There is no such thing as Irish nationalism

There is no such thing as Irish nationalism, only irish republicanism, which is inherently far left, ""progressive"", ""anti imperialist"" and marxist. Irish republicans were pro Zionist in the early part of the 20th century, before later forming close links Palestinian groups, ETA, Colombian marxist guerrillas, Red Army Faction, the Red Brigade, ANC, communist Cuba and others, all at the behest of their Comintern masters. Irish republicanism has no place here. All irish republicans are commies and commies should be dropped from a great height

Irish republicans and jew terrorist groups

The IRA and East Germany

The IRA and FARC (Colombian marxist terrorists)

Irish republicanism and marxist groups around the world

Irish republicans and the ANC

Other urls found in this thread:

Interesting. Bump

Everybody knows the Irish are lefty faggots.

it's not rare for far left movements to show nationalistic tilts

Unfortunately not. This place is a laughing stock. Supposedly """red pilled""" and yet Irish republicans post on Sup Forums day and night

I piss on every taig mural I see

So that makes it okay? I suppose you could also argue that the USSR was nationalistic, they were I suppose to some extent. Should we start waving red flag?

That doesn't change the fact the Irish are marxists and the Ulstermen aren't.

Sadly the average American can't tell the difference between memes and reality.
>Poland strong
>muh 1/32 Irish heritage
>Europe is finished
>Jews are not all bad guys at least they kill sandniggers

If you purged the bottom 50% of burgers from this board quality world markedly increase.

This is the truth. It's funny that Americans are staunchly anti red but then openly support the most marxist ideology in Europe

Those are just examples of "Notice me Sempai" displayed by the Irish since they're going through their edgy, rebellious stage.

They ought to stop this foolishness and come back to Britain.

>edgy, rebellious stage
Since 1916? Lel

I think the IRA and Irish unity today are unquestionably left wing, in fact the entire country is on a leftward trajectory. But I do find it ironic that a Dane, from probably the most left wing country in Europe bar Sweden would raise this issue.

The original IRA which fought and won the war of independence, spawned the nationalist ,moralist Irish state which existed until the 80's. So I think it's more a matter of being anti-establishment.

Furthermore , the IRA co-operated with Germany during WW2 , with German spies being facilitated by them.

I actually had in mind USSR as an example of nationalistic far-left state entity. But now all western left movements have matured and they excluded nationalism from their agenda. But there are always exemption like Ireland, but Ireland is a unique historical case. In other parts of the non-western world, like China for example, nationalism and socialism goes together.

>Furthermore , the IRA co-operated with Germany during WW2 , with German spies being facilitated by them.

KEK . I bet a lot of the Lefties don't like to remember that.

I'm 1/2 Irish 1/2 Dane, amerigoblin.
When is the new Ethnostate gonna get here so I can git with the culture makin' already?

>a Dane
I'm Norwegian
>the IRA co-operated with Germany during WW2
One incarnation of the IRA, for around a year. Until the Abwehr tired of them blowing up English civilians instead of armaments factories like they were supposed to

>the IRA co-operated with Germany during WW2

Because Germany was fighting Britain. All it shows is the Irish will side with anybody who wants to harm Britain.

>nationalism and socialism goes together
Marxian socialism is internationalist

How about rational socialism?
If someone needs help(surgery) they get it.
If someone doesn't need help(nigs who can't get jobs cause they always causing crime)they don't get it(or they get a one way ticket to Africa, as to not overcrowd our prisons)

We are not debating the definition of socialism here. Are you trying to excuse the far left Marxism of the Irish by arguing the definition of socialism?

Really there is no excuse for a board like/pol/ to tolerate the presence of Irish republicans. But then we let ourselves get swamped by reddit and shareblue so I suppose I'm not surprised

I'm suggesting our ethnostate's national policy

Nice quads btw

It's bizarre watching these people make excuses for the ideology of the IRA.

A discussion for some other day m8

The main IRA called the Provisional IRA or the Provos was not Marxist, there were Marxist members in the movement but they left and formed their own group the "Official" IRA, which fizzled out after a couple of years due to low support. I'm not denying the IRA had collaborated Marxists abroad but they also had ties to Gaddafi and Palestinians, does that mean that the IRA were Muslim? They worked with Nazis as well back in the forties. The truth was that the IRA needed all the help it could get and it didn't particularly care where it came from, whoever was an enemy of the British establishment at that time was a friend to them. The reason why there are so many communist murals is because the real members of the movement were out risking their lives, not painting walls.

I live in Dublin but if I lived in the North I'd have to support the DUP/Loyalist parties
Irish "nationalists" are all leftist muh "racism is an English construct" rapeugees welcome faggots


This. Irish nationalists are all pro-refugee types.

>British establishment

Are you pretending the British people don't despise you lot?

Czeched. And agreed. The mental gymnastics is sometimes quite impressive

Whats the difference between IRA and real IRA?

bump for Ireland

The IRA are quite marxist and the Real IRA are VERY marxist.

That's Ulstermen for you.

The ideology of the IRA was that Britain should cease its occupation of the six counties and that Ireland should unite into a single 32 county Republic, as described in the Proclamation of Irish Republic in 1916.

>The main IRA called the Provisional IRA or the Provos was not Marxist
Pic related
>the reason why there are so many communist murals is because the real members of the movement were out risking their lives, not painting walls
But the gunmen allowed such murals to be painted. They could have told the painters to stop doing ANC/Che Guevara/ETA stuff. They didn't

All irish republicans are communists

Forgot pic

BASED Ireland dindu nuffin!

That's an Ulster protestant mural

Irish are the niggers of Europe

Americans really are a bit thick

Irish like basques are terrorists cucks schizoids who enjoy bombing white children while getting their women fucked by niggers.

Irish aren't nationalists. They are just anti-British. They don't care if every Irishman is raped to death by niggers as long as they aren't British niggers.

>a single 32 county Socialist Republic
Ftfy Seamus

Separatist traitors need to be stamped out across Europe.

>But I do find it ironic that a Dane

FFS. I stopped reading right there.

When will we carpet firebomb these traitors to ashes? I don't feel like they should have a place in a white state

Duh brits wuz Nazis?

BASED unionists!

>But I do find it ironic that a Dane

This obviously.

A lot of the northern Ireland loyalists are user.

Plenty of irish nationalists on here who are not pro-refugee

>Are you pretending the British people don't despise you lot?
Are you pretending brits are people?

It's funny you say that because I always noticed disgust in the tone of some of the English when talking to them. They wouldn't even hide it and offend me casually.

But I never actually react because I pity the English to be honest. My sister was a teacher in Ireland. Making ok money. A recruiter from England got onto her. She wasn't really interested but they paid for her flights and accommodation if she attended the interview. She felt pressured to go so she went. She did a half assed interview and was offered the job in a school near Watford a couple of days later for excellent money.

She said the standard in education was terrible. She has pupils counting their fingers to do easy calculations. A lot of pakis don't respect her as she's a woman. If you ever raise your voice at a kid for being a smart ass, you get in trouble. There was case where a male teacher was removed from the building by security for cursing at a student.

So you can act all superior to the Irish all you want, but your country has being going downhill for a long, long time. The quality of people in your country is getting worse and worse.

Loyalists remind me more of Scots than modern Scots do.



fuck off Vicuck

He is some rotten looking man

Wow. A few unionists used to fly israel flags to annoy the Palestinian loving republicans. I totally change my mind about everything


Look there was undeniably a Marxist fringe to the movement but the reality is that contrary to what Sinn Fein would like to believe most members of the IRA only cared about ending the Unionist oppression of the Catholics in Northern Ireland (in which case they were successful) and securing a 32 county Republic. The communists were a vocal minority that sadly were tolerated by the rest of them instead of being purged, and this allowed some Marxists to infiltrate the IRA's political wing and subvert the IRA's image into something red instead of green. For a better understanding watch this video

Like I give a fuck about that traitor

You may not but most of you countrymen love him.

Gerry is a rat who is despised by real Republicans

You have no idea what you are talking about

I agree, but a lot of your countrymen support commie Corbyn. We all have our problems and fair share of useful idiots.

>Separatist traitors need to be stamped out across Europe.

In Europe Separatists are commies too often because western euros have a weird anti-hierarchy sentiment. Communism in non- western euro countries is mostly about reinforcing submission to a greater power, serfdom, like somewhat trad and nationalist peasants who are seeking a lord, despite what jews tried to do that was the opposite. Instead communism in the west is about breaking bonds with the greater power and breaking into small weak, powerless groups to whom separatists want to totally submit.

Typical irish lies. Sinn Fein are the political wing of the Provisional IRA. They are the IRA's mouthpiece. Many Sinn Fein politicians are ex IRA.

>a lot of your countrymen support commie Corbyn

He loves the Irish too.

The IRA were a unification movement, not a separatist movement.

The average irish is nigger terrorist.

They want to separate Ulster from the United Kingdom

The Irish aren't people.

He loves lefties. I'm not denying that we have a serious problem in this country, I just hope we find a cure soon.

And you want to separate Ulster from the rest of Ireland.


And by killing them we would be cleaning the gene pool from anti- hierarchical antifascist genes. Kill separatist across Europe is a eugenics must to end socialism from our people genetics. Maybe Flemish separatist can avoid it

That already happened


You did that yourselves.

>you want to separate Ulster from the rest of Ireland
It is separate. Cry harder lefty bitch

Will you please STFU, Mohammed.

>They don't care if every Irishman is raped to death by niggers as long as they aren't British niggers
Irish are niggers themselves, just that they are big cucks

And Catalans are pure Aryan

There are other right wing separatists in Europe


Monaghan, Donegal and Cavan are in Ulster and the Republic of Ireland.

Like these lads

My father was best friends with a PIRA member and would go to see him in the 80's when he would stay just over the border in a farm house, which had no electricity and only an outdoor toilet.

The problem was the PIRA were just a split from the inactive Officials, who were marxist lenninists and they were the only ones defending nationalist communities after the Officials refused to, as they saw sectarian violence as a tool of the bourgeois state.

This meant the only active group doing anything was the PIRA, because the Official IRA were Marxists and the old nationalist base of the pre-OIRA nationalsits had died off and had no arms.

So if you were a true nationalist in the North you had no choice but to join. It was kinda like how many nationalist patriotic Russians fought in the red army. Not every soldier fighting for the red army believed in the ideology. They simply wanted to defend their peoples from being wiped out and their lands taken and germanised.

The Provo council war full of Marxists, but the rank and file were nationalists. I would never support PIRA or Sinn Fein because of their left wingery, but the cause of a united Ireland seems fair to me. If another nation occupied my country and had settlers there, I would be leaving bombs in their pubs and shooting their families.

I have no issue with this. Niggerland for the niggers, Irish for the fenians, Britian for the Anglo master race.

So the borders of Ulster cannot change over time? Can Germany still be called that, you know, since east Prussia is now Russian and Silesia is now in Poland? Ignorant paddy

>I have no issue with this.

You've no problem with abandoning thousands of our people in Ulster?

What u got against dogs? Personally I would trust a dog over a human any day a dog ain't going to steal my wallet a dog ain't going to fuck my girlfriend

From 1930 to 1969 the IRA was a traditionalist Catholic movement that forbade any of its members from expressing communist views. After the split happened in 1970 the Provisional IRA denounced the radical socialism of the much smaller "Officials". Provisional IRA leaders like Seán MacStíofán and Ruairí Ó Brádaigh were devoutly religious and anti-Communist. It is pure historical revisionism to suggest that the Republican movement was ever completely dominated by socialists.

Yes they were, they were a split from the Officials and all its leadership was marxist and socialists. Most rank and file were not, but the bloody provo charter called for socialist state for gods sake.

Separatism is inherently antifa. All whites need to unite to conquer the world. Even for self-defense, do you think that the huge Chinese problem is going to solve itself?

If they care so much about being british then come to England and scotland, their ancestral homelands.

However most of the prods in the North are chavs. Never seen so many nike Tn's and ar max hoodies in my life.

Sinn Fein=MI5

They shouldn't have to abandon their own land if they don't want to sorry sweetie.