Its time for some Fire Punch

Its time for some Fire Punch













I don't know if I should be glad or not that this is isn't as popular as it should be, the fanbase would eventually fall like every other fanbase.
But this kinoery still needs the recognition it deserves.


He is going to kill them right?




He knows


>because of me
>she's having a child
Did I miss a chapter?


Last chapter




The refugees he freed as Fire Punch raped her


Thanks whoever dumped the rest, my internet shat itself and only came back now

Is that a piece of the giant tree? His burning arm is probably still under there so he could become Fire Punch again.

Didn't he become firepunch with normal fire? Also his arm would've burned already.

He set his face on fire but he can't become Fire Punch without a flaming punch. Ordinarily it probably would go out but the flaming arm stood out too much not to be a Chekhov's gun.

So his only goal is now to kill himself?

Maybe it burned the arm but there's some wood with fire, maybe in that branch.
If he becomes the firepunch those girls are as good as dead.
How could all this end? I can only picture bad ends and everyone dies but him.


No, he just set his face in fire to embraces his insanity. Doma's immortal flame is what made him fire punch.
