Who is the coolest character in this image?
Who is the coolest character in this image?
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The one who can drive tanks.
Tanks are cool.
tv is uncanon
The girl behind Miho.
Miho's casual disregard for flying tank shells is pretty cool
if you don't know anything about the characters then the guy in the bottom right
The one who doesn't blink at a 75mm shell whizzing by her head.
Look at this motherfucker riding on her tank in nothing but a skirt. Facing off against Russian armor on their freezing home turf. This crazy bastard once disobeyed orders and jumped into a freezing river to save her comrade's life. Her ingenuity, resourcefulness, courage and loyalty are nothing to underestimate. Miho is the model officer and if Hitler had her commanding a tank army in WW2 they would have broken through the Stalingrad encirclement like a knife through butter.
Denial isn't healthy.
Dumb neckbeard.
user, why are you so very angry about cute girls with their tanks?
Sorry, you're just stupid.
Yomiko Readman. Always.
I accept your apology, but I don't know why you think it's your responsibility that I'm stupid. You're a weird one, user-kun.
This guy
Too bad we did not get a proper ending. Maybe manga will one day continue. Eri best girl
I can't believe i'm the only person in this board that have seen R.O.D.
The Girl with the Panzer
She is shit.
pretty good show
OVA is top tier.
TV is pretty good. I've seen it 3 times and each time I rewatch it I prepare to be disappointed in my past self for liking it. Never winds up being the case though.
That guy
My waifu!
My wife Miho is so cool!
Smoker would have been the coolest ten years ago when smoking was still considered as cool.
Yomiko, of course.
Actually, this. I love both. The only thing OVA lacks is that there's no casual sweet time with Yomiko and Nenene.
He's a retarded jobber.
Well its definitely not Lancer
Yomiko has the best fights