Hey Sup Forums lefty Sup Forums here...

Hey Sup Forums lefty Sup Forums here. I just found out that Don King killed someone and was convicted for second degree murder.

He was then Pardoned by Govenor Rhodes after spending a few years in jail.

Governor Rhodes said he had relied heavily on the recommendations of Ohio's Parole Board, which received many letters supporting King. Among those who wrote were the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the civil rights leader; Coretta Scott King, widow of Martin Luther King Jr.; Steve G. Davis, executive director of the National Publishers Association; Mayor George Voinovich of Cleveland; Art Modell, the Cleveland Browns president, and Gabe Paul, the Cleveland Indians president.

Don King seemed like a real piece of shit human being regardless of race, my question is why would so many prominent black figures want to associate themselves with such a massive piece of shit?



Bump, why fight to help out this low life when there are actual people of color worth fighting for who are being held unfairly?

Because most prominent black figures are part of the black’s victim culture. They see themselves as oppressed. The only one I can think of that is a prominent black figure who doesn’t hold this view is Morgan Freeman. So, they probably think Don King was right in killing the other person. Even though, Don King wasn’t right, and he is an evil person. Also, blacks aren’t really oppressed. The problem with blacks is they think like children. At least a majority of them do.

Because most prominent black figures are part of the black’s victim culture. They see themselves as oppressed. The only one I can think of that is a prominent black figure who doesn’t hold this view is Morgan Freeman. So, they probably think Don King was right in killing the other person. Even though, Don King wasn’t right, and he is an evil person. Also, blacks aren’t really oppressed. The problem with blacks is they think like children. At least a majority of them do.

What the fuck is this?

Thanks for the reply. I was pretty fucking shocked to see this. It's just hard for a me to think respectable people came together to try to get this sick fuck out of jail. It's like trying to defend someone like OJ.

I honestly do feel like some drug laws have unfairly targeted blacks, but this is just retarded. This guy killed someone and then got his life back. Probably because he's a rich public figure, but it doesn't seem often black or white that you get away with shit like this, and especially not with the full support of an entire community.

I don't know but that creeps me out. I feel like it's some CIA shit.

>acting all surprised when a nigger nogs
> comes to 1/2 Sup Forums to talk about it
Something doesn’t add up
You’re lost, and need to go back

I'm surprised that so many people came to support his pardon. It's almost as if he get pardoned to help promote fights and make someone money or something.




now that's been answered, fuck off back to your hidey hole cunt.

This is a RUSSIAN ALERT...

blacks are tribal creatures and band together when any of them are "attacked"

also they probably think he didn't do it

Bleep bloop Delet system 32 it’s your only hope bleep bloop

Its probably a goal of the left to imply that murder is natural for blacks and therefore forgivable. Im sure its "just a natural reaction to 7 gorillion years of slavery and colonization" I can fucking hear some nasty cunt squaking it already.

>why would so many prominent black figures want to associate themselves with such a massive piece of shit?

Niggers always rally around their absolute worst. Have you ever once seen a nigger actually not stick up for another nigger regardless of what African atrocity they have committed? Michael Jackson, OJ, Trayvon, Mike Brown. Good boys who din do nuffin.

Bonus points if the nigger criminal killed or victimized a white.

No i don't please stop generalizing


It's just a crazy story to me because he had no defense. People witnessed him stomping this dude to death.

That and he was sentenced to second degree murder, which was somehow switched to manslaughter. WTF happened here.

Look up and read the court documents you lazy fuckhead.

god damn you're retarded. thanks for following this thread just to continue to post autistically. I'll take this to 1/1 pol so you can shit it up there too before any connections are made to the DNC and Jon Gotti.

Bed time.

The majority of black people cheered on the streets when the OJ verdict came out.

Don King had the audacity to play the nigger victim card even when it came to beating one of his own race to death. He called it "the frustration of the ghetto." And then downplayed it by calling it "a fight" and that the other guy just hit his head on the curb.

In reality, he dragged a man out in the street and repeatedly stomped on his head until he died because the dude owed him $600. He served less than 4 years in prison for this before receiving a full pardon. Since then he's stolen literally hundreds of millions of dollars by taking advantage of clients who get punched in the head for a living and thus don't realise how he's screwing them over until he's already made off with a fortune.

King is a piece of shit and at 86 years old I hope he lies awake at night knowing hell is waiting for the cunt.