Thanks Chris

Thanks Chris.

Other urls found in this thread:

Pretty sure any American citizen can legally kill him for attacking our country. I'm not a lawyer, but that's usually how it works.

What the actual fuck is that headline

Thanks Chris

There is a reason you have to kill journalists. If you don't, they politically polarize themselves, and become a branch of unelected government.

Is this real?

I can't wait to watch him get Rosenberg'd

>Washington Post

Every time.

>Foreign spies interfering in our elections are heroes now

It's 2018 folks

What is it with liberals and jerking off traitors to our country. Snowden is a traitor and should be hung publicly, Chelsea manning is a tranny and a traitor and should be hung publicly, what is the fucking deal with these homos

he literally cobbled together Sup Forums shitposts and lies as a 'dossier' and sold it to mccain and the clintons for mad dosh

his LE EPIC TROLL will be the nail in the coffin that exposes deepstate establishment in both the DNC and RNC as not only corrupt, but also HILARIOUSLY INCOMPETENT.

what if the steele memo was a Trump move from the start? sell a bogus dossier to your opponents in his 'own party' and the opposing party and then, once in office, with your power properly solidfied, reveal the steel memo as the trap it is.
or was the DNC and RNC really just dumb enough to pay for a dossier of memes?


I'm starting to think that the 'deep state' is probably just a crypto-British war against USA. That would explain a lot

Thanks for helping the democrats attempt a coup which will result in a dozen people being executed Chris.

>jerking off traitors to our country.
Steele isn't american.

He's not a traitor. He's a british spook.

then it would BE HER TURN

>Foreign interference in election is heroic
The state of lefty media in *current year*

Holy shit the comments...

It's from the post so, probably.

Can someone explain the "tRump" thing to me? Why do they type it this way now?

These people are legit insane

Stop calling him a "former" spook. Just say "Spook". Don't give their narrative any credibility.

There's no such thing as a spy retiring... especially if he's clearly still being PAID to be a spy.

Well I didn't expect them to go with this angle, ballsy.

Because they are fucking retarded. I'm guessing they are trying to "fat shame" him by drawing attention to "Rump." Their memes are fucking cancerous.

Democracy dies in darkness.

Sometimes I wonder if that was a dark joke by Washington post

Calm down, Zhang Wei. And get back to your classes. Your parent are paying a lot of money for you to study in this country.

Wow that's bad


That make it even more fucked up though, because it's literally a foreign entity interfering with our election process and purely out of political concern mind you. Everyone knows Steele's motivations were political.

I know our country has done some pretty fucked up stuff like coups and election rigging, so the whole muh sacred American democracy argument is fucking hypocritical from the start, but this foreign interference rhetoric has been their talking point from the start in trying to damage Trump. Straight out of the Alinsky playbook, what a bunch of faggots they are.

>Sometimes I wonder if that was a dark joke by Washington post

Supposedly Bezos suffers from Trump Derangement and thinks he's doing a good thing. I don't buy it.

>That make it even more fucked up though
Kinda. What's even more fucked up is that he isn't even the sole foreign influence the DNC.


He's not black

>pay for intelligence
>get what you pay for

>Straight out of the Alinsky playbook, what a bunch of faggots they are.


What is it with conservatives totally ignoring the fact the entire republican party has become a parody of itself by throwing their support behind a Russian puppet who is selling out our country?

Read Tragedy and Hope, you'll be appalled at how we've subverted the USA from within for over a century now

Has that gay older soyman Dane/Swedish type face

>Foreign Government Agent is a hero for meddling in US elections


That’s just pathetic

>he's in this thread right now

>*Glug Glug* MMMM More Soy Please!
Civil war when?

Why on earth would we thank a foreign spook?

>That make it even more fucked up though

I am totally in agreement... that's why I'm correcting you. You're underplaying the seriousness of the offense by calling HIM a traitor. He's not a traitor, he was working for british interests.... And the Dems colluded with him to interfere in our elections.

I saw Jennifer Rubin call him "Rump" earlier, I thought it was a typo but no, she's retarded

>strzok used the FBI to protect the dems at EVERY. SINGLE. TURN

Because it hasn't. And if you think this you should suck-start a gun

WaPo comments are cancer. At least on NYT the readers are coherent and can put together an argument. WaPo is bastard tier. Their readership is legitimately mentally handicapped

The fuck?

The US Left hates America. Nothing could be more obvious.

>What is it with conservatives totally ignoring the fact the entire republican party has become a parody of itself by throwing their support behind a Russian puppet who is selling out our country?
lol you mean the Republican Party has found its legs and stopped listening to what the Democrats say? that's the real problem.

These literally read like a troll post I would make to mock lefties. That’s just sad.

I want to believe

>Read Tragedy and Hope, you'll be appalled at how we've subverted the USA from within for over a century now
Alex has mentioned it many times over the years, what exactly is in it? it's just like geopolitical history? the "real" story of things that have happened in recent history?

Sensitive egos and a lifetime of never being told no.

Unironically this. The fuckers have long been infiltrated and completely turned into a bunch of SJW with the sole aim at social engineering. They are filtering and (mis)representing "news" to further only their agenda.

It's not a "conspiracy book", it's by a Georgetown professor (he taught Bill Clinton), he talks about how a semi-secret network of Anglos and Anglophiles basically ran US and British foreign and economic policy for much of the 20th century.
It's widely available online, even audiobooks on youtube

you're right kike...without steele we wouldn't be this close to putting that halfbreed and the clot into prison

Reminder that his dossier is 100% real, including piss tape.

real bullshit

No sorry sweetie

Yeah sure thing bud

Sorry retards it's real

This. Most .mil/.gov guys become .com/.org guys after they leave public service.

>I saw Jennifer Rubin call him "Rump" earlier, I thought it was a typo but no, she's retarded

Not a typo. They are actually this retarded.

Insufferable faggot.

Just don't like russian ones apparently

The Jews involved are the Anglophile ones like the (Nathan) Rothschilds, many of the main instigators weren't Jewish at all, though they certainly had close Jewish connections (eg Cecil Rhodes). The Round Tables were a sort of Anglo-Jewish co-production. Our ruling classes are so kiked it can be hard to tell the difference, even our royal family now appear to be Jewish.

How come you people never worry about Jewish influence in American politics?

Donald Trump, one of the most famous men on the planet for four decades nonstop- a billionaire patriot espousing MAGA prominently on tv and via print since the 1980s, a Reagan conservative, a TRUE AMERICAN through and through. A known quantity who has never shied away from the fact that he is a womanizer and an alpha, and we the voters knew this going in:
>is a russian spy
>is embarrassed of having prostitutes pee on oniggers bed while he smirks and glows at such truly Sup Forums-tier real-life shitposting.
>is ashamed of anything at all

Barack Hussein Obama, a complete unknown, whose “father” is a kenyan who looks nothing like him, whose mother was a known communist from a family of famously unabashed card-carrying communists, who was raised in indonesia as a muslim, was a known communist doper in college, has been on the record as despising america, a known homosexual, a known male prostitute, married an america-despising gorilla-looking “woman”, went to a black nationalist marxist communist white-hating “church” for two decades sitting in the front pew saying “amen” to every hateful, despicable lie jeremiah wright uttered and wretchedly profaned, who when he was elected gave putin everything he ever dreamt of, i.e. crimea, ukraine, syria, a collapsed libya, a fully funded nuclear iran, a collapsed egypt, a wrecked tunisia, ISIS, an invaded europe, a collapsing nato, a destroyed, debt-saddled fallen america overrun with marxist maoist progressive black lives matter demon-loving godless idiots:
>loves america
>is a patriot

This is why you will all die soon. You want a war, so war is what you get. Time to die.


Christopher Steele committed acts of espionage and sabotage of the highest order that anyone even 50 years ago would have been shot for (and here's why it's a good thing)

Maybe you'll have a point when republican rags start putting out articles calling Putin a hero who saved the election from the democrats.

The fucking former director of the CIA, John Brennan, voted for the Communist party leader for US President in 1980. This is not some phony redwingstate type story, but something he directly said to Congress and was even picked up by CNN.

Now think about that. Obama's CIA Director is a LITERAL Communist. I'd say yeah, there are some enemies of the US in high places. Sure, maybe even the British. I mean, one Jewish plot is as good as another.

>This is why you will all die soon. You want a war, so war is what you get. Time to die.

We are living in an Orwellian nightmare.

I wasn't saying it was a "conspiracy book" (you're an idiot for using their terminology), I know it was written by a guy that actually educated State Department employees, I was just wondering what's in it.


That's why I put it in inverted commas, that's what that means. Read it if you're interested.

It's OK, he stopped being a Communist, he's a Muslim now

Is this why our cities are blacked/browned. U did this?

Just one more reason to hate the british.

>"British Intelligence MI6" agent Christopher Steele dossier is used as a weapon against a US presidential candidate
Universally accepted proof that agents of a foreign government meddled in the US election process. US media claims "Christopher Steele is a hero".

>Claims that Muh Russian hackers stole DNC emails highlighting collusion between the DNC and Clinton campaign against Bernie Sanders but no proof has been provided to date that Muh Russians were involved. The claims of "17 US intelligence agencies" that lied about WMDs in Iraq is not proof of anything.
Anyone who does not accept the leftist media talk points are racist bigots sexist Nazi working for Putin and the Kremlin.

I believe the pee pee tape exists. I don't believe that Trump is some Manchurian candidate for Putin, because that's so fantastical to be beyond logical belief.

If that turned out to be true, then everything any crazy person ever said has equal merit.


There's too much evidence sweetie, the "germophobe" defense will not work

fair enough. but seriously what in the fuck is this WaPo article? the CIA Post praising their dirty MI5 spook?

>I believe the pee pee tape exists.
you act fairly rational, but then you say that? really? you think the Russians taped Trump paying some hookers to piss on a bed that the Obamas slept in because he hates the Obamas?

i'm not sure, but Justin Trudeau literally gave money to ISIS so hes fair game.

>racist bigots sexist Nazi working for Putin and the Kremlin.

Just say, "Okay. I'm all of those things but you still haven't shown any evidence to back up your claims. Where is the evidence?"

This is when they either melt down or run and you win.

Stop meddling in our elections you Brit nignogs!!!

This is so lame and constant I'm afraid it's not trolling. Is the pay worth it? I think most of us would kill you in a heartbeat if we had the chance.

"Steele is a hero" is a literal Louise Mensch talking point. I suppose if you'd drunk the Kool-aid to the extent that you really believed Trump was a Russian agent then there's no limit to what you'd print to stop it. I doubt there are many people at the Post who do really believe it though, they're just preying on hysterical, gullible people.

Doesn't really matter, they've made a deepfakes of it by now

>tfw subverted by Cheddar man

Why do these recreations always have the most absurd fucking hair styles? It doesn't even make sense.

Just compare how Trump treats Iran or North Korea and Russia.

Trump is the Russian mob's long time launderer. And those guys wouldn't risk billions without having dirt on you. Real dirt, meaning some of the girls were underage.

Just read the intro

You would want to protect your neck from cold with hair but keep it out of your face so you could see unobstructed.

>Just compare how Trump treats Iran or North Korea and Russia.

>Comparing world superpowers to shit tier countries

Why don't you compare how he treats russia to how he treats other similarly powerful countries.
Say... the UK, for example.

The UK is a democratic ally you moron, Russia is an enemy according to every single Trump appointed official, similar to Iran

What about China?

Thanks Chris.

Seriously? He's been using China as a punching bag for years.