ITT: dead manga scanlations

ITT: dead manga scanlations
Lets bitch a little

Abnormal Kei Joshi

Mahou shonen majorian

That fucking cat!

I was wondering what happened to this manga.

>Latest Release(s)
>v.1 c.2 by PROzess (2135d ago)
>19 Volumes (Complete)

Abnormal kei joshi has been on manga hiatus for a while now

>6 chapters left

Did Ajin-Chan got licensed?

>only 2 chapters scanlated
It's from the same guy that made Giant Killing


Love Lab with grade schoolers instead of middle schoolers.

Majimoji Rurumo
My will to live is dwindling.

Fuck everything, this manga is damn comfy yet it's so ignored.


Buttobi CPU

I absolutely don't get what the fuck is going on. And I can get korean scans only

is that the guy from demi-chan

Immortal Hounds

if only more people liked flustered tall girls.


>publication completed
>last volumen just released (this fuking week)
>last scan release 432 days ago

That shitfest with the Boku Girl translation.

Boku Girl's TL finished though

Rainbow has been finished for years and there's still 6 volumes left with one chapter getting scanned every 6 months. Just fucking kill me.

I miss Tonari no Seki-kin threads.

Guess it is, should have checked beforehand.

The official volumes get ripped and uploaded on mangaseeonline when they come out

Mozuya-san is 10 volumes long and chapter 14, the most recent translated, was about 2 years ago. I have no hope.

>(832d ago)

Do translations count too?

Gokicha!! ;_;
Also Ore to Hero to Mahou Shoujo

Here's Ore to Hero to Mahou Shoujo

That manga about lovecraftian monsters destroying Japan.



At least delinquentscans is willing to TL it


>v.13 c.114 by Armageddon Scans (420d ago)
>33 Volumes (Complete)

its sequel
>Higanjima - Saigo no 47 Hiai
>16 Volumes (Complete)

and the sequel after that
>Higanjima - 48 Nichigo...
>13 Volumes (Ongoing)

Translations Never
Raw scans Never

Nozo x Kimi
Iketeru Futari

*Power Gap*

Higanbana no Saku Yoru Ni (respect your original sources)

I just looked that up. Now I'M mad that it's not scanned. Is it that there's almost 50 volumes of material untranslated that drives translators away?

Dude, I don't even do shit that's 10 chapters behind.

So you only translate new or recently dropped series? Why?

the translator pulled out so as of now it is dead in the water

Saotome Senshu, Hitakakusu
I remember someone translated chapter 1, basically /fit/ tomboy romance
Tomboyfags pick it up

Are you telling me this never got licensed?

Are you talking about the manga or ln?

it was short but the end was never done

I'm not a translator, but yeah, it's pretty demoralizing when you have to go through 100s of chapters cause it seems like you never see the end. I just finished 25 chapters (750 pages) of tanks and it took me almost 8 months. And I'm already pretty busy right now (and I keep picking up shit and I'm starting to have logistics problems), so I can't pick up a series that's too far behind.

both, the translator was the same person

Fuck this gay earth.

>Nagasarete Airantou Vol.025 Ch.152: Reunion 5/12/2017

Reminder that we are over 100 chapters behind and its a goddamn monthly series.

>pic related
>major flashback arc going on
>Weekly updates
>Makes my sundays a little better
>suddenly November 2016 rolls around
>radio silence
>No chapter for two months
>finally find Scanlators tumblr
>They rage-quit because of Trump being elected
Fuck if I had any drive in life I would have started learning Nip years ago. People warned me and I didn't listen

>This artist
Fucking hell still one of the best faps I get to this day.


That's because it got axed. (Or the mangaka stopped because he's a pussy. I can't remember.)

I can't even find raws for this.

Have you read the guy's LN translations? It was a mercy kill. Maybe someone fluent in English can pick it up now.

Cyclops Saipu
Cmon translator kun, only 90 chapters left.


>c.13 by Konobuta (3d ago)
Am I missing something? Guy even says he won't drop it in his blog.

>last chapter two months ago
Hardly dead. Though they're still two volumes behind.

>They rage-quit because of Trump being elected
>stop translating weeb stuff because of Trump

This is hilarious, so damn hilarious.

So what is this? Google and other image searches don't return shit, nothing in the archive either.

It's tempting to pick this up because scanlator also has a hate boner for Sup Forums. Unfortunately, Fujita isn't my thing

>other image searches don't return shit
Try yandex, fag.

>only got the 1st chapter

shame, it seemed interesting too.

haven't looked at the blog since the post where he said he was dropping everything on the 23rd

the licensed scans is uploaded on the goddess now

>Latest Release(s) v.9 c.194 by RecorderClass Scanlations (856d ago)
RIP Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar

>all these entitled cunts
Gee, I wonder if you could like, get a paying job so you can buy licensed manga or just learn how to read Japanese and import a physical copy.

user, are you drunk? Manga's always been free.

thanks user, didn't even notice it got licensed

All I want to know is why it's taking so long to get updates?

Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita.

Ruskies have 5~ chapters translated past English release, but ah, yah. Been 2.5 years.

>Go check page
>random group translated it last week to match Ruskies

>v.12 c.55 by Habanero Scans (111d ago)
>13 Volumes (Complete)
So close

Nah man, I'm saying it did just get updated, last week, to chap24.

Yeah but at one point like 3-4 years ago the chapters came out weekly.

To say I'm happy right now is an understatement. It looks bad as usual, but I'll take anything at this point. God bless ya user for bringing this to my attention.

I can't really blame them; I don't think I even got through 50 chapters before losing interest.

I feel you user, but it could be much worse.

Latest Release(s) (584d ago)

New chapter soon, apparently.

>Jiraishin Diablo v.2 c.7 by Bulsajo (1308d ago)

My poor heart can't take it.


Yeah, but then they finished saving the cheer club, but it kept going, and everyone lost interest.

I already posted it, user. We're fucked.

Yeah I dropped it after that. I'll finish it if it ever gets completely TL'ed. Makes me wonder why the guy kept going on with it. Money?

And now Futago no Teikoku scanlation is dead, too. And no one's translating Hayabusa-chan. Fuck everything.

Reminder that Agharta's hiatus finally came to an end last year with the release of a complete edition with two new volumes, so now all we need is some scanlators to take pity on us.

Last update 256 days ago

Why are anti-gravity breasts so appealing?

What the fuck happened with Arte? I guess the chapters haven't been ripped but I can't even figure out the site that translates it. Apparently up to chapter 17 is translated but it's impossible to find anything after 13. It was a pretty good mango.

>Boku Girl's TL finished though

I'm gonna admit, I slammed my hands on my desk and yelled "WHAT" louder than someone who lives in an apartment with paper thin walls should at 3 in the morning.

I thought the TL died alongside Aereus

>only 3 chapters scanlated
>volume 1 is already out in japan


learn japanese already. The resources are easy to steal.

I'm too stupid to learn another language. I can barely handle English as it is.

better translate it faggot

Someone in the scanlation threads is working on it, they have some sort of holdup with their translator or something like that.

Y u do dis scan people


>Status in Country of Origin
>3 Volumes (Hiatus)

So he didn't finish this one either.

I came here to post this and I'm glad someone already did.
But I also wonder how someone can be so much of a little bitch to quit something completely irrelevant over that event.