....what kind of bulletproof laptop is this?
Hey wait a minute
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How is that fucking thing still "On" lol
the holes are in the monitor....
>How is that fucking thing still "On" lol
All the "On" bits are in the bottom and the video cable wasn't severed.
What holes, britbong? Those little smudges?
You do realize the screen is just like...the screen, right? The components that do the actual "computing" are located in the "base".
it's almost as if this was staged or something
is one that doesn't move obviously....
I started at the picture and couldn't figure out what was supposed to happen
its gotta be a dell
How do we know this happened?
this is OP
pathetic shot couldnt even hit the off button
Because it's the fucking monitor
the only reason people are saying its a false flag is because he was a trump supporter
bullets penetrate
its internals are under the keyboard
jesus christ you guys
If you don't know the basics of how computers work maybe you shouldn't be on the internet.
Yes, dipshit, but there is no HOLE.
You can't see through them.
shoot your laptop monitor see what happens
God you niggers are dumb
you know how many times I've smashed my laptop screen beyond belief? it has nothing to do with the computer being on you dipshits
durr maybe the jews did it
>pre-dug graves??
Yeah man you nailed it
That's how we bury people now
It was most definitely a false flag
This confuses me, the screen is clearly damaged from physical force, as you can see the black bars surrounding the holes.
What I can't understand is why the holes appear illuminated. It couldn't be the wall behind it as it's darker than the screen itself, the window would make sense but it doesn't line up.
By contrast, the holes should appear darker than the rest of the screen.
Why are you replying to your own schizo post?
I forgot you guys think this is a computer genius kek
Probably funded by the CIA that's how they bury people?
>taken on a potato
>same color as the wall behind it
>kid got a bad shot
im sure you do that all the time, and are very experienced with monitors not working after you shoot them with a firearm.
>mfw someone was browsing Sup Forums on that laptop
>Unironically this
the important thing is the computer shouldnt even be still on the desk if it gets hit with 3 bullets. I did 9 tours in Beirut and never seen that happen
Probably because nothing critical is stored in the monitor you fucking retards.
>Why didn't it move
Bullet passed through the screen and didn't impart any energy into it
>Why is it still on
No important components are in the screen, it's simply a screen
>Why does the screen still work
Because the LCD is only damaged in specific spots
>everyone was told it was a drill
>took many as long as 30 minutes to realize it was real
>was supposed to have drill 2 years ago but never had it
What's it like having Schizophrenia that is so severe you are convinced that you are not insane?
Jesus, OP
oh look it johnny big brains know it all
holy fuck whoever edited that photo is FUCKING RETARDED!
He shot the monitor brainlet, it’s not soldered onto the motherboard.
>>Why didn't it move
>Bullet passed through the screen and didn't impart any energy into it
what a jew answer
Good post
>taken on a potato
Not relevant. Even potatoes will show light passing through a hole.
>same color as the wall behind it
It's not tho, it's brighter than the wall behind it. Was kinda the point.
>kid got a bad shot
I'll grant him that given the situation.
I'm no physicist. For a thin plastic/glass/aluminium foil surface, it shouldn't take much force per the surface area of a bullet to pass through without moving it. Kind of like shooting styrofoam with an arrow.
Glad someone enjoyed it
It's the little things.
you do not understand physics. there is not much mass to that screen at all. if the bullet is able to find a way through the material easily, it could pass through while barely moving the screen. think of it like shooting a piece of paper thats hanging. to the right bullet, theres not much of a difference.
right sure, im an expert. now show us your vids of shooting a similar screen with a similar weapon from a similar angle and range with the same ammunition
He is
>9 tours in Beirut
>9 tours
Shlomo should hire Shlomos with actual military service, Jewboi. Otherwise they make obvious mistakes like yours.
>only 5.56 lmao
just stop you embarrass yourself
>bb gun
you are supposed to know something about guns you dumb fucking burger, now find me a vid where the bullet passes THROUGH the screen. no bb this time
those attena are just snow shitlord
As an American you should know better user
Laptops are fairly heavy and the weight is all in the base where the battery and other components are
There's nothing in the screen to stop the bullet and catch the energy
Probably because those arent bullet holes. Its likely damage from flying shrapnel
because the power source wasn't shot you cuck. have you ever broken a screen
Snow in Florida? And not on any of the surrounding buildings?
i fucking hate you ameri-mutt brainlets
like 60percent of you are brain dead wtf are they feeding you cunts
>b..but when I shoot computer screens in my vidyuh gaymes it turns off!
>like 60 percent of you are brain dead
More like 56% of us
of course, just illustrating that unless the power cable is hit it will take a beating and still work
Yea its a false flag to do duuuuuuuh something I don't actually have a reason for why the government would falseflag this shooting, but falseflag!
Does anyone see a pattern with these school shootings ?
let me tell you about catching energy you son of a bog. I do 2 tours in Baghdad in the 2nd platoon desert dogs recon
if you don't know
now you know
>B...buuuh why it no move?
To take away our rights duh
I dont think of you or your country at all. Thats the difference friend. Obsessed much?
you're country is so polarizing, its either brainlet post or god-tier
>there's bullet holes in the fucking computer
>predug graves
no, try raised flower/garden beds by the tennis courts, hon. everything else in your pic really made me think.
t. your old environmental science teacher
ok, no
i bet the jews did it too
Looks more like the theme Sup Forums uses, especially on the right of the screen
Usually depends on what state the poster is from really.
As we all know Florida gets much snow
>I did 9 tours in Beirut
serious question
why are americans so stupid?
not attacking you personally
blue county. confirmed shooter was lefty nut!
Also note how laptop is perfectly aligned with the desk... 2 shots on the left side should have turned the laptop or dropped it to the ground.
that's a thinkpad t420
these still go for 200$+ used here
here's a kid shooting a laptop screen with an airsoft gun and it does some serious damage. youtube.com
this is the brainlet amerimutt im talking about
> i dont think of YOU
well u dont know me
actually im done. kys fat cunt
It hardly moves even while being completely peppered with bullets.
correction- not a laptop screen...but monitor
Its just the LCD panel you dunce.
because I wasn't being serious you dumbo. 9 tours in Beirut..stop being a silly billy
nice ID
Man, this board gets real dumb when it's burger hours.
lol, checked
I mean snow in florida is not unheard of, but obviously rare. no reports of snow in florida today,
you need temperature of 40ºF/windchill 32 to maintain any accumulation, and it's 69ºF there right now.
I see why Dems say guns are the problem since shootings mostly happen in their neck of the woods
there isn't any editing. just looked it up myself.
>MFW people are so desperate to find a conspiracy theory that they speculate on the physics of a laptop being shot
This is your shooter with a MAGA HAT LMAO. Why do mods keep deleting the threads I'm making about this
What do you call a computer that can sing?
what the fuck user
Some creepy stuff truly
Because thats not him you retard
sherlock, be rational:
>we never see the gunman
>we never see that particular item being shot on film
>student is snapchating it, so they are are in that classroom
>snapper alive after to be able to post it
>bullets must have flown through open door, closed door, or window in door
>obviously, we assume that it was through the window of a closed door
>3 bullets grouped on small laptop
>laptop still on
thus the most likely scenarios:
1.tried to shoot out the door/lock itself, laptop happened to be in trajectory
2.firing at someone, missing or not, 3 grouped shots went through the window and laptop
3.took a moment out to target practice a laptop for no obvious reason, 3 shots on target
4.this is a "fake bullet holes" wallpaper
>which of these options requires the fewest assumptions or extraordinary detailing?