Am I the only one that misses this manga?

Am I the only one that misses this manga?

Other urls found in this thread:

Finished reading that a month ago. Felt nostalgic

It ended on the highest note possible so I felt satisfied, I wish they had finished the anime though.

>Felt nostalgic
Fuck. Me too... I finished reading it like 3 years ago and damn... There is nothing new, and it hurts to know that there will never be anything new about Gash Bell.

it was good and I wasn't expecting it to be

This tbqh
I dont think it needs a sequel but they could do something really cool with the demon world.

you know who's got the power

Hey Hey let's dance all day!

Chichi chichi oppai!

The ending was a little confusing for me. I wish it ended on a clear note.

Aged like a fine wine, a testament to embracing shounen cliches and going all the way with that shit and still being enjoyable because it isn't trying to be anything it's not and it's fucking great.

The art style is also great, since it's so unique it really stands out.

Anyone else thinks Gash is cute and sexy?

They dance all day/

Possibly the only edgelord I enjoyed in anime. Too bad he had the most subpar death in the entire series.



The manga should have just cut Clear Note out. The ending should have been a tournament arc in the demon world instead of Clear Note killing off every major demon besides Gash and Brago.

>Better strategist than Zach
>Had to kill him off by claiming Zach's bloodline spell is stronger than Zeno's bloodline spell

It was a good battle, but that was a weak copout.

You're kidding, right?

Are you telling me you only saw the anime or something?

>A tournament final arc in a manga where the entire story is the tournament arc

>1v1 Colosseum matches in the Demon world
>Previous demons return to cheer on Gash and crew without the need of an asspull
>Each major character gets attention and doesn't get killed off by some random edgelord
>Find out more about the demon world and Gash's father

I don't see how having a tournament arc wouldn't have been way better.


The anime absolutely butchered the second half of the Faudo arc, reducing what's a serious contender to the best battle shonen arc of all time to be generic trash, and didn't adapt the final arc at all. Plus it just feels cheap, especially with how gorgeous the manga art is. Really I think it's worth re-reading from the start or at least the ancient demon arc for the art, but if you just wanna start where the anime and manga diverge, it's chapter 211

>anime youtubers foreever making videos about slice of life ecchi bullshit and the same shonen series's we always hear about over and over
>Gash will never get the recognition it deserves

why even live

Nah. Clear is a fucking mary sue edgelord with a million asspulls, but his fight coregraphy was really cool, and it's all made worth it finally seeing his punk bitch ass be beaten down by Brago and then by the golden book, which is essentially him getting out-asspulled.

>wanting to water down the plot by shifting focus to every single major character
>over Raiku's original idea to just centralize development strictly on Gash and Kiyomaro, and having the other side characters simply develop naturally to further drive the plot to its natural conclusion.

Boku no Hero is doing exactly that in its current arc and it's the least favorite arc among readers.

We don't need to learn more about Gash's father or the demon world. The story has always been about the demon battle in the human world and the progression between Gash and Kiyomaro. Whenever we learned anything about the demon world or anything like that, it was out of pure necessity to the main plot, and Raiku has still managed to incorporate proper world-building without info dumping 5 pages worth of dialogue to explain it.

And it's still a stupid idea to incorporate yet another tournament into a single arc when the entire series is a gigantic tournament.

>mangaka breaks hand
>anime catches up to manga
>ends abruptly
worst timeline

>you will never expierence the gash storytime again

This. Fucking this.

>ywn convince your friends to read the manga

Mothers basement outright will just make a video/podcast session about whatever you want if you do the highest patreon tier for him or something

But he won't nesscarily read/watch the whole series, only the first the first like 5 episodes or 2 volumes if it's a manga, and after that it's up to him if he keeps going or not

>tfw got one of my friends to try it
>tfw he reads so fucking slowly he started 6 months ago but only now just got to the Belegium EO fight

the anime isnt great. very, very budgety, I dont think there was a single well animated fight.

the OST and songs are god tier tho

Got any links

I dumped the entire manga last year, the archives are still up on fireden, if you wanna read it "with Sup Forums" by going through that. I also posted clips of the anime (and anime ost sync videos, but more on that later) as needed when the anime actually did do something right, and translation errors were noted as dumps happened, so I actually think this is currently the best way to read the series.

The OP post/copypasta also gives a little guide on where to download the scans and the pros and cons of the release I used vs other options, though I don't think I settled on that OP template till a few volumes in.

Ayways, if you wanna do that, the final thread was here, which has backlinks to all prior threads via a pastebin and normal crossthread links:

There's also a rar in this final thread that includes reaction images, fanart, and a bunch of other goodies, but most importantly, videos of certian key parts of the manga synced up with the anime OST. They were taken off of youtube a few months after I put the rar up, so the rar is the only place to find them now. I highly reccomend downloading the rar just for those, though they'll be spoilers for you till you get a ways in.

No simple file links to the chapters? I find it easier to read that way

Copying the part from the FAQ when I dumped it

>Where are your scans from?

>NULL's release. their site is here: and they can also be found on and mangasaurus. EBJ has superior digital volumes for sale on their site, but they are japanese only, I'll be buying and ripping them eventually. There's also some really amazing quality Portuguese scans, but only for like 20 chapters halfway into the series, and, you know, aren't in english.

>A-Destiny has really amazingly high res scans in english for the last 3 volumes, but they aren't publically available anywhere right now other then the last 3 volumes as jpgs on otakusmash, and the translation is generally nost as good as NUll's I feel in most cases. They also have 18-30, but thye quality isn't much better then Null's and the translation is still iffy.

In the event you do use NULL's scans, I at least recommend you also download this, which is a list of translation errors/fixes I compiled for their release that compiled as I was dumping the scans:

Most of the errors are just awkward wording, and are written from the perspective of stuff I just wanna fix whenever I do my release of the series (which I plan on doing eventually using EBJ's digital scans combined with the fixed null translation) but there is an occasional serious case of mistranslated intent, which this is helpful for.

I should probably make a version of the pastebin that excludes all the "this was worded wierdedly, fix this" bits.

>Won Rei will never get the chance to tap those china ass again
Poor Won Rei. The demons cannot go back to the human world again right?

Also Dany and Ted best bros.

> manga
> posts anime design

>wanting to water down the plot by shifting focus to every single major character

Giving some other characters screen time wouldn't hurt the plot. Gash and Kiyo are the primary focus, but their are plenty of chapters about side characters that were wonderful (Folgore and Kyanchome chapters were the best).

>We don't need to learn more about Gash's father or the demon world. The story has always been about the demon battle in the human world and the progression between Gash and Kiyomaro.

It can still be about Gash and Kiyo. Having Gash and Kiyo meet Gash's father is still progression for the two. As for the demon battle being in the human world, nothing specifically states that it was going to be only in the human world.

>And it's still a stupid idea to incorporate yet another tournament into a single arc when the entire series is a gigantic tournament.

Except that this tournament will have rules that everyone must follow? And that fights will be 1v1, which will allow each demon/human pair to show their potential.

I convinced my friend to read it. It's awesome being able to talk about Gash with someone, especially since it's pretty obscure.


Oh God does this take me back to my days as a lad watching Toonami. I still think of Zatch every time I see yellowtail in the supermarket.

Really only liked the Faudo arc.

I'd rather a Tio