One Punch Man

Murata is streaming
Do-S returns
Next update is on 8/3 and is 47 pages

Other urls found in this thread: sperm

Orochi, the monster of few words, speaking.

The infinite combo just happened

Death Gatling spots Garou
Looks like were getting into Webcomic territory now


Wreckage incoming

This part for curious people.

Best Girl DoS is back, I want to see Goddess Glasses already.

We already back in webcomic territory, about time.

Oh shit

He finally appears


I want to see how Fuhrer Ugly looks in the manga, he is supposed to be one disgusting SOB.

This part is adapting the chapter 53 of the web comic, here's what happened in 52.

Which is the chapter 47 for Murata version.

So who will kill Orochi? Tats? Garou?

King is the Saitama of the virtual world. That's how Saitama can actually have a fight that he enjoys. They should do something with that. Put Saitama and others in a virtual world somehow, and then it would actually be hard for Saitama. And king would have to come in to save the day.

Enough isekai, please.


Orochi's only power is to poop out monster cells. He's only a Wolf-level threat, yet Psykos has made him out to be all-powerful in an attempt to gather more monsters to their association.

In essence, he's the King of monsters.

How many years did you wait for this Sup Forums?

>He's only a Wolf-level threat.

Yet he btfo Human Gouketsu.

Fucking finally

>implying Psykos wasn't fighting behind the scenes

She's the Saitama to Orochi's King.

I'm crying right now

>Large muscular man
Looks like Darkshine is making a move

One and a half I would say.

Never expected that i'll live enough to see this sons of bitch

So everything's fallen into place. S-Class absences explained and foundation for the Hunter Association further established. We're finally in the webcomic territory. FUCKING FINALLY


Since it first came out

So no goodness galsses?

There is a god after all.



They gave Do-S a large panel compared to Black Sperm, the Ninjas.

Im still crossing my fingers Goddess Glasses appear, also no sign of Bug God either.

I'm posting in honor of those that did not survive.
almost myself given my own feelings about the worthwhileness of my own life.

>I'm posting in honor of those that did not survive.

They are in the BNHA threads now.

I don't mind DO-S or the guccboi ninjas replacing Goddess glasses and the robots that much, but Murata better not fucking replace based Bug God with that stupid Cockroach-Man.

Who is the monster behind Black Sperm?

Oh damn, Murata just went to sleep.

Evil Natural Water? or if it has teeth, probably just some low-level monster

Such a hard working individual

The robots were the most forgettable monsters in the MA.

Cockroach facing Darkshine wont make sense, the thing with Bug God was to show that Darky had the superior physical strength.

>black semen meeting sonic's bros
Is this really necessary

It looks like all the monsters are having a meeting

Chapter 53 of the webcomic was 15 pages long.

We might be also getting Genos vs Garou.

So how many more chapters until her showdown with Sweet Mask?

>that one inch punch
Okay that was kinda cool.

I want to see "Time to conduct justice".

I dont remember this. What chapter is it?

Right after fubuki fought saitama.

> back to the webcomic with the infinite comobo
> we see black Sperm
> we see Dos again
> we're probably seeing more webcomic monsters, and the confirmation of whether or not Goddess Glasses is still a thing


Why heroes can't beat garou martial arts?

oh fuck, I have waited so fucking long for this. One of my favorite moments in this series.

>still no futa lily on fubuki in existence pics

Don't think that even if she takes on Sweet Mask that it'll be this brutal. Not saying that he won't go all out, but that it won't be portrayed as brutally.

That looks to be this page.

Betting Cockroach replaces Bug God in the Garou fight, but Elder Centipede fights Darkshine instead.

Post more screen caps OP

Nah, the panel under it is this saitama from top panel I think garou still haven't seen gatling in that panel

2 years, now I want Season 2 to be 2 separated cours(Cour 1 by Spring 2018) and Cour 2 by 2019.

Now we need a little bit of garou to complete this chapter

Oh my bad, i didnt Garou on the far left.

Chapter might likely end with the infinite Combo, then next chapter should cover the whole Garou vs Genos and Bang/Bomb fights.

Might not be teeth, since it looks like it's connected to another line, forming a sort of V-ish shape. Might just be another monster standing in front.

I'm ready to get BLACKED.

Didnt notice Garou landing behind Death Gatling.

It wouldnt be a bad idea giving the Dragon Monsters/Relevant Demon monsters their own squads.

Phoenix Man has his own squad for example.

>and Cour 2 by 2019
If "cour 2" really is a thing , then it would be in 2020 (atleast)

>Rereading Monster Association with Murata artwork

This is going to be a fucking blast.

More like 2021 or 2022. Except if Murata goes really fast and the Anime tries to to make it as soon as possible. Just don't get your hopes to high up.

Phoenix Man came out with Elder Centipede, right after the Tiger and Demon level duos before them failed. I think they were all already in a group together and Phoenix Man was just put in charge of coordination (given his seemingly calmer temperament compared to the others and ability to fly), despite not being the strongest.

Kinda hope she keeps that unkempt look.

Well, about that.

That fanart look nice, its a shame she hasnt appeared in OH yet.

>giant dicks
>no penetration

close enough

>no penetration

More like not yet. You'll get plenty of that and cum inflation.

I'm more for natural sized dicks, but this is pretty great too

> We're probably getting one or two spreads showing/teasing all the monsters of the MA in this chapter

If Black Sperm appeared we can probably expect to see at least a shadow of Rover, Fhurer Ugly, Evil Water, Hobo and Gums.

How do you pronounce black sperm? Buraku spermu? sperm

is it that part where they say its time to conduct evil?

Buraki Spermoo

黒い精子 is his actual name. So if you're using his translated name, just say it normally.

lets hope viz doesn't censor it

Finally approaching the objective best arc of the webcomic.
I'm fucking hyped bros.


They kept Mosquito girls' lewd innuendos so should be fine.

Then again they fucked up a fuckton of names in the series so wouldn't be surprised if they does again with him.

God monster takes away his life before he faces anyone.

Like with Hobo? That hapening twice in the same arc would be retarded.

I liked the extra content, but back to the webcomic content also means being able to compare Murata's redraws to it, which is really cool.

Can't wait to see his version of the fighter bunny girl. He posted his works of Chun Li the other day on twitter, I'm waiting for some attacks and shots as sexy as those for the infinite combo.

Murata's back

Awakened Cockroach returns

Looks like he just got killed.

Post more faggot

Is he asleep again?

Yep, I wonder who killed him either another monsters or he got intercepted while running away.

Probably by Bug God.

He fell asleep again

My guess is Bug God

I hope he's getting choked by Bug God.

There was a shot of Darkshine. It's either him or Bug God