What happened, Sup Forums?

What happened, Sup Forums?

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You’re either twelve or you’ve been living under a rock for decades.

>What happened, Sup Forums?

The Jews you idiot.

For one the right is a form of visual modern art and the left is casual attire.

This is the work of the eternal Boomer user.

Winning the wrong war.

Republicans got greedy.

Fashion industry

You choose the stupid picture for right. Tbh i like modern fashion much more and when i see old videos i just don't like the way they dressed


>For one the right is a form of visual modern art and the left is casual attire.

the items from fashion shows arent usually intended to be worn casually, the are showcasing styles/themes that will enter into their lines

Have you ever seen someone walking around these days like the person on the right? No. I've seen more people dressed like the guy on the left around these days than the right.

Go outside. Make some friends, get a job, find yourself a girlfriend. You don't need to be worrying about false realities you've convinced yourself exist. Sure, things have gotten much worse in some areas of our society, but this is just untrue.

Beats me. I guess you'd have to look at society's cultural gatekeepers, if you're curious how culture could change so quickly

homo-alphabets took over fashion.

One of them is in public the other is at a goofy fashion show and basically you're fucking gay

Bad people with bad intentions.


>fashion show
Cover for human trafficking and laundering money

Jews and giving women the power to Vote

You're not supposed to take these designers seriously, its just performance art to them.

There's some seriously mind-controlled people in the gallery there. Like what normal person shouldn't be outraged and scream, "WTF is this shit"?

european fraternity's are still okay


A picture of daily attire from 80yrs ago was superimposed next a picture of last years milan fashion show.

Anything popular that is rising wil be taken over and subverted.

hello neighbour ~

pol was always a isolation chamber to keep ppl of the streak where they can actually reach ppl.and breed

Eliminate jew and jew created nigger influences in your life and life becomes better - Constantly strive for self improvement and ignore all jew propaganda in the classroom and in the media this scares the rat-faced jew.

The guy in 2017 looks cooler.

Left is a cringy fedora tipper.

Jews and gays. Often gay jews


Follow the money.

fashion was already in decline

What happened, Sup Forums?

Pax Atomica

both were great and full of taste in their time. Try again, Mehmet.

Remember, it's never JUST the Jews. A country has the Jews it deserves after all, and the Boomers were like this country's AIDS allowing the Injewenza virus to bring this country to its knees.

Not much faggot both pictures are of gay men.
OP you must be a queer, oh dear

Kys commie

Post post modernism, eg leftist faggotry.

That's a fake Hitler from some Jewish 40s comedy series

The Greatest Goys and fags like FDR and Truman created this mess. Boomers were just it's greatest creation.

The Jews use tools, don't blame the tool.


>What happened, Sup Forums?
this happened

good very good Svenska, lmao

who cares

OK racist faggots, I hope that you have room for them also,

fashion design is in the hands of faggots.


You do know that Cary Grant was a flaming HOMO, right? Ironic you are using him as an icon of male fashion, unless you are a HOMO yourself, that is.


You need to be gassed.

Vid related, a system designed around satanic principles.... This is his world now


you do know that cary grant was a fag, right?

Those kinds fashion shows on the right are just mostly doing it for the sake of art. Those pieces really aren't made for comercial purposes like your typical fashion show, it's just whoever can make the most interesting stuff. It honestly isn't bad some of the stuff they think of.

Fashion industry is fucked. Fashion designers make retarded outfits to get notoriety and fame. Those outfits never make it into real production because they're designed to garner publicity and attention, not to look good.

Sadly, every industry is moving towards that. Art is already there.

asian trump looks badass dude.

To be honest, I think God might have died. Or at least left the room awhile

His real name was Archibald Leach. Kek.

Something wonderful, mankind progressed beyond the faggotry of the past.


under-fuckin-rated. good job new sealand

The gays