Free will doesn't exist

You've already lost everything. Each thought you have is not your own. Everyone you meet is a clone of a clone. When you catch onto their scheme you somehow get lost in a maze of confusion. The game is already over. But the question remains, why are you fighting shadows?

>we are made of atoms simply reacting to the laws of physics
>somehow 'free will' is magically inserted into this picture
Absolute superstition-tier belief

>Free will certainly does exist,
>Actually, it does.

What's the point of determining this? What happens next once we agree there isn't? Will it be a better world if we act as if there is or isn't?

just decided to post that I saw your male thread and chose to avoid it but then chose to come and show you how deluded you are... I made TWO different choices in the blink of an eye and changed the course of human history.. prove ME wrong.

>What happens next once we agree there isn't?
First let's conclusively agree that there's no free will.

>just decided to post that I saw your male thread
Male thread?
>and chose to avoid it but then chose to come and show you how deluded you are
What's the origin of your choice? Can you see how you choose? If not, fuck yourself you faggot.
>I made TWO different choices
How did you "MAKE" these choices if you don't fucking know where your choices originate?
>prove ME wrong.
No need to prove you wrong. You're a faggot who doesn't know shit.

OP you're the one making the claim here.
What's your argument against free will existing? I want to be convinced.


John 8:36,If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.