better as a supporting character than a main, at least we agree there. If they'd put more focus on other aspects of her personality and shown her grow in a way that wasn't just a cheap shoujo plot I think fewer people would have a problem with her.
This I can relate to at least. I like her goofy scenes, like the chase one in last week's was the only redeeming moment in that episode for me, other than the bit with Favaro. It's a matter of taste.

I like this show when it was about adventure and shit.

I just started watching this season, 6 episodes in they are just stuck in 1 location with nothing happened.

Not Amira fan either but in hindsight her being all about her mom was much more touching than Nina being all about cock/cheerios. I could at the very least feel bad for Amira.

It is weird that literally nobody has even brought her up once, especially the Favaro/Kaisar/Rita trio despite the entirety of Genesis and their journey in that series being all about her. I wonder if the new writer hates her or something.

Why are you people using this word exactly? This isn't a fucking adaption, there is no filler scenes.

Bahamut's strength was always the character interactions yet in VS even that part wastes all of its potential.

Because it's a term also used outside anime adaptations.

The story was bad with great characters in season one. Now it's bad with bad characters. At least in season one the story was a good vessel for delivering us the characters and had relatively decent pacing, but now neither of those are the case. The second season didn't fix what was broke and decided to break a couple more things just to twist the knife so the writer could have her wet dream self insert.

>If they'd put more focus on other aspects of her personality and shown her grow in a way that wasn't just a cheap shoujo plot I think fewer people would have a problem with her.

Probably, but it's too late for that. They should have started that in the first few episodes.

You know filler is a proper english word with another meaning, right?

Probably doesn't want the attention taken from her self insert. It's just bad writing though, there should have at least been a mention of her when Favaro and Kaisar met up again in the prison.

Fine, padding. Happy now? Nina eating berries, Nina chasing Mugaro, all of that is padding. They only have only so much plot content per an episode so they have to fill it in with insubstancial content to meet the runtime. And for some reason Nina always gets the filler content.

Yeah this I agree with. I like Nina but they are still writing her with the level of depth of a side gag character or a generic shoujo self insert. She lacks that powerful connection to any other main characters. S1 had the bromance/rivalry between Favaro and Kaiser to drive it as well as Amira and Favaro (a much sweeter and more interesting romance than Cheerios and Nina). Which again I think is a problem with the writing and not the characters themselves. If anything the characters are on the whole better now, Jeanne has far more depth and Cheerios is at least better than the pantomime villains in S1, all the characters are just used poorly.

Was for

You've gotta assume it's for her big return at the end. She's too central a character and conspicuous in being the only absence from S1

Now that all of the main S1 cast are reunited and actually have a chance to sit down and talk they might bring her up this ep. But it is pretty weird that 16 episodes in and not even a single implication of her existence desire her being the entire plot point of Genesis.

>The only things that are keeping me from dropping this show are Rita, Kaisar and Favaro.
Switch Kaisar for Azazel/Mugaro and I'm set. The only thing Kaisar has contributed so far is saving Charioce's life about three times now. Way to go kaisar.

Why is this a problem though? Not every moment has to be about the plot nor should it.

I disagree heavily that the characters are better now, since I don't think depth makes for interesting, useful, or entertaining. Jeanne has the personality of wet cardboard. Definitely agree that they're used poorly though.

You have a lot more faith in this writer than I do, but I'd like to think you're right. Still, having zero mention of her at least between the main trio has been very conspicuous.

PLOT TWIST: Favaro is the one who created interdimensional rift Bahamut is going to pass through.

You have to admit Jeanne is more interesting now than before at least? She was just a generic paladin before, now we can see her more fragile side, the fact that without the blessings of the gods she isn't a warrior even on par with other knights anymore, plus the story of her wanting to find and protect her son. That whole section was really touching even if the payoff was bizarrely off note.
The fact it's so conspicuous is what makes me think they HAVE to have something up their sleeves. Even if the writer didn't plan it, the way anime is made you can't just completely neglect to mention or involve such a central girl who would have a lot of fans.

Because that's entirety of Nina's character when she isn't in dragon form. Plus there's other characters who could use that screen time.

The shit taste here is so strong it is almost toxic.

Only reason why I keep watching this show is to see Jeanne having a happy /ss/ end.

>Jeanne actually has something meaningful going on with her place in the story
Not really she's just there

I miss her.

You're right. I can't believe people can actually enjoy this show at this point. I'm literally only watching it because of the S1 characters minus Jeanne.

She is more interesting, and I like the route her relationship with Gabriel took since I bad assumed they had a romantic relationship and not a platonic one. I just am bummed her personality is wet cardboard despite her background becoming more multi layered and complex. I know she's been through it, but she's like an android pantomiming human behavior. And this is coming from a guy who usually eats up parent-child plots/subplots with a spoon.

I really hope you're right about the writers holding off on Amira.

>Those are all the things that make her entertaining
Hell no. Those are things that make her unsympathetic and hard to connect to. I wish I could punch her in the face so much.

If you are that disgusted by people having different taste to you then you should probably leave.

I think that's the only reason anyone (aside from the one Nina fan) is watching. Which is pretty impressive when you think about it; three characters are so good that people will tolerate a shit show that ignores that trio most the time just for a few minutes of them here and there.

It's because those characters are what made Genesis so fun. Literally nobody praises Genesis for it's story, it was always about the characters and how they interacted with each other, especially the main cast. People were expecting VS to be the same, and while it started out going in that direction, it ruined it's own chances and made the new characters that we are supposed to like and be rooting for either uninteresting or straight up unlikable.

Favaro is such a great guy.

I don't really understand how they could think Virgin Soul in its current state was a good idea. I mean, the idea by itself isn't bad - it's quite the opposite in my opinion. Humans rising in power after Bahamut incident, a literal Hitler leading them, a female MC falling in love with said leader, a conflict between own beliefs and rules established by tradition and many more - it's all great. Just why the hell the execution is so fucking poor and flat?

And MAPPA also had infinite funds from Cygames. There is really no excuse for them.

I will never understand why the focus didn't go back to Favaro since episode 1. He carried the first season so goddamn hard it wasn't even funny. Also, the dynamics on the group (Kaisar, Rita, and Amira(didn't care much about her, she was obviously waifu bait) were much better.

>Favaro is such a great guy
Are you being sarcastic? He was literally about to try and murder her at the end there if it hadn't been for Kaisar popping up. That said, he does eventually become a better person because of her.

>He carried the first season so goddamn hard it wasn't even funny
Here comes the Favarofags

>He doesn't think Favaro was the best thing out of Bahamut
Lemme guess, you actually think Nina is a great character.

This. I find myself waiting for Favaro every episode. Kaiser and his bromance are the best thing about this show. Rita too of course.

kys Favaro/Kaiser/Rita are the best characters in the show. Cheerios is being set up as another doin ebil for a greater good plot twist so the author can redeem her man crush, Nina is ok, but very bland compared to the first season cast (besides Amira), and Jeanne is boring.

>a much sweeter and more interesting romance than Cheerios and Nina
It wasn't really romance. The kiss was a bizzare last minute throw in. But Genesis prove you could have a great character driven show without romance. This writer is giving a terrible name to other women in the industry by shoehorning that godawful romance in so hard.

You're not missing anything, 17 epsiodes in and still nothing has happened.

Nah, that shop has sailed. Her story is done and she's so far removed from the plot it'd feel weird if she jumped in all of a sudden. For what purpose even? This show isn't even about Favaro anymore.

Sterted to lose interest intensly when they denied me a Favaro and Kaisar prison escape episode dedicated to them.

The beginning was good because of the mystery around the characters, now I'm pretty sure they're gonna give Charioce a shitty reason for his angst and El's development it's looking pretty banal. Alliance between Favaro/Kaisar/Azazel looks boring too.

The only thing that could save the show now is Amira getting back and closing Favaro's character arc.

I agree with you, but isn't Favaro's character arc done? I guess the only thing left is for him to fulfill the promise he made to Amira at the end where he told her he'd take her to even more amazing places. And while I think she's going to pop up again in the finale of Virgin Soul, I don't think she's going to stay and will have to go back with Bahamut.

Agree on all points, as sad as it is. It's rare for me to find so many characters so god damned likable in a show too. I should rewatch season one to try to recapture that magic.

>three characters

Is the new girl still the focus of the show or did we go back to Favaro/Kaisar?

I just want bomber head adventures.

The writer wanted a fujo self insert to lust for bishounen Hitler. Not even joking, that's why Favaro and rhe others became side characters.

It's still dragon slut.

I think Nina can have some funny, quirky moments, she's definitely a character with potential under the right execution. But reducing her to the bridge between Charioce's edgy ways and his epiphany took away a lot from her. She's cut out to be a romance lead, not what Bahamut advertises itself as.


>did we go back to Favaro/Kaisar?
I wish.

Yeah, that, I think it'd be awesome, since S2 characters don't look like they have anything more to offer - and are pretty boring.
Kaisar too has become pretty dull, and Azazel is only muh revenge.
I wish they could just give the characters some different facets or just play on different dynamics, the S1 wasn't perfect, the plot wasn't that original, but I definitely wasn't as bored and uninterested as now.

Gave me a hearty kek, m8.

But Favaro does bring out the best from other characters. Even Nina in his flashback seemed likable. And Charioce? Personally I found it hilarious when he bullied Favaro after he was captured. Not to mention Kaisar. Even Rita agrees he's at his best when he stays loyal to himself and Favaro is around.

Heck, even Jeanne had her first and last evidence of personality in S1 when she talked with Favaro under the Bahamut statue.

For the life of mine I can't figure out why are there any kaisarfags. Is it because he's hot? I thought you guys hated the new cast, yet kaisar is a huge faggot cheerios cocksucker yet you still fawn over that tool? Kaisar is jeanne levels bland, is a goddamned hypocrite and the way the show is painting him as this benevolent Kaisar is jeanne levels bland, is a goddamned hypocrite and the way the show is painting him as this benevolent arbitrator is just nauseating.

>Is it because he's hot?
Yes. Also cute. Any problems with that?

Azazel is currently the best character in this shlock. Unironically.
>most dramatic character developement
>most interesting relationhsips
>most clear defined goals
>biggest personal stakes
Here's your kek, favadong swallower.

Kaisar is like mayo; unappealing by itself, but mixed with the right ingredients (Favaro and/or Rita), it becomes delicious. That's why we all talk about the trio rather than one particular member. In my opinion, only Favaro is a strong enough character to stand on his own without the other two to play off of him.