On the path to redpill:

Alright can someone explain to me why race mixing is bad?

Is it because of a principled value or opinion, or is there some scientific reason why people on here are against it?

Or is this just a meme?

Other urls found in this thread:


Lower Iq

Racemixed children get all sorts of health problems, I don't have the actual links but I'm sure some user will help out

Beat me to it

more niggers


>can someone explain to me why race mixing is bad?

Well, it is CURRENTLY being used by the jews as a society wide anti-intelligence dysgenics plan.

Jews only want dumb people breeding... but since it's almost impossible to prevent a woman from breeding, they just try to manipulate them into only breeding with dumb males.

Race mixing isn't nessecarily bad, on it's own, as it typically isn't done that often in any normal population, as populations tend to stick with members of their own race, as a general rule.

But when race mixing is used as a WEAPON of war, THAT is when it is bad.

This was something I didn't recognize until I got stuck here. Look around you. Anywhere and everywhere you'll see the constant shilling of racemixing. In ads, porn, everything. There's a war on the white man in both silent and loud mediums.

it hurts Sup Forums's feelings

Bascially, the reason why neil tyson up there is popular, is because he is an intelligent black person, and the jews are trying to IMPLY through media and classical conditioning, that all black people are as smart as NT....

But the jews don't WANT smart people breeding, even if they are black.

So they have a few token smart black people that they allow sucess... just for show.

But the rest of the smart black people are pretty much gangstalked out of the gene pool, like the smart members of every other race.

Ask a mixed kid. They usually grow resenting either one or both of their parents' races and feel they have no identity of their own.

This is in addition to myriad health problems, lower iq, etc

Its a meme.

There are of course ascetic consequences. Their are identity considerations. Their are cultural considerations.

Science is no help since the differences in the brain are not understood nor studied.

The hormones are the same, the structure is probably identical, so there are differences in IQ, but those may very well be institutional.

Abstraction seems highly related to IQ and since it seems only high iq individuals develop true abstract and symbolic thought there could be a racial element to similar to piagets theory of cognitive development.

Truth is there is probably more difference between men and women, than there is between men of different races. And men are tribal and teritorial with their breeding rights.

And of course parents with different cultures and values systems often divorce.


But hes not smart....
Hes actuallt an idiot.

yea I knew this much... is that it?

I'm gonna breed with a high iq negress tho.

Interracial children have extreme problems when it comes to things like organ transplants.

Ok I see your point. Because I have plenty of mixed friends and they're computer engineers so I was always a bit confused how this is inherently wrong. But in the big picture yea you're right.

Yea I've definitely noticed that. It's why I started this thread. Too many arguments for it being good I knew something was up but didn't know where to look.


My roommate is mixed. His intelligence is higher than average and he's good natured but he's extremely unstable and resentful. Takes him too long to accept and act on hard truths too. Not sure if the correlation is sound.

Ask him if he feels like he truly belongs to either of his parents' races.


So is it a motivation of Jews or just people in power? I don't understand how since there are a lot of Jews in power that it's an inherently Jewish motivation to destabilize the gene pool. I feel that that's just generally how horrible people that hold powerful positions of influence act.

Oh no he doesn't like either because he isn't accepted by either. We've talked about that a lot. He's half Italian half black. His Italian side is a little nicer but his parents divorced and Italian side is in Italy. Most anti-black dude I know, really.

>half Italian half black
Ouch that's a tough one to reconcile.

>it's a meme

Yea I understand the cultural aspects of it. When boiled down I conceptualize it as just disagreements on how to live on a broader scale. The tribalism and Piaget is a really good explanation but are most people really thinking about Piaget and IQ when people talk about these things?


Racemixing causes certain genes to go extinct because of the extreme genetic difference of the mother and father.

The chromosome can only hold so many genes so certain ones are not passed on.

If the genetic difference was less then the chance of certain genes surviving is greater.

So essentially race mixing create a sudden loss of biodiversity that has taken evolution millions of years to create. Its a waste of millions of years of evolutionary product and defending biodiversity is something worth killing a nigger for.


yea I feel for the guy.


>Alright can someone explain to me why race mixing is bad?
if you mix two colors you get a new one. thats nice isnt it? but if you keep doing that with every color in the world, there will be only ONE color left; brown.

and then you will start to miss all the other colors.


>I feel that that's just generally how horrible people that hold powerful positions of influence act.

Thats just because you have no control group to study and compare THIS world to.

All you think you know about humanity, is just what the jews have done to us.

thanks for this

that's a pretty serious assertion. Are you claiming that I and everyone else have been so heavily propagandized that literally all my conceptualizations of humanity and human behavior are false? I'm not going to lie and say I haven't considered it but I need some more convincing than just a statement from user.

Their children are ugly. Flat noses curly hair and usually brown eyes.
Brown people are ugly dumb and a waste of time

>Are you claiming that I and everyone else have been so heavily propagandized that literally all my conceptualizations of humanity and human behavior are false?


>I'm not going to lie and say I haven't considered it but I need some more convincing than just a statement from user.

What part of the world would you like me to point to, that hasn't been completely corrupted by jews, to serve as the exception that proves the rule?

>so there are differences in IQ, but those may very well be institutional
Who anyone actually kidding brown people are fucking dumb. Even the smart ones are fucking dumb. I finshed my cs degree last month and almost all the browns dropped out and the ones left sucked ass at every aspect of their school career.

Who cares what 'most people' think?

We know there are structural and hormonal components to morality. But we do not know to what extent it is 'software' or nurture?

Is morality a heritable trait? Can you breed loyalty? Chastity? Honesty? And to what extent does nature control these attempts on the bicameral mind?.

For example sociopathy seems to have a very strong selective pressure in its favor, and yet no society displays a majority of sociopathy because in aggregate it is a harmful adaptation whereas on an individual level it can be highly advantageous.

McDonald seems to argue that Jews have a different kind of morality than whites. (All minorities in fact). Where the primary moral traits if minorities are personal or tribal benifit, where whites have an individualistic abstract conception of right and wrong.

There are obvious benefits from this kind of abstract individual morality. But it is a weak morality. It requires strong protection, either by the state or by the church.

These restrictions on moral action are anethema to Nature, and therefore the moral paradigm of minorities. Why should you suffer personal harm for the benifit of someone else? That is the opposite of morality to them, and so they seek to destroy any moral law or anything which upholds the moral system of law. (Religion, white men, and the rule of law. All which uphold abstract individual morality by their very nature).

Pol calls this Cultural marxism or a jewish conspiracy. But in fact it is neither. It is a biological reproductive imperative projected on the body politic.

And in truth it doesnt matter. The white moral paradigm is predicated on christian magical thinking. It requires an outside source for its power. I.e. That right makes might, that god will give justice, that wickedness will be punished rather than rewarded etc.



This is both a meme and biological response to Catholic hegemony. Christian morality became hardwired into whites through 2,000 years of selective breeding and selective pressure.

But it is a very weak morality that required the protection of a strong authoritative body like the Catholic church or Christian state to enforce moral compliance.

In the state of nature this kind of morality is weak. And will not survive in its current incarnation.

The meme will either protect itself with extreme violence, isolation, or it will be consumed.

However, all of humanity hardwired morality of all races 'and sexes' is little more than outdated reproductive strategies.

We are entering a new world where these kinds of morality will all battle to extinction. The only one that will survive does not yet realy exist. We are dinasours and the Comet is just about to hit. It really doesnt matter if youre a meat eater or herbivore. It matters if you have fur and are warm blooded and 99% of humanity doesnt.

Ergo in 100 years we wont be "human" in the common sense.

Good luck with your retarded children. Regression to the mean, fucktard.

>all world corrupted by Jews
Even so I think it's a huge logical leap to liken Jews to a quasi-God status and discount all experiences and thoughts. Jews, government conspiracies, "patriarchy," etc. while may be true in some cases (excluding the SJW nonsense), doesn't make it absolutely true and feels more like a replacement of religion. Humans always in some form or another believed an omniscient being constructed everything around us. After we killed the Pagan Gods, we killed the Abrahamic God, and now we have propped up Jews or government. I'll give you that these groups have immense power, but they're still human and I think are given too much credit. Situation is more complex than that.

Hybrid vigor is a myth. Read about the problems with transplants and transfusions regarding mixed race individuals.

I'd be more inclined to agree with you had you replaced the word "morality" with "temperament." That would definitely fit your sociopathy analogy.

But to suggest that morality is genetic is downright retarded. I will grant you that one's innate biological template of temperament will naturally sway one toward's certain moral values. That would better explain why whites are more receptive to their values and vice versa.

how much do you know about humanity that didn't either:

A. Come from media?


B. Come from humans whos experiances were shaped by media?

>Because I have plenty of mixed friends and they're computer engineers so I was always a bit confused how this is inherently wrong.
Are they half nigger or spic? Because that would be surprising. Not so much if they're HAPA or half pajeet. Anyway, spic and nigger countries are virtually always shit and we don't want that here, is the short answer.

Women that date niggers and spics usually get chopped up by niggers and spics. Even if they’re niggers and spics themselves.

This is a scientific fact and nobody anywhere can claim that it isn’t.

Because your children will look alien to you and the rest of your family, If you want your legacy to carry on it would be better to have children that are similar to you.

Half black. Even know a full black who's more qualified and in a higher position than the half.

Pic related

I know that medically mixed children have a lot of trouble finding donors for certain things, like bone marrow. Some parts of your body will accept almost anything human, but other parts need to have a pretty similar genetic makeup to your own, and if you're a mixed child that rules out family members. This isn't that big of a deal, though, like what are the odds?

I have a bigger problem with not race-mixing specifically, but just people of significantly different genetic makeups living together. Look out at nature. All over the place, you'll see animals that look almost identical, only to discover they're actually different subspecies or maybe even species. That implies that in spite of their verisimilitude on the outside, they're drastically different on the inside; perhaps you could say an area of complexity is likely to be the area most lacking in similarities, and that'd easily be the brain. If you can acknowledge these things, you must also then realize that the radical left's claim that there's such a thing as "a black man's perspective" or "a woman's perspective" is actually true. They'd say it's because of how they were raised, though, they don't care about genetics.

Well, if you can make it that far in the thought process, why is it then a good idea to have these different groups of people living together? Anyone who's ever had a long conversation with someone about the meaning of life or truth or happiness knows that not everyone has the same values and with the 60s leveling the playing field for mostly everyone in the U.S., it's becoming more and more clear that those differences in values also have a racial component. It shouldn't really come as a surprise. We all evolved over millions of years in fairly different environments. Imagine you lived your whole life sitting around, picking fruit, hunting animals, and then one day somebody picked you up and dropped you in the middle of modern civilization. What, are you going to go get a job?

It creates mutts with no real connection to their culture or history. They're sheep who are way easier to manipulate.

I know what you're getting at. The only thing I can KNOW is by judging by how myself and peers act when on nature trips away from any sort of media for extended periods of time. There is a sobering effect for sure. But it's so easy to turn that around. How do you know that you only think the media has more power than it does due to your own media exposure? I think there's a limit on these things.

Media has a lot of influence but does not absolutely restructure the fiber of humanity. It plays and preys upon it. The very fact that they have as much influence as they do is a testament to the notion that human nature hasn't changed. Couple that with behavioral studies of infants that have had NO CONTACT WITH MEDIA WHATSOEVER and now social constructionist theories are BTFO.

This is the sort of thing I was looking for thanks.

It separates children from their ethnic identity, and leaves them split between two worlds. It's a tragedy, and it's a shame it's encouraged by popular society.

>How do you know that you only think the media has more power than it does due to your own media exposure?

Frankly that's a superfluous question, considering that you already agreed with my conclusion in your nature trip story.

>Media has a lot of influence but does not absolutely restructure the fiber of humanity.

It doesn't need to restructure the fibre of humanity, just exploit it.

as an example, humans want to be popular (mostly), so if they see something in the media as popular, they will have a larger than average probability of attempting that behavior as well, as a way to seek to be popular.

This is known as social proof, and its not rewriting human fibre, it's just taking full advantage of it to alter general human behavior.

>Media has a lot of influence but does not absolutely restructure the fiber of humanity. It plays and preys upon it. The very fact that they have as much influence as they do is a testament to the notion that human nature hasn't changed.
Humans are susceptible to external influence and propaganda. The media's declarations, in a very non-trivial way, set the parameters of social debate and viewpoints around political issues, ex nihilo. The significance of the portrayal and framing of information around ideas that affect human behavior cannot be understated.

+ no cultural identity which leads to a lot of social problems and withdrawal from the community

That’s the exception not the rule

You need to come back in about 3-6 months, your'e not red pilled enough.

Well yea absolutely. But you can't tell me that they restructured everything. We have innate, biologically driven temperaments, behaviors, and tendencies that are further shaped by environment. But we're not born a complete blank slate. Media's influence is only possible because they know which tendencies to play off of.

i say be with the person who bugs you the least. black or white niggers. nobody is turning down someone they like cuz of race.

Yea yea I know

this and it's hard to find an organ donor for a mixed person

That's why the thread was made...

>Is it because of a principled value or opinion, or is there some scientific reason why people on here are against it?
I'm generally suspicious of anything pushed by mass murdering cultists who worship lucifer

>explain to me why race mixing is bad?
It lowers the average IQ and plays right into the jews hands

>taking full advantage of human behavior

Well yea that's what I was arguing. Before you called my entire conception of humanity into question and weren't being as specific in your language.

>But you can't tell me that they restructured everything.
>Media's influence is only possible because they know which tendencies to play off of.
Consider that this manipulation has on numerous occasions in the last century and before, altered the course of history and led us to the "cultural suicide by excessive sympathy" scenario we are dealing with today.

Yea I've definitely considered it. I don't disagree with you. I absolutely think this is happening/happened.

Because I don't want my offspring to be niggers.

As long as your mate has a high iq it's fine. You're throwing away your white lineage, but that's your choice if that bothers you or not, there's hundreds of millions of white people so doesn't matter that much

Your'e throwing too much info his way. Same thing that turned me away at the beginning. Blatantly shoving fascism and white superiority into a libertarian face will slow him down.

It's not the info that's off putting. It's the nonspecific language and generalizations that is. If you're going to convince me into an ideology it's best not to put the hateful/basic shit in front first. I want carefully measured arguments with sound evidence. Even then I'll probably not adopt the ideology/hate but keep the facts VERY MUCH in mind. Not a full kekistani but not a full normietard either.