Give me your best arguments against Atheism and prepare to be debunked


Other urls found in this thread:

if there is a benevolent god then why do g*Rmans exist?

devils advocate: Why does the oxytocin reward system exist?
Serotonin I can understand because it's what you get after doing something good for yourself, but oxytocin gets released when you witness a good/rewarding/positive event. Why would evolution go that far when eating and sex are the only two hormonal driven instincts required
Also, if you love something you must let it go, that the basic reason for why evil is "allowed" it's because we're allowed to do whatever we wish while alive and the consequences will be dealt with after death

Earth is an enclosed system, it's a motionless peace of land contained in an artificial ecosystem and space isn't real.

So if we're not a planet and space isn't real why would nonsense like Macro Evolution, and Nihilism which is the foundation of Atheism yunno believing lies from philosophers claiming to be scientists.

Unless you're one of those New Age atheists who actually believes all of the above just without creationism somehow.

I wish people would evolve beyond strawman replies

Fine-tuned universe

You delude yourself if you think that atheism isn't a religion.

This has to be bait


Atheism is a dying religion.

Atheism is the only religion

Most cultures and civilizations, throughout history have developed a system of spiritual belief. Ancestor worship, nature worship, reincarnation, after-life, etc.
To be human, is to be spiritual. To be religious is the natural state of man.

Atheism is therefore the only actual exogenous, imposed belief, and the only religion.

Explain this

>I have an idea, I'll falsely claim that not believing in a religion is actually a religion! Surely this lie has never been tried before and will put an end to this debate!
>Did you KNOW that by choosing to not believe in Santa Clause, you're actually believing in Santa Clause?! Did you know that, Atheists?! CHECK MATE ATHEISTS!

People like you are the worst form of manifested ass cancer. You're an insult to animals and a waste of a brain. You should probably be harvested for your organs or studied by science so that you'd at least provide some benefit to the rest of humanity.

Mr. Ribeck von Ribbeck in Havelland,
A tree that comes from your garden,
then autumn appears

Light bulb in the region,
Fire Tower
This half pear,
So, a young man came to pity,
He shouted, "Son, your phone should have a head?"
When a girl came, he cried:
lasting human appetite, take the flowers. "

Well, it was a few years before it was time to get there
killed by Ribbeck in the rabbit.

He believed his last. These gynecologists,
Leave it open again.
Top Dashing, "I remember.
Son and I have DNG risk. "
On the third day the door,
That brought organ
Tani and have peace of mind
"Jesus faithful servant"
If the girl, her conscience is frowning.
"Yes, I know that the beer is black?"

But children are surprised. Problem -
No, Raven is wrong.
Of course, the new and updated,
Girl from school and supervision over the machine.
But the old man, he thought
Bad conscience and his own people,
The monument was raised in
And the law of the third year from home
Is tired.

Next year,
Under the body of the tree length
And in a season of the summer
The bright and spacious.
And the youth came to the tomb,
Trees are threatened?
When a girl came, he was, "Lot Drama,
Kimme male rover, were, Bern. "

Therefore, good hand.
From hare to rib on Havelland.

some nigga took a wrong turn.

You are not real

No, a chariot was sunk in the red sea

Define reality. Everything you experience is exists as a mental construction of data from remote sensors. Everyone's sensors differ to some degree.
So your meme should be a personal relationship with a personal reality.

>personal relationship with reality

yeah, if you're mentally ill maybe.
hyperrationalists and pure materialists are fucking idiots and they shouldn't even be a thing.

>believing there cannot possibly be a god is not having a religion

Atheism is the anti-christianity religion created by kikes
have you seen an atheist talking against jews?

Holy shit that explains it all, must be that the entire fucking ridiculous supernatural Jewish history book is all real and we all go to heaven or hell after we die because of the Jewish God that is supposed to return and plunge the Earth into tribulation yet hasn't for 2,000 years even though Jesus said it wouldn't take anywhere near that long.
Wtf I love the bible now.

You’re an accident. You think you’re having a debate but it’s really just the mixing of chemicals causing a reaction. You’re an automaton that convinced it’s thinking. If you’re not, then you were created.

Pascal's wager

I see what you're getting at, but you can't reconcile that with the fact that, let's say, the sky is blue. Or 1+2=3. Or that oxygen reacts with iron. These are facts that can't be challenged and are the same for every single person regardless of their perception.
There is an objective reality hidden behind what you describe as personal reality. Perception does not change it.

You're going to die.
Death is the end of the road for you atheists.

Ignorant as to what this reality is, and what comes next. I'd hate to be you. Rip

Atheists can't prove there isn't a god. You take it on faith as much as theists.

>1 post by this ID

If god isn't real, why does the human hand fit perfectly over the goose's neck?

>He thinks the Synagogue of Satan who have stolen the Jewish name and are referred to as pharisees in the bible and are descendants of Babylonians are the same as Galileans and the Jews of the bible
What a dumb fucking willfully ignorant fedora tipper. Truly pathetic.

then why did you screamed "OH MY GOD PLEASE NO" when you saw me penetrating your moms anus?
checkmate atheist

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absense. Theistic agnosticism is the way.

>1 post by this ID
>in all fields

In what way can you claim that God "cannot" exist?
"I do not hear his voice!", yet you would agree that there are ranges of sound outside our ability to hear?
"I cannot see his influence!", yet you would agree that radiation can influence the world around us despite us not being able to see it?
"But we use technology to witness their existence!", and through faith we can witness him.

>1 post by this ID
God warned me about faggots.

You don't have to "believe" in "not believing." This is literally how fucking stupid you assholes are. If you could see HOW STUPID you are from an outside perspective, from even the most basic intelligence, you would be so embarrassed you would never use that "argument" again.

> : a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing - her belief in God - a belief in democracy - I bought the table in the belief that it was an antique - contrary to popular belief

As an Atheist, I don't "believe." Is it really that hard to understand? I mean you guys have gone so far past the point of laughable retardation, yet instead of finding a different angle to debate on, you double-down on the most embarrassingly stupid shit the world has ever seen and hold it up waving it in your victory parade.
I've never cringed harder in my life nor had less faith in the species of man. You delusional cunts defy all belief in anything I would have anyway - you are literally so stupid I don't know how nature allows you to exist.

One of the strongest beliefs I do hold is the belief in the innate intelligence and goodness of mankind, and you fucking willing retards absolutely shit all over that belief, that's for goddamned sure.

I am.

Faithlessness isn't exactly motivating.

"For whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."
- Romans 10:13

How You Can Know God's Love

"There is a God in Heaven who loves you as you are and not as you should be."

Yes... you are right... there is a God. You know that must be true. The heart of
the human being longs for God, and logic demands divine existence.

While everyone believes God is... most sense separation from God. We
know God must be holy and good. We see ourselves as unholy and not good.
We conclude that God is angry with us and we cannot know Him.

These were trains being transported by boat but it broke apart and sank leaving a graveyard of locomotives unda da see

Good News! This Testament of God's love is His Word to tell us that He loves
us as we are. That love will save us from our sin and make us what we should
be as God's children.

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

We hear Jesus say, "God so loved the world." God's love has no limitations.
He loves "so". More than we can imagine. He loves everyone - not just
some ones.

Romans 5:8 tells us that God loved us so that "when we were in our sin
Christ Jesus came to die for us."

Romans 3:23
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"

This verse tells us that all people have sinned. We have fallen short of
God's intended purpose for us. God made us to know Him.... to receive His
love and to love him in return.

For love to be love... for God to be God... and for humans to be humans....
God gave us a choice. We can choose to love ourselves and turn to our
selfish pursuits. That is sin. In our sin we cannot know God and His love.
The result of sin is that we are lost... separated from God.

the imprecision of words debunks atheistic usurpation of rationality

Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord."

Wages are just payment... due reward... what one has coming because of
labor. The just payment for our sin is death.

Death here means spiritual insensitivity. When we are still in our sin, we
have no life with God. We are alive physically but dead spiritually. If we
continue in that condition, we will be separated from God for all eternity.

The wages of sin is death. but God's free gift is eternal life. While wages
are earned, a gift is offered... no strings attached. God says He will give us
eternal life - life with Him - in the place of sin's payment of death.

How can God remain true to His holiness and forgive unholy sinners?
Because Jesus, His Son, has paid the price for sin by His death on the cross.

Second Corinthians 5:21 says, "He who knew no sin became sin for us, that
we may be made the righteousness of God through Him."

Jesus arose from the grave to conquer sin and death for all who receive Him
as God's free gift.

How can you receive God's free gift of love and life?

Romans 10:9-10
"that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart
that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a
person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he
confesses, resulting in salvation."

A person receives God's free gift of love and life by placing faith in Jesus
Christ. To believe is simply to take God at His word. With our heart
(whole believing) we believe that Jesus is God's Son who died for our sin
on the cross and arose from the grave to live in us as Savior and Lord.

To believe in Jesus will result in confessing that faith with one's mouth.

Do you acknowledge that your are a sinner?

Do you believe by faith that Jesus, God's Son, died for your sin on the cross?

Will you now confess Him as your Savior and Lord?

Atheism is just agnosticism foe retards and people that think they're smarter than they are

Romans 10:13
"for Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."

This verse says that any person who will call upon the name of Jesus,
the Lord, shall be saved.

To call means simply to ask in prayer. The verse does not require one to
know more... do better... clean up one's life... or in any way try to add to
what Jesus has done for us.

Will you now call upon Jesus to save you from your sin so that you
can know God's love and forgiveness?

Pray like this: "Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner, and I am sorry. I need
a Savior. I know I cannot save myself. I believe by faith that Jesus, your
Son, died on the cross to be my Savior. I believe He arose from the grave
to live as my Lord. I turn from my sin. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to forgive my
sin and come into my heart. I trust you as my Savior and receive you as
my Lord. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me."

When anyone calls on the Lord in this manner, that one is saved according
to God's Word. If you pray a prayer of repentance and faith, you are saved.
You have God's word on it.

If you have prayed this prayer to receive Christ as your Lord and Savoir, why
not record your decision to follow Jesus as follows. Often times, a good place
to write this would be inside the cover of your bible:

Believing by faith that God loves me and sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die
for my sin and arise from the grave to live in me, I, _______, do this day,
________, repent of my sin and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord
and Savior. According to the promise of God in Romans 10:13, I have
called upon His name and have His word for the assurance of my salvation.

What an absolutely idiotic thing to assert.
>Welcome to high school-tier philosophy with baby's first existential thought

Where's your proof that we were an accident? The purpose of self-replicating DNA is to survive, and we're some advanced end-point of generational genetic change. You don't even understand what "purpose" implies or means as your shallow mind hasn't thought about it at length.

Uh that's not an argument. What the fuck are you even talking about? You sound like a religious idiot babbling on about some shit I didn't even bring up lol. Oh wait, that's exactly what you are.

>am atheist
>hate jews

>This again

This is why you are and always will be hopelessly stupid, Christians. You refuse to learn the basics after literally millions of these debates. You have to have the basics pointed out to you in every single one so you can promptly ignore them and come back tomorrow with the same retarded assertions because you are incapable of learning.
You have no integrity.
You have no wish to know anything true.
You are brainwashed cultist retards that are sub-human and need to be eradicated.
You make all decent thinking human beings sick to their stomachs.

>1 post by OP
>replying to b8

Can we either prove, or disprove the existance of an intelligent creator?

Agnosticism is the most logical conclusion. We must learn more and suspend judgement until we know.

>I love you as you are
>So much that my son died to pay for what an asshole you are so that you can come worship me for eternity after you die
>But only if you say you're sorry
>Because I love you as you are

>logic demands divine existence
stop even using the word logic, you parasite. You don't have the right to abuse that word for your sick purpose.

HAHAHA this is like when the Mormons come into your house and won't leave. It's like a televangelist or a pamphlet.


1. Everything that began to exist has a cause.
2. The universe began to exist.
3. Therefore the universe has a cause.

We call that cause "God".

Atheists: How extensive a search of the multiverse have you conducted to determine that no God exists, anywhere? And if you say there is no evidence of God, are you also saying that there will never be any evidence of God?

And if you are not saying that, are you not merely agnostic, and not atheists at all?

And if you hate God, but say he does not exist, in what way should we consider you sane and rational human beings?

No, the universe God created is evidence enough of God, no matter how much you want to squeal and whine and demand a personal visit from the Almighty.

So what you're saying is: you're agnostic? Like as in you're not an atheist.

Agnosticism is not believing. Atheism is disbelieving.

Why are you so angry man holy tits...

Rebelling against God makes you human filth, not "decent".

Unlike what the mormons will tell you, this is true.

>I cannot disprove that there is no dimension where everything is made of tits and people cry milk while singing Chechan folk songs for eternity
>We must therefore suspend our judgment that this reality cannot exist, for doing so would be logical folly

It's funniest when you mentally ill retards talk like you have the slightest fucking clue about reason. You simply parrot what you've seen non-retards do in an effort to look like a non-retard, but it doesn't work.

Okay, I just did this and I feel really strange. Like, I want to cry, but i'm not sad it's just this really overwhelming feeling.


Care to explain to me in your infinite brilliance the difference between not believing and disbelieving?
Go on, I'll wait. After that we can discuss the difference between "hot" and "cold" and talk about sneezing and why it makes your nose feel funny.

>1 post by this ID

German autism strikes again

You should therefore not make conclusive statements about what you don't know, and cannot find out. That is logical.

Believing in fairy tales makes you a fucking idiot and a potentially dangerous tool, not a "human."

It's joy, user.

Welcome to the family of God, and know that all heaven is rejoicing right now for you.

im w-w-with her now...

Do you belive that people can be moral or immoral? That people or actions can be judged as right or wrong? If you do not, then yeah, I'd accept that you're an atheist, and good luck getting through life without a moral compass.

If you do accept the validity of morality as a concept, be it socio-culturally defined, or an objective set of axioms derived by evolutionary means, then you are by definition religious. You cannot derive an ought from an is, thus there is no way to interpret the world objectively that will tell you how you should or shouldn't act. The matter of wants and needs, in so far as you take directed action to achieve them, is an implicit admission that some states of being are "better" than others. But this system of value is not one of objective reality, it is a claim that value judgements are valid. A religious claim is a claim which takes this concept one step further, and posits that there are modes of action which are better or worse at obtaining those states of being that are good or bad.

Thus, the idea that it is possible to improve your life, however you choose to define improve, is implicitly a religious claim. Only if you live without value structures can you claim to be an atheist.

Calling God a fairy tale is merely part of your delusion.

Really?! But the Mormons say theirs is true, and they have their own books too that look just like yours. They also seem to be very nice people and are all very successful and respect strong traditions and decency.
So who is actually right??

Atheism is poopy.

It's almost as though you have to, on your own, look into competing and exclusive truth claims.

what made you go aithiest in the fisrt place?
i find that when debating about faith
its about the individual rather than the collective.

Bless you for posting this, brother.


You don't understand logic, like I said.

God is like an unseen mist that has always been behind you, calling you. And now that you've turned and asked him to save you, he has.

Learn more about Jesus, the one who has saved you. Read about him from his friends, his disciples, especially John.

Grow in the lord, and in your faith, and I look forward to meeting you in heaven soon.

Yeah I have, and I've found that they're both manipulative bullshit peddled to stupid, desperate people.


And you're the one making conclusive statements about things you cannot see, cannot investigate, and have no personal knowledge about.

You're illogical, and running on emotions.

If you cannot tell the truth from lies, I don't know how you're going to make it.

now its the obvious

Non-belief is an absence of believing.
Disbelief is actively believing something to be untrue.

So if I'm like "my name's bob" and you don't believe it but believe it could be, that's not disbelief. You're just not blindly believing.
If you were to conclude that my name cannot be bob, that would be disbelief.

It's a strong part of the delusion, to be sure. But it's not the only part. The other part comes from being blinded to the truth.

define reality

>You cannot make conclusive statements about things you cannot see or investigate.
HMM it's like we're beginning to uncover the root of your idiocy and how scary you religitards and your 9-year-old levels of logic really are.

And then a step further, to state that you do not exist would be the equivalent of saying God does not exist, even though we see your post, and can rationally come to the conclusion that you do, in fact, exist whether we know your name or not.

A lot of Atheists conflate God with religion

Again, how extensive a survey of the multiverse have you made to find God?

Have you even been off planet?

>believes in the innate intelligence and goodness in mankind
>attributes it to random chance
>thinks it makes him smarter

NVM looked it up and apparently disbelief is the first one. I guess what I was referred to as deibelief is unbelief.

There's a reason for that. The reason is that all religions are systems of bondage set up to deprive a man of his hope of ever being like God.

Because that's the standard. Be perfect, as the Father is perfect.

So billions of people are running around trying to be perfect, failing, and then participating in absurd rites and rituals to regain their perfection, which fail to achieve their goal, and are caught in this endless loop until they die.

>Definition of disbelief
>: the act of disbelieving : mental rejection of something as untrue

You are a powerfully stupid level 20 wizard of stupidity. I hope you start getting followers soon then you can found stupid castle and create a stupid army with your stupid magic.

Once again faggot OP only takes the low hanging fruit. Why not pick on someone your own intellectual size? Obviolsly dogma is shit, and organized religion is in the tank at the point. But you can't so easily kill an idea that's been built over tens of thousands of years through evolution.

You're too slow. He retracted his definition.

Well you know something has caused my posts to appear, but you have no clue what.

So if I'm "blinded," how am I supposed to see this truth you claim is the actual truth since you've shown yourself to be such an unbiased and diligent seeker of said truth?

Did religion invent imperfection, or did humans realize imperfection somehow?

God is a metaphor 4 things that shouldn't happen but happen anyway; also 4 the things that cannot b explained eg:




& he does exist -- because of what he is: everything

It's funny. People like you demand miracles, and in this thread a miracle occurred.

All of heaven knows it, I know it, and any Christian reading this thread knows it.

But you people, you "rational" people who ask for miracles, who ask for signs and wonders, you gloss right over the very thing you demand, and continue to insist does not exist.