What's gonna happen when population outweighs resources?

What's gonna happen when population outweighs resources?

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And how long would you say we have until that happens?

people will collectively agree on only having 1 child and work together to fairly distribute resources

what is happening rite now


The strong will eat the weak.

Death camps, one way or another.

We must ensure they aren't for us.

Eat the population.

Go vegan, outlaw single mothers, force all NEETs to enlist or work, and secure the borders. No more decadence.

We go back to how it's supposed to be. Survival of the fittest and tribalism.

I made a graph to illustrate my point

Chinks genocide each other and Asia/Africa along with them.

Hello Malthus

women get moar rights

Space colonies, dawg.

this if you're fat get fit quick and learn some survival skills

Population quits growing. It’s expected to cap at about 13b

Gabitalism will solve it by bringuz more freedoms

This is nothing more than a meme. If we had regional cooperation and more focus on the more important things in life, it would literally be no problem at all.

Jews gonna Jew until we all get screwed.

not when the first world is culturally enriching itself



Utopia due to lack of scarcity creates overpopulation which leads to a dystopia due to social degeneracy. Eventually all the degenrates die out, but not before taking everyone down with them. This is the absolute state of western society.

starvation and social upheaval.

No what I mean is that if resources required for living aren’t available then it’s functionally impossible for anything to happen besides population stagnating

What happened in every single scenario like that historically

In fact there was a study called rat utopia or something and this exact thing happened.

This. Fucking hippies.

but first there will have to be a correction to the population

Population will only outweigh resources as long as a newborn can survive without eating

Hey, leave me alone

This has been and is the case in many places in the world, you can see for yourself what happens

Spoiler : War and famine

We gas the jews

I'd heard all my life about rat utopias turning into hell and deer populations being decimated due to overpopulation, but not until I conceptualized it for myself did it really hit me that this is a guaranteed reality. I turned myself into a prepper. The best redpills are the ones you figure out for yourself.

So far our ability to develop technologies that liberate resources has outpaced our population growth, and there is no reason to suspect this will not still be the case in the near future.

Reasons to be optimistic:
>population growth will level-off as poor countries become rich and women become educated
>more people means more good ideas to develop even better technologies
>space has a lot of resources
>synthetic meat would be a huge game-changer and is probably going happen

Reasons to be pessimistic:
>as poor countries become richer people adopt higher-impact lifestyles, such as meat-eating
>we might have exhausted all the easy technologies
>we could hit thresholds where climate change or biosphere degradation changes suddenly
>We are doing very little to guard against catastrophic risks like synthetic bioterrorism, pandemic disease, asteroids, megavolcanoes, unfriendly AI

I think we'll be okay, but climate change or biosphere collapse are serious problems that threaten the continued stability of our innovative, industrialized global economy. If we keep getting richer I think we can keep developing technologies that outpace our minimal resource needs.

Death. Good old fashioned death.

nice graph , no graph. Can't even into between 7 and 8 on the vertical X-axis because you're so sloppy with your work - certainly reflects.

based weinstein
saving the world
one thot at a time

It won't tard

Personal truths trump universal truths 100% of the time. The closest we get to divinity is when our personal truths and universal truths overlap like you just elucidated.

More people means more people willing to do "evil" just for fun. If creating a.i. ever becomes easy for the masses people will create malevolent ones just for the lulz and chaos. I would if i could. Just saying. The more accessible and user friendly technology becomes the more likely it will be used to do "evil". I would. And so would many others. Its a matter of probability the higher the population gets the closer you'll get to our extinction.

If we just go full genocide on all the niggers and wetbacks we won't have to worry about that

The value of money will go up


Good luck getting shitskins to do any such thing. They need that child support and welfare check. It's like a right of passage for them.

>population growth will level-off as poor countries become rich and women become educated
Implying this will ever happen. There is no way sub-par IQ countries will get rich, and what will happen to these countries is what has happened for 10-15 years now: Mass emigration to Western countries that will use government money to feed them and their kids, until the food and money are gone, which will lead to civil wars in every Western society.

Soylent Green

In fact this population-leveling-off is happening as we speak in many countries; the evidence for a link between per capita income and fertility is overwhelming.

You might be right about this. Existential risks from new technologies do seem to be more likely to wipe us out compared to natural phenomenon.

See short video: video.newyorker.com/watch/annals-of-ideas-doomsday-invention-bostrom

>what is soft kill

Roll for humans get their shit together and avoid Malthusian catastrophe


roll for hellscape by 2035

Don't even try brah, we're making it through the Great Filter


What do you think OP?


Only the rich can afford it.

Start by sinking cruise ships.


I agree with this, but I can't do veganism. My digestion is too fucked up atm and it's too expensive. I just wanna hunt and eat grass fed beef and eggs like man has for thousands of years and be left the hell alone.


The West is not the problem user. We're becoming crowded but nowhere near to the extent of Asia and Africa. Give it some time and if we don't all kill ourselves space colonization should be possible


The freaking hunger games

Veganism doesn't deliver enough nutrients to the brain anyways

See Cuba and North Korea circa 1989.

I wish I could still be as naively idealistic as you. Oh those were the days.

natural selection
