Kimi no na wa

Your name thread

Other urls found in this thread:!5wVGEDQR!_yNtAI1BtG7picUa041eY8vDN_qu_BK8YUgcbbgu3vk

Shitposting is also musubi.

How could they go for weeks without seeing the date written somewhere while in the other's body?

Just let it die

>Pic related.
Anyways, the three year time gap made me think of Akane and Junpei in 999 quite a bit. It's probably in other stuff too, that's just what came to mind.

The dates matched up.

瀧's 12th of September 2016 aligned with 三菱's 12th of September 2013.
It's not like people check on the year all that often.

Glad it had a happy ending. It's one of the reasons I can't watch 5cm and Garden of Words more than once because I know the ending is either straight up heartbreaking or bittersweet. I do feel a bit bad for Shinkai though. This movie has put a lot of pressure on him, more than he can handle considering his responses to the this movie's success.

>It's one of the reasons I can't watch 5cm and Garden of Words more than once because I know the ending is either straight up heartbreaking or bittersweet.
You are such a fucking faggot

I know, it's great.

They constantly use their phones to communicate, specifically checking for the diary, wouldn't they notice the year is wrong?

Also, what about the days of the week?

Garden isnt all that bad
Havent watched the other one though

Frodo pls

That's just them being dumb. But really the movie does show the fact they are confused about this stuff in scenes like when Taki in Mitsu's body puts on a uniform and all to go to school despite it being weekend on that day 3 years earlier.

Hello everyone, my name is Jeff from the Overwatch team.

Somebody said that the best option for subs is to run the movie with the subs linked here:!5wVGEDQR!_yNtAI1BtG7picUa041eY8vDN_qu_BK8YUgcbbgu3vk

Is that the general consensus, or are there better options?

yeah it was happy but was it satisfying? big fucking disaster and he just fixes it by time travel basically. I like that they met but did the whole last part of the movie have to be just a bunch of close calls? how many times are they gonna fucking walk past each other, just end it.

Well this was underwhelming. Why does this faggot have such a hardon for insert songs?

Literally the worst subs. Even official subs are much better.

Agreed, Garden is pretty good. Actually thinking about rewatching it next week when I'm not working.
Still ain't man enough to rewatch 5cm, but an user recommend that I marathon 5cm -> Your Name. Might just do that.

Uh, wow. Fuck.
What are the best subs we got so far, then?

what about this one by mitsuha's va

Insert songs are great, fuck you.

Seriously though unless you're new to anime you should understand 60% of the lines in this movie. It's basic anime japanese.

Just finished it. Jesus fuck, that was pretty. Like, it's almost crude how shameless it was at trying to be pretty, but still.
Fucking gorgeous.

But yeah, decent to strong 7, it was a really nice, cute story, and the time shit actually caught me off-guard.

>new to anime
>understanding japanese

You overestimate people user. I know people who've watched anime regularly for years, and doesn't know a lick of japanese beyond words like Kawaii and such.

Anyone know of a good human cover of this arrange of Nandemonaiya?

Use the subs on this one instead.
No subs on the credits since the credits song was replaced by the english ver(I think).
You can easily use beatrice-raws if you want the jp credits.

The only thing I remember getting myself was the Japanese pronoun joke on Mitsuha's first swap.

Alright. Are they already patched, or should I add them manually?

thread music:

>mfw can't find Nandemonaiya movie version anywhere

well,guess i'll watch it again,wish me luck guys

The one in the torrent is already patched. There's also a link if you just want the subs in case you want to use the raws with the jp credits song.

I just want to feel Mitsuha's soft body.

Nii-sama is the most faithful, kuchikirukia - official with honorifics. Generally you can go even with official subs, because key parts were handled pretty well (especially for funimation), bud don't use anything with liberal edits like this one which you mentioned if you don't want to ruin your experience and chance to understand deeper parts of this movie.

user, please, don't recommend literally the worst option. Don't try to ruin this movie for other people.


I love her feet and her legs

>shit font style and color
>signs all over the place
Haha no.

See above if you're going to recommend the same subs as that faggot. The only thing you're losing are honorifics and that's no big loss since there isn't a lot of them unless your anal about not using baa-chan or onee-chan. Heck, Sayaka's name is even translated as Sayachin when she's called that way.. Gender-specific shit isn't even a problem if you already know the difference in the first place. Seeing (ore), or (boku) in the subs is just annoying to the eyes.

I don't know why people are so anal about honorifics in subs.

Can't you just like, hear that shit? With your ears?


What was his name?

I want to be in Mitsuha's body while this user fucks it


What would happen if Hollywood adapts Your Name?

A New York boy and a girl in Virginia?

How would a Hollywood adaptation of this movie even work? The plot hinges on shinto musubi magic.

Cherokee magic?

Voodoo magic.
Remove the school setting, they're now working adults. Replace the grandma with some voodoo woman that both main characters meet somehow. Change the overall conflict from saving a town to just saving Mitsuha from some shit like a terrorist bomb attack. Put more explosions.

>>shit font style and color
>>signs all over the place
judging translation quality by typesetting.
You are literally retarded.

Because this looks good, right?

Because having some signs translated and some not is totally fine, right?

my namea jeff


Tell me you shopped that pic and it's not a real sub

it was like that in the official subs as well.

May be not there, but during the scene at the rooftop with Mitsuha and Taki's buddies.

This sounds terrible.

Because translating watashi to feminine is totally fine but using common male terms to show the difference between the pronouns(assuming you're using your ears and are familiar with jp pronouns)is unforgivable, right?

Nah, the official subs added the (femenine form), that pic doesn't make sense.

>she's back in Tokyo

Do you think she's living with her young shoe-making boyfriend?

Wasn't she the teacher at the start as well?

Because just slapping a bunch of text over the original is totally fucking fine, isn't it?

I wonder with whom she's bodyswaping now

Because this kind of quality is totally fucking shit and you'd rather have the translated text on top of the jp text, right?


First of all - typesetting is the least important thing. Font color is a personal preference. I like colored fonts. Also font style is actually great and much more readable on big screens.
And about the last part - completely replacing original text is retarded.
Personally, I watched official subs, and it was perfectly fine,except the part where they swapped names with last names. Typesetting doesn't matter if translation is edited for shitty normalfags.

Because its better to be lazy and do that rather than have actual typesetting. But its ok because it uses honorifics.

Official best subs would be Nii-sama with MTBB's typesetting.

Learn kana, faggot. She is still writing ほ

What's the point of making a thread everyday about a mediocre movie?

Finally someone with common sense.

Though the (watashi) and (ore) thing is stupid. The guy/gal translation just flows better to my eyes.

Also, are there song lyrics in either Nii-sama or MTBB? Just asking.

Reminder that this movie is about what happens during love at first sight.

going to see this in august in theatre user. is imax worth it over 2d? have to travel via train for imax

>how the audience will read the subtitles is not important

> I like colored fonts. Also font style is actually great and much more readable on big screens.
So does the other option but its trash because its not using honorifics, right?

>Typesetting doesn't matter if translation is edited for shitty normalfags.
Please show me where they did that. Or are you going to bitch about honorifics again?
Because this entire part is totally edited for shitty normalfags, right?

I'd admit that I more or less overreacted and that he actually improved the font style by using darker borders but you're totally fucking retarded if you're going to dismiss another option just because it doesn't use honorifics or whatever nitpicks you have. If you already know a bit of japanese, subs are just there to establish context and dialogue you don't understand. Going full literal with your translations is more pandering to shitters with low powerlevels who can't distinguish jp pronouns from each other.

> is imax worth it over 2d

user, Imax is not 3D.

no dude, fuck imax.

What's the point of making a thread every day about a mediocre fish?

This screen which you provided here proving that it's the worst option. No, not because of honorifics, but this is the most important part of this movie. Literally the wole movie is based on katawaredoki and translationg is ONLY as twilight is ruining the whole movie.

Nii-sama subs>all else
now stop fighting like a bunch of spoiled little girls

zz couldnt find the right word for 'normal'
already seen it, hence considering imax since im already going to a cinema

I mean it's only been a couple of days since the BDs came out. There'll probably be a group who does a better job if people aren't satisfied. The movie's popular enough to warrant it.

Please tell me you did actually compare both and not just comparing it based on whatever you're doing to compare them

Official subs are enough if you watched anime for a few years.

Yeah. commie is announced their cringefest
I still think that official subs handled it much better, because you can interpret it in many ways, but here? Only one concept is explained.

So where's Taki's mom?

she's sleeping right next to me

It has the same translation as the official subs except with tasogare/kare and kawatare-doki/katawari-doki translated as english. I think your problem is your shitty hearing and understanding of english

kinokuniya has a nice display

Alright, I didn't see the twist coming at all. Glad I avoided the threads until the BD release. Expected a standard Shinkai flick, got pure kino.

What gets me more is when they translate onee-san as Mitsuha. Like in the beginning of the movie when Taki is in her body for the first time and the imouto walks in on her, she says onee-san. While it's pretty obvious who Taki is in, Taki doesn't necessarily know who he is supposed to be right then, so it's misrepresenting information the character does not have.

Aishteru obviously.

>hi im stupid and let me talk about shit i have no idea about

ikr? Damn them for translating onee-san as Mitsuha- oh wait.

Why are you in a grave, user?

Actually it said "suki da"

Maybe next time check your screenshot instead of posting immediately like a dumbass.

So, if I were to work on a release with Nii-sama's translation and MTBB's typesetting, what audio would you guys want?

Video will be Beatrice-Raws, but there's three options for audio.

1. Jap songs FLAC-5.1
2. Eng songs FLAC-5.1
3. MTBB Jap/Eng songs AAC-2.0

Should I bother including MTBB's audio? I intend on including untouched Nii-sama and MTBB subs as alternate options too, so it would kind of make sense, I guess.

Keep the same audio beatrice-raws orignally has.

Ya got me!

the twist is that both of them are too retarded to notice the current year despite being on their sumaho all the time

>Black girl from San Fran
>Jewish girl from Silicon Valley
>Main form of communications is through tumblr

>MTBB typesetting
literally why? Nii-sama looks just fine

Fuck I'm awful at Sup Forums. Anyways, point stands, some subs are shit for this.

Ah, so you were talking about the official subs and not any of the fansubs. Carry on.