The new official Obama portrait

>Obama has a sperm on his temple
>Obama has camel toe

What did they man by this?

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did he specifically request this?


Harambe is on his pant leg
>Harambe is on his pant leg


A ben garrison original

6 fingers penis wrist

there's also a dick on his forearm

fucking kekd

6 fingers? where?

Uhhhhh sorry sweetie, but this has been proven to be fake news. *sips tea out of harry potter mug*

I'm on the same page sven

bullshit. the author puts sperm on all of his images, until we can find a different one on obama's image, the one on his head is the one. but that's just a theory... a Sup Forums theory!!

If the guy was talented enough to put all this cuck shit in why did he use copy and paste for some flowers?

Every strand of white hair on his head has a bulbous end. Sperm hair



What textbook was that exactly, it needs to be part of the pic.

my picture debunks the text book theory. why don't you read, nigger? im saying the whole sperm thing is fake.

"It's just a vein!!!"

>what is innuendo

not defending the guy's "art", as it is horrible, but his backgrounds are repetitive wallpaper in a lot of his paintings. I can't remember the reasoning or what it supposedly represents, but he's not trying to hide the repetition and it is very intentional.


They can't debunk COCK ARM!
Hey snopes, is the giant penis forearm a conspiracy too?
Hahaha BaCock Armbama


Is the dick on his arm fake also? I would grant you that this is all ridiculous, but considering the artist and his precedents, I'm inclined to think this was all planned.

Obama does not, nor does anyone, have a vein like that on his temple. Why amplify such an ugly trait?

did anyone see some of his other stuff?

HE DOES. here is the evidence. look at (3.)


Not even close, and again, is the cock fake too? What about the artists past?

That is pretty weird, but a gay nigger did the (((painting))).

it's not a cock. jews are trying to get you to disseminate these untruths to make you look retarded.

is just a little values and respect so much to ask?

Oh so jews painted a cock on his arm?

>not a cock
>giant bell end
Whatever you say

Wouldn't be the first time jews draw subliminal cocks.

>camel toe
>thousands of white men staring intently at his cock trying to locate it
>my sides

10/10 troll level

What book is this?

Looks like a sperm to me. And everyone else with eyes that work. Artist intention doesn't matter. Even though blatantly obvious.
> pic related
Artist intentions were different from actual finished product. I still laugh at what i see.

thanks sven. what does it look like to you? When you know the artist and what he has done in the past, why is it so hard to believe that he did the same thing with this one? He did other things the same. It is just as shit as his prior paintings. It uses the same chinese photoshopped style for a background. Why not also hidden sperm? It really isn't much of a leap. And who cares if sheep don't believe us. I don't really concern myself with what snopes or the media tell me. I have eyes and I trust them.

It's from no book, it's faked. No textbook would ever depict a sperm in such an awkward position.

Swedes are 200% demoralized. They wouldn't know reality if it hit them in the face.

I wonder who could be behind this.

Also has an extra pinky on his left hand.

So, the obvious spermatozoa was found out pretty much minutes after the unveiling. Research on the painter confirmed the theory minutes later. Some user lies about a textbook more than 24hours later to discredit the obvious.

The jizz and cock are still there though.


It's because 10 artists in China actually create the painting, and it's cheaper that way. The main "artist" is really just a shock-value race pimp.

This is the biggest, most revelatory Obongo move since give the Queen an iPod.


>sperm in such an awkward position

Hans is an expert on sperm


Even my Trump hating normie friends aren't denying this, it's such a fucking blatant penis

Nice photo shop pic, I bet the so call artist spend 5 min making this. Wish I have some black privileges so I don't need talent to make money.

This what you are talking about?

Who has the best presidential portrait and why is it Franklin Pierce?

I don't think you understand how he made his money. Jay-Z has an amazing mind for business.

Why is the fuck is the foliage over his feet?

His left foot is literally retarded. It makes no anatomical sense.