Why does no one seem to give a shit about the "feelings" of men?

Why does no one seem to give a shit about the "feelings" of men?

But everyone bends over backwards to accommodate women's feelings?

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The proponents of the "male feefees" bollocks is one reason we are overrun with an insane amount of fucking hyper emotional soyboys.

There's a way of discussing male problems without being feminine and overemotional, there's help groups exclusively for men. Share your problems with your significant other.

We are caught in a weird paradox where the media is claiming men should be more expressive with their feelings, whilst simultaneously denoucning men at every turn. It's no wonder young men are committing suicide at an unprecedented rate.

Because society has a vested interest in the willingness of men to sacrifice themselves for others.

And liberal SJW-types and elites have invested in the continuation of the infantilization of women to make money by advocating for more equality.

goddamn i would marry that man

Strange paradox indeed.


fpbp there is no feelings for men, we're men you faggot grow the fuck up

the kikes are behind this as usual

>Why does no one seem to give a shit about the "feelings" of men?
>But everyone bends over backwards to accommodate women's feelings?

It's a warfare tactic.

If you were to invade someones country and try to kill off their women, you would receive the bloodiest battle of all time (generally speaking)

But if you SECRETLY invade, and clandestinely start killing off their MEN, no one gives a shit...

And you just replace the men with your own.

And by the time anyone notices, it's too late.

They usually start by attacking the smartest men first, making their clandestine tactics less noticeable to the rest of the population by gradually eroding the intelligence of the population in this way.

Basically, the problem IS.... if you have enough money to pay enough lawyers... you can usually ALWAYS find a legal way of conquering a nation.

So, basically, what happens, is that our enemies slowly change our perceptions of men, so that we view them like women are normally viewed....

With physical appearance and charisma being the sole indicator of "Status", while simultaneously eroding our respect for intelligence.

So, smart males can be attacked with impunity, and if the attacks are clandestine enough, they can be blamed on that males "Own shortcomings" and people see the targetted male as "Weak" or "Genetically deficient", all the while no one is wise to the clandestine attacks being used on them to remove them from the gene pool, and make them die in a way that appears to be their own fault.

Women are conditioned to find dumb men attractive through social proof... by using the media to make dumb men popular.

Since women are slaves to social proof, whatever the media portrays as popular or high status, will be attractive to women.

Conversly, the media is ALSO used to make intelligent in males appear to be unpopular, and low status, thus making women dislike such traits.

The enemy agents infiltrate the nation, and begin crossbreeding with the native population of females, causing them to appear more and more like the native population, and thus making them better able to hide in plain sight.


Eventually, the entire population is replaced with the enemy population, and the subversion/conquest is complete.

Genestealers, man... i'm telling ya.

Meanwhile, the infiltrators in the political, media, education, and economic spheres, begin implementing policies that on the surface appear to be benign, but when mixed with other policies, create a systematic destruction tactic on the native population.

The educational system was infiltrated in order to alter the curriculum to one of obediance to authority (that they wer also infiltrating), indoctrination, thought control, etc....

But ALSO, to find and keep tabs on the more intelligent members of the population, in order to minimize their potential capacity to thwart the enemies plans, steal profitable ideas from them, and remove them from the gene pool, in order to reduce the average intelligence of the population, generation by generation.

men are emotional when they are young boys. Then they continue to develop. Women stop developing, realize this, crave the power they will never have, and so become hypersocalized, forming groups to gain more power.

There's only men and women. Men humour women and women mostly are self absorbed.
But men are learning not to give a fuck, about emotional women. They already don't give a fuck about emotional men.

Eventually, all positions of power in a society are controlled either by enemy agents, or fairly stupid people that the enemy can easily control or manipulate, thus paving the way for an accelerated campaign of conquest, where the only survivors are those natives who are too dumb to ever mount serious opposition to the enemies plans, and are basically fit to only be slaves.

At this point, the economic tactic is ramped up, all wealth extracted from the civilization, and the remaining population become perpetual debt slave-serfs to the ruling oligarchy of the enemy infiltrated government.

>Present day answer
Because women are selfish, borderline sociopathic hypocrites who think a man getting castrated is hilarious but demand the world's attention for chipping a nail.

>Historical answer
"Boys don't cry" wasn't a thing because it was expected that men were unfeeling, it was a thing because the world is unforgiving. Civilization is nothing more than a loose chain restraining the beastly nature of humanity, and men are the guardians of civilization. Nature desires entropy, so any civilization will be beset by threats from the outside and the inside. Men are the guardians of society politically, morally, legally, militarily. As such they must always be stoic, undaunting in the face of danger. They must know the time and place for their emotions, and seek healthy outlets for them rather than collapsing in fear in front of the enemy (this is why the Greeks, the architects of our civlization, loved theater: it created an opportunity for pathos, or the cleansing of the human soul through comedy and tragedy).

Men weren't allowed to cry not because society hated men (historically), but because women are unable to be guardians. If men left it to women, their civilization would collapse instantly. Stoic men who keep their emotions in check are the first -and last- line of defense.

because men want it that way. If they didn't, they'd stop emotion-policing their children.

You have no one but yourselves to blame, and your male parents of course.

This plan has remained basically the same for hundreds of years, as the enemy infiltrates nations, subverts them, conquers, drains them of wealth, destroys the IQ of the population, and uses the money to fund the next invasion.

That is, until the technological age, where force multiplying technology was researched and discovered to assist the enemy in their plan.

Originally, it was writing and words.

Then the printing press was used, then television, phsychological research, MK-ULTRA, etc...

And finally, mind control technology like voice to skull technology as a psychological attack vector...

And now they have mind reading, and complete control of basically all communications.

that's a nice conspiracy. too bad the prussian education system was about following orders the whole time. it wasnt the result of some 'subversion'.

In addition to this, the mind reading and mind control are used to further the germline warfare strategy, either causing sexual attraction, or revulsion.....

Preventing some from breeding, while encouraging others to breed.

Psychological tactics are used for this attack as well, as there are vectors in mainstream media (instinctual zero-day exploits, and classical conditioning) to attempt to prevent intelligent members of the population from breeding, or prevent them from breeding with other intelligent members of the population.

>it wasnt the result of some 'subversion'.

You sure about that?

I said before, that our enemy hops from nation to nation, consuming every last resource and then moving on to the next target.

And on the WAY, they use the infiltrated nations resources to research BETTER ways to infiltrate, subvert, and control.

they are snowballing it.

it was the royalty of an ancient kingdom that went landless and began to pursue this tactic for global conquest.

they converted to judaism to take advantage of loopholes in christian dogma.

one shield two shield.

Red shield blue shield.

You shouldn't have much difficulty providing some actual evidence of this then. I mean, locusting your way through nation-states for 'hundreds' of years will leave a demonstrable trail of absolute carnage.

I'll wait (and on the off-chance you provide some, I will actually read it in case I'm totally wrong).

>locusting your way through nation-states for 'hundreds' of years will leave a demonstrable trail of absolute carnage.

The victor writes the history.

they have had plenty of time to erase all of the evidence.

Do you know anything about the bolshevics? and how they moved to east germany after world war two, in order to experiment on it's population?

And then later moved to the united states?

All you have to do is follow the migration patterns of the "Jewish" communists.

>The victor writes the history.
Then why would they write a trail of evidence for some schmuck on Sup Forums to 'find' and 'reveal the plan' of a THOUSAND YEARS to some frog-worshippers on a Malaysian Tiger-hunting board?

One more thing I forgot to mention...

They replace people who either have money, fame, or a leadership position in an opposition movement to gain the power/fame/money for themselves.

They find a body double, give them plastic surgery and speech lessons, kidnap the target, and replace them with their own agent.

I've personally seen it happen twice.

I read some study while ago that men actually have more feelings than women. Men just controls them better and are more rational. Women's uncontrollable feelings and irrational behavior just creates an illusion of having more feelings when in reality it's just loud noise. Kinda like how faggots create an illusion being more than a marginal group thru media and parades.

>Then why would they write a trail of evidence for some schmuck on Sup Forums to 'find' and 'reveal the plan' of a THOUSAND YEARS

They didn't leave evidence on purpose.... it's called forensic examination.

There are some things that you CAN'T hide.. and they didn't erase ALL of the evidence.

This is why they have constant disinfo and censorship... because they left behind clues, and some of their plans got leaked.

We just had to put it all together.

Do you know WHY the Sup Forums containment board exists?

It's where the smart people go to talk about things without censorship interfering..... it's where the smart people perspectives and conversations are supposed to be CONTAINED so that they don't convince others in the population about the enemies plans.

Why ELSE do you think we have been defeating entire intelligence agencies on our own?

As a literal tranny, let me assure you it isn't true. Men do have more DEPTH in SOME emotions (this is the cause of the loyalty/duty/honor triangle of Male Power), but they don't have the breadth of emotions.

Going on E will unleash those, its why most of us are the best sources on topics like this - we've literally walked both sides.

>forensic examination
Then there is evidence. That's what forensics creates - evidence, provided by test and examinations

You're a good generalist, but your inability to pin anything down leaves me with the impression you're a white nationalist recruiter. I've known some before, and they do the exact same thing.

dont worry hes ded in a ditch somewhere

They KNOW that we have power and influance, but they ALSO know that we don't follow any leader that they can take out, or take over...

It's why all of these "I'm Not Jewish" Jewish alt-right e-celebs keep popping out of the woodwork.

We don't have a leader, so they are trying to CREATE ONE FOR US, that we will follow.

And every time we expose one of them, they just put anouther one in their place and try again.

>Then there is evidence. That's what forensics creates - evidence, provided by test and examinations
>You're a good generalist, but your inability to pin anything down leaves me with the impression you're a white nationalist recruiter. I've known some before, and they do the exact same thing.

sounds like you are trying to poison the well, my dood.

>Then there is evidence.

Also, have you read the protocols of the learned elders of zion?

Show us your axe wound.

Do you not recognize that as the master tactic of an illusionist?

>:Teehee, oh, they'll never guess it's another Jew THS time! What?! They did!? DARN THOSE KIDS!

You really think people with a thousand year old line on the world are Snidely Whiplash?

Not at all - I may be wrong, and you're totally unrelated to it and if so, that's cool. I was only saying what it seems like, because I've met people like that before.
Yes, from that super-micronized infographic that pops up from time to time.

>Then there is evidence.

did you notice how jews are overrepresented in politics, media, education, etc?

Did you notice how our financial sector appears to be constructed in such a way as to destroy our economy?

Did you notice how our educational system seems to destroy education and critical thinking?

Did you notice how the media seems only capable of telling lies that benefit these same jews?

so we'll fight and work for people who don't fight or work

>You really think people with a thousand year old line on the world are Snidely Whiplash?

No, it's rothschild... the jews are just his proxy army.

>Yes, from that super-micronized infographic that pops up from time to time.

Well, doesn't that actually look like what is happening in the world?

There are two feelings. Good and bad.
Women can't decide whether they feel good or bad, so they made up a bunch of useless words to try to figure it out. Don't fall for it. You either feel good or bad. If you feel bad, fix it. If you feel good, enjoy it.

>did you notice how jews are overrepresented in politics, media, education, etc?
Yup, can't miss it.
>Did you notice how our financial sector appears to be constructed in such a way as to destroy our economy?
>Did you notice how our educational system seems to destroy education and critical thinking?
all education systems do.
>Did you notice how the media seems only capable of telling lies that benefit these same jews?
....no, it depends on which group of Jews it wants to support at any given point in time.
>Well, doesn't that actually look like what is happening in the world?
Yes. Now here is where we run into problems. Does the fact that something looks like something else automatically make any explanation OF that thing true? And I say...no. Plenty of examples to evidence that across history, as well.

>we’ve literally walked both sides

Uhh no you haven’t

advice is thataway get the fuck out

uhhh yes we have. literally NO ONE denies that we have female brains after HRT, literally no one. people complain about other segments, but that one is pretty much invioble.

>Does the fact that something looks like something else automatically make any explanation OF that thing true?

I'd say it's pretty good evidence that the protocols were written by a group that is carrying out the plans written of in the protocols.

And that means they are attempting world domination through covert conquest.

Or, I guess you could call it: Exhibit A... if it pleases the court.

See, I don't agree at all. The 'protocols' all describe the most basic, generic things in such a Snidely Whiplash, mustache-twirling manner that it's hard to take it seriously.

They're convincing to people who can't think critically. Not so much to those who can.

I could 'discover' a 'document' about Hitler's plan to 'conquer America with Jews', write it up real nice, and in 20 years it'd be de facto proof of Jewish malfeasance and German collaboration. It wouldn't make it true at all.

Oh man this is good

I think it has to do with oxytocin
Women only release it when breast feeding and giving birth (maybe during orgasm)
That's why Mohammed (peace be upon him) instructed a man to suckle on a newly introduced woman 7 times when first meeting or welcomed into her master's home

sorry but got better digits you are wrong.

You already had your so called female brain before you started HRT because you wanted to be girly.

>The 'protocols' all describe the most basic, generic things in such a Snidely Whiplash, mustache-twirling manner that it's hard to take it seriously.

Hardly... the protocols systematically describe the infiltration and subversion tactic that I have been discussing.

But I do not ask that anyone believe me... I merely ask that they read the protocols themselves.

Do you at least agree to this last statement?

or would you rather they didn't read the protocols?

Double threes are nothing compared to satanic quints.

Shoo shoo tranny, you lost this one.

Yah, I was going to say I could see an argument from this angle. I mean, I literally never internalized anything as male, but I was taught how to feel honor, duty, and loyalty (and in fact although they're not as strong as they used to be to me, they're still stronger than most natal girls'). But I'd agree with that much - I definitely didn't ENTIRELY walk both sides. I don't know if such a huge switch would even be possible.
I'm going to answer presuming that you mean this in good faith, as there is an underhanded method of using that question, but you've been good to talk to so far. No I don't mind if everyone reads it, but I would be remiss to think anyone should read such a piece without a response piece (and this is true for ANY contested item; I believe all sides should make their arguments, but it's a hard ideal for most people, who prefer to snap judge). But no, I'd be okay with that myself.
Defeated by Satan. My Queen won't like that too much. =}