How will Azazelfags ever recover

How will Azazelfags ever recover

charioce is best boy



Azazel is a fag anyways.
Else he wouldn't wear lipstick

Else he would've fucked Cerberus and Belphegor by now

Cheerios x Nina make a really boring pair.

>Lucifer is supposed to be a badass
>sat on his ass doing nothing even when Bahamut showed up in Genesis
>sits on his ass hiding out doing nothing while Cheerios subjugates the spiritual kingdoms under his onyx soldier's bootheels

and yet half the demon race follows Lucifer and hangs out in a cool frigid ice continent the humans can't weather instead of pledging to Azazel. and those who did, got smushed. Isn't it sad, Azazel?

The most interesting pair story-wise though.
The upcoming conflict is imminent, and I personally appreciate that they are trying to make Charioce a bit more than just the big bad guy, heavy handed as it might be.
As long as they don't try to somehow redeem him totally.

By shipping him with Mugaro.
I was expecting their reunion in this episode so I was still kinda let down

>The most interesting pair story-wise though.
That's not saying much when the story is so dull.
Their dynamic feels like the blandest of shoujo romances.

>implying anyone other than Cheetosfags and Ninafags give a shit about those two cancerous cunts and their cancerous "romance"

>this mad

> mfw this whole episode

The feeling of unease is fucking stagnant, god, at this point it's pretty clear that Cheerios is going to bite it before the show is over.

Disgusting, Azazel belongs to Luci.

Despite Lucifer being a lazy asshole, I figure he is doing the right thing in this situation, rushing and attacking head on like the angels tried to do is destined to fail, so their only option is to wait until Charioce inevitably loses control over the green magic, then go for a full counter attack.

wtf when did she become a demon

It's a disguise

I think he'll live, but he'll go full blind and won't be able to tell if it's Nina or Dragon!Nina he's fucking.

Yes, I'm mad the show turned to shit because of them. Sue me.

> Its proven canon that Cheerios is a scaly

But when did she grow the mustache?!?

Surely you are jesting?
This gentleman is quite obviously in no way related to this "Nina" person.

This is legitimately the worst written show of the year.

This entire Cheerios shit is hilariously bad.

> Onyx knight guy now knows that Nina = Red dragon and that Cheerios loves her
> Heavily implied that he's going to do something about it

But I mean, at this point, how are any of the green knights a threat to Nina now that she can transform at will? She can even beat those sentinel things, unless maybe they ganged up on her.

Makes me think that instead they're going to start a ku against Cheerios, but without him I assume they can't use the hand cannon.

The difference in pussy size should be a dead giveaway even to a blind man.

What about an emotionally autistic virgin blind man?

I think he just dont kno about the hand weapon yet, otherwise he'd have moved his ass and wreck Cheerios.

Lorefags always say this lazy asshole is powerful as fuck, but doesn't do shit till th world is in real danger. How powerful is he?

> Otherwise he'd have moved his ass and wreck Charioce

What makes you think so? The angels only attacked full on because they had El, but if the demons didn't even know about the hand, there would still be enough reason to stay away.

Gabriel said the hand weapon is bahamut's level of threat. Knowing that would be enough reason to destroy it.

Except they don't have the power to destroy it or even to stand up to it.

If they can't even beat the onyx knights what makes you think they could stand up to the hand cannon?

isn't Lucifer some omnipotent being according to lorefags? or do the anime manage power levels diferently?

He's always correct though
>people sort Bahamut's shit out
>people are going to sort this problem out
>both times he didn't get involved and just sits there reading books and chillin'
Nigga's a fucking genius

This is your Hitler for tonight.

He's supposed to be the strongest demon/angel left, but I doubt even he knows if he could fight onyx knights/handcannon. So he just plays safe.


Looks like somebody hasn't watched isekai smartphone.


>Nina sneaks back in from a secret date with Cheerios
>suddenly family intervention
>Kaisar as the melodramatic mother
>Favaro as the stern father

please make it happen

sain airbags

>Rita steps in
>"Actually, we could use it to our advantage."
>"I guess we're thinking about the same, Rita" says Favaro
>They want to use this opportunity and make Nina steal the bracelet
>Nina objects at first but in the end agrees
>Of course when the time comes she once again fucks up

>Finally finish the capital hijinks arc
>Everything runs back to the capital as quick as possible
I just wanted an adventure, is that so much to ask?

And it was all Uncle Bacchus' fault for suggesting the date at the festival in the first place.
Gods, not even once.

don't talk shit about smartphone jesus