Black people:*literally get excluded from everything*
The world: ok cool
Black people:*create our own things for ourselves*
The world:ummm how about some diversity???You're just causing more division-
Black Panther
the retarded thing about this is how it got turned into a movement. Poltards hating it because of it are even worse though.
mub da mo bidda te dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga
Oh fuck off
they invent their own god damn language. Schools, tv shows ect.
They were included just fine. But 15% of the US population thinks it's fair to have 5 black people in a cast of 10 people
When realistically it would be 1 or 2 max
But that's racist.
Lets flip this shall we
it's like if we go to africa and bitch because there are no white people on tv. Well if it's african tv, your gonna have a token white every now and then. EXACTLY as it is represented in african reality.
But lets march and bitch that whites are being excluded and there should be 50% white cast, so we can be equally represented in modern day africa
>black people create things for themselves
What did they create? Black panther is a Jewish movie
I have a better idea, leave the fucktards have their way, and way they complain again about not being enough black people in movies, black people as directors, black superheroes... you get to slap them with this.
What are neo-liberals afraid of?
White Ethnostate lead by a monarch with strict immigration laws
What is Wakanda?
Black Ethnostate lead by a monarch with strict immigration laws.
I cant understand how they dont understand this.
Who /midnightshowing/ here?
My wife and her boyfriend are going, I got stuck watching their kid :(
Fucking 10/10 I'm in tears
But seriously...are there?
because he who bitches the longest and the loudest shall be heard
And liberals who have fuck all to do, champion anything. Doesn't matter if it makes sense. Doesn't' even matter if they are destroying themselves in the process. (see europe and many other nations allowing mass immigration for a prime example)
Literally kill yourself.
Created by
Stan Lee (writer)
Jack Kirby (artist)
>create our own things for ourselves
The character and story were created by two Jews. Only the director, writers and most of the cast are white.
They can’t even make original Afrofuturistic movies.
You guys should be proud of your high budget Uganda Knuckles movie
Come on, they're niggers, of course they're gonna take credit for things they didn't make
That sucks! My wife bought me Mario kart 8 to make up for being gone all Valentines night though. Looks like we’ll both be having a good night haha
Not politics
So how long until Disneyland creates Wakandaland?
(aka Fantasyland 2.0)
I already watched it. It was pretty good. Very few quips, if you're the type that hates Marvel humor.
T'Challa makes an anti-Trump statement in the post-credits, though. Sup Forums will have a hundred threads about it when a cam leaks.
>It was pretty good
Is it a natural thing with you people?
>The Wakandalanda ride is just a bus trip to the ghetto
Don't forget that the movie was being made in South Korea, not Africa.
Two kikes invented Black Panther, and for decades the only people that gave a shit about him was white comicbook nerds. I fucking hate niggers
Pretty much.
Black people
>blame everyone for their failures even though they are given the most chances to succeed out of all races
>black scholarships
>black student organizations
>affirmative action giving them employment preference 100% of the time
>black employee groups
>dont get called out for being violently racist - case in point Obongo painter previously painting black cutting off white's head
They are violent and either lazy or stupid (or both) as a race, there is no other alternative considering all the advantages they get and their continued failure.
I work in engineering and 3 of my past 4 managers have been minority women. Only one of those managers was decent, the others were totally fucking incompetent diversity hires.
>blacks also always stick only with other blacks - an odd phenominon, but really hinders them
>statistically lowest IQ
>statistically highest violent crime rate
>make movies previously with black lead where blacks didnt chimp out (Blade was great)
>all of a sudden nignogs are chimping out over black "WE WUZ KANGS" panther
This is a strawman. Everyone is excited about this movie.
>watching comic book movies
>Black people:*create our own things for ourselves*
Niggers can't even make their own superhero lol, Stan Lee is a jew. Like how are niggers so dumb and subhuman they can't even make a fictional comic hero?
They also can't spell.
>black people think wakanda is real
>black people think black people make marvel movies
Watched it today. Swedebro is right. Can confirm black panther is kino
>Black people think black people make anything
It's not Sup Forums that's spamming it here, it's leftypol that won't stop spamming threads like this faggot one
>They were included just fine. But 15% of the US population thinks it's fair to have 5 black people in a cast of 10 people
But they're Africans. In a plot about Africa. That takes place a bit in Korea. There's really no reason to have more than 1-2 white guys. The real lack of representation is the lack of Korean people.
lmao, so Trump is in the Marvel Universe? Tell me what is said Muhammad, I cant wait.
Trump has been in Marvel for years.
And the president and vice president are always in Marvel as well.
Same happens with homos. Now it seems like they are fucking everywhere.
I could not give less of a shit about black movies. I honestly don't care cause I won't watch it. When you start acting as if this stupid cape shit movie is "Based on true events" and start trying to extrapolate real life senarios, out of A FICTIONAL MOVIE, that's when I start to get mad.
I know this is a bait thread but
>create our own things
>The character was created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Jack Kirby
What do we care about your idea of diversity.
As an EVIL WHITEY CAPITALIST, i won't buy it. Only self-hating cucks such as you and niggers will buy it. See how well that fares the boxing offices.
The Market will sort it out. Chimp out all you want, i'll let you starve by the extended hand.
> blacks
> original ideas
kek. fuck your slide thread and your nigger meme flag
Black Population at under 13 and declining fast here in America. We are browning not blacking.
shh, you know how touchy blacks are about being black.
I'm pro choice in black majority states.
"Le based black man"
Play on OP's wording.
Black people:*literally get excluded from everything*
The world: Diversity quotas and Affirmative action
Black people: *gibs*
The world: *bends over*
Hey, at least they're in their own country and not fucking up our homeland.
It's going to be glorious. A Castizo/Catholic majority redpilled country that can't be manipulated with slavery guilt...
To be fair, Static Shock was created by a black man who wanted to see a black superhero on TV. So there are some who actually care, and some that only pretend to.
Im getting really sick of seeing this garbage on here. Cape shit is for children. Stop making such a big deal about it. Let them have their shitty movie.
14 million abortions sounds a little off
But it's real, and it's great!
1 post
Just imagine, if pro lifers got their way, you'd have 14 million tyrones walking around.
Planned Parenthood, contributing to stem cell research and other vital medicinal practices for the betterment of society. Margret Sanger would be saint if she weren't a godless communist eugenicist monster accountable for the deaths of untold millions.
But niggers didn't create Black Panther. It was a white guy and a jew. And lets be fair since the nigger lovers at Disney decided to affirmative action Asguard (seriously, look at the background actors in those scenes,) around 30% of the Wakandan population should be white.
Abortion clinics are a black man's best friend.
Ever notice how the ones with little/no income seem to relish having a ton of children and the ones who are high-earners/high-profile go berserk when they learn of a pregnancy, try to force her to get an abortion at gunpoint, kill her off, etc?
That's because they want those juicy welfare neet bucks
I think they are just copying shitty white people in this case.
A fictional African king from an imaginary African country with imaginary science based on an imaginary metal, created by two New York Jews (Kirby and Lee) so New York Jews could sell more comic books to black kids.
Real African tradition there.
It really does come across as two Jews doing some cursory research and creating a mashup of random stuff from Africa. West African languages, Shaka Zulu kinda imagery, and it's set in East Africa but no one looks East African.
I have no issues with the film, but I find it amusing how it's being marketed as the "vision of Africa" had the mean nasty white man not turned up and fucked it up. Some civilisations are superior to others, it's not racist, it's a fact
Let me stop you there, Nigger.
The only thing niggers are excluded from is being human.
Lmao black panther, wakanda etc was all thought up by jews and whites
I’m sorry, anons, I made a mistake.
Only the director, writer and most of the cast members in the film were black*. The rest of the crew were of a different race.
Black panther is a jewish produced movie. All you are doing is trying to help them make money by pretending it's some kind of a movement, i bet the producers, cast and director are laughing all the way to the bank. Also if you are talking about an all black cast that is also about africa and royalty and nearly 100% black cast. Then look up the movie from 1988 called coming to america with eddie murphy. There's literally nothing new about black panther with regards to this, other than black panther is an action movie with heavy cgi, and coming to america 30 years ago with a comedy movie.
This, should be called WUZKANGA. The reality of black run countries free of Whites is Liberia and Haiti.
Think about how gullible these people are that they make producer director and cast a shitton of money just by them selling it as a movement? Do you think it was a coincidence that they put the release in black history month of this totally fictional movie where the original storyline was written by stan lee and jack kirby ages ago? What was it back in the 60's or something. I suppose they made the story to inspire africans, and per the original storyline they go and get educated in west and then come back to wakanda and implement this knowledge and knowhow to improve africa, in this case wakanda. Not only are negative reviews being not allowed, not only have people crowdfunded in some cases 300,000 dollars to get black kids to go watch the movie so that they make the producer director and cast a shitload of money, it's also being heralded as the best movie of the century per ratings eventhough it's not even out yet. I have to say, whoever made that happens deserves an award for luring all these suckers into see a mediocre action movie, just so these same individuals can make a shitload of money. It's obviously the people who stand to gain financially from movie goers that are pulling a lot of strings in this regard, and pitching it as a grassroots movement.
nigga I ain't reading that shit before you learn some fucking punctuation.
Go see the movie and keep it real dumb.
>make thor movies
>put black people in the thor movies becuz muh inclusion and muh doversity
>make black panther movie
>no white people
this is what disney stands for.
no one bought this comic book in the 70s but somehow bow this character has everyone mega hyped. everyone is just telling themselves that they are hyped for this movie.
Black people deserve to be excluded from everything. They are violent and stupid. A predisposition to criminality appears to be the norm rather than an outlier behavior. No other race is so pathetic that a movie based on a silly comic book becomes a symbol of black aspiration.
Why isn't the Black community angry over this movie instead of praising it? Why must a Black superhero be called the "Black" Panther? Weird.