Made in Abyss

I'd like to point out most of the disasters that happen could have easily been avoided by a more highly experienced delver.

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop making constant threads when there's nothing to discuss. You're only going to turn MiA into shitposter central.

This not a bunny. Bunnies dont have tails like that.

Why not start the thread with a picture of one, then?

It's an Abyss bunny. They do.

I would like to the normal life of a delver, specially Leader and Habo.

>to the normal life
Live? See? Kill?

Remember all the manga readers hyping up animeonlys for an antagonist they'll never see.


I have a hunch the tail is there is solely for Reg to grab on. She doesn't have bunny teeth too though.

Stop the Natt shitposting, the character is almost fucking irrelevant.

Mad twitter retard doesn't like lolis or anime, more news at 11.

Who is this faggot? Looks like a shitty feminist/PC anime/manga reviewer

Natt must be shown the love he was denied

Then he is a cuckold, Reg obviously fucks Riko and Nanachi.

Stop giving these retards attention, retard.

I dont like this yandere furry bat.

You aren't welcome here

Do you mean the moth?

Remove anti-moth.



Probably the squid.

He's right though. Natt wouldn't have gotten stabbed by porky, he wouldn't have let reg get kidnapped at boneland. Hell, they'd be back already.

Just looked this guy up and he's a literal who with only 600 followers must be him right?

These are Bonedrewd favored childs, say something nice to them

>konbu sosu


This is literally how dungeon crawl stories work.
A bunch of rookie adventurers goes through tragedy because of inexperience. All the experienced adventurers are fucked up in the head and jaded from all the shit they've seen.

>Giving attention to some random retard on twitter.

I don't speak soup language.

>people hate the purple

Fuck you it looks rad

You know wat i find illogical.

How characters like the masked guy try and have succes manipulating phenomenos that are obviosuly paranormla, like the curse.

Purple looks awesome on him and that draw is fucking gorgeous.

Sorry you're outdated, Nanachi

wat paranormla phenomenosss

damn boyzz

One word: experimentation.
It may be paranormal for us, but for that worlds it's just another natural law.

But is it only purple on this body and when he switches to one of the other crew it changes to another color? That would be more rad.

Subarashi numbers.

That's the joke I suppose, Natt is an irrelevant and only mildly competent delver with a big ego, so people are just acting as if they were him. It's meta-immersive shitposting

>see reg
>oh wow a perfect creature that cannot be topped
>see maruruk
>oh wow a perfect creature that cannot be topped
>see bun
>oh wow a perfect creature that cannot be topped
>see moth
>oh wow a perfect creature that cannot be topped
when does the cycle end? I grow weary

Big daddy ?

Nanachi is so yesterday...

The abyss truly is terrifying

As far as i've seen we can categorize all the people in MiA in 3 big groups: Riko's/Reg's crew (they all are or look like kids), White Whistles (tall, fucked up in some way, etc.) and the rest of people.

What's the common link between Jiruo and Kajya?

I would like to remind everyone that this is your moth when it first appeared.

I wanna rub my dick on Tsukushi's art

I think we can categorize all people in MiA in 3 big groups Nanachi, and the rest of 'people'.

And from the back one page before.

she wants reg's sosu

Okay forget what i said. We can categorize all the people in MiA in 1 big group: All the people in MiA.
Now i am right.

Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again

Tourist always looks better than Archologist until you're stuck in a pit wishing you had bullwhip arms.

Because those are the fundamentals of naturalist writing style. Every Jack London novel goes like this, idiots go into the frozen wastes and get wrecked by wolves, then a seemingly kind person pretends to help and steals their shit because humans are animals too.

What would sex with Ozen be like?

You'd have to do all the work and she'd lay there unmoving.


unconfortable. She looks very heavy


Seems hard for people to make a non-creepy Nanachi.

I want to move Ozen with my dick

she's irredeemable even in bed

There are many Nanachi’s, is there any Reg?

Out of all the females, who are the best ones in bed?

Lyza, Faputa?

I don't recall seeing one, not anything that caught my eye at least.

Lyza is a shotacon and Faputa looks like a yandere. Probably the best ones are Lyza or Ozen.

The orphanage instructor.

I just want to touch Faputa's fluff.

Nanachi's design is inherently creepy.

I'm into fucking corpses so it's fine

Get in line

Jesus fucking Christ i love the op so much. Does anyone have a file of it so i can just play it, without having to go back to the anime?

Ah i see, a man of culture aswell

Riko is always available

Did you even look?
Just download the official youtube post.

>Touch Faputa's fluff
>get murdered by the value committee

How strong are her vaginal muscles if she has the strength of 120,000 men?

Thank you

Just reread volumes 4 and 5 and chapter 38 really is the ideal stopping point for the anime. Such a shame.

Men don't have vaginas.

This the the only OP I can think of where my good feelings for the show has spilled over and made me like it more than I normally would.

Well a weird magical mutation is not exactly the most pleasant thing


if Regu dies a virgin I will swim to china and murder Akihito Tsukushi

He isn't a virgin though. He's slayed moth pussy on regular basis

He canonically mofu'd Faputa's fuwa.

>Zodiac is fucking dead
>Princess probably using Protect Order
>Ninja trying their best for that petrify
>Monk busy being impaled and dying
>Shogun feeling that second stack of bloody lance

I'm all to familiar with this scene...Should have brought a hoplite.

patrician taste user

I don't have the image of it colored but this is one of the cuter Nanachi figures

I wish I had my own Nanachi to hug

and by colored I mean painted duh

There's like three things in the setting that can even hurt him, also pic related.

amnesiac sex doesn't count. if he doesn't take the bunny cunny or delves into Riku's vag I will still riot

I want a game so bad


>Ozen with 42 damage and 100% hit chance
Reg is ded.

I love the ED. All the MCs are cute.

>Nanachi crit
>still does 0 dmg because of fluffiness

SFX: pomf =3