Reviews for Children of Ether are in

Reviews for Children of Ether are in.
>Even Tom & Jerry and Willy Wonka & the the Chocolate Factory is better then this.
In short, avoid this.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hadn't even heard of it before this thread.

What's with the nip subtitle?

But willy wonka was pure kino

>even one of the most celebrated animated series of all time and one of the greatest children's novels of all time are better than this 15 minute animated short
Really activates the neural synapses

Not the Tom & Jerry version.


>CR will die in you lifetime.

What a time to be alive.

It was a preview and nothing happened

>Tom & Jerry version
Nigga you just shitpos.. Whoa it's real.

Still, even Tom & Jerry and Willy Wonka & the the Chocolate Factory is better then this.

>Whoa, it's real?!?
Sadly yes.

i wanted to like it more than i did, but that voice acting was really awful.

OK, so
>even a direct to DVD film cashgrab based on two classic properties horribly mashed together is better than a 15 minute animated short
I still don't understand what point there is comparing a fully-realized product versus what you can at best call a concept pitch

Yes, very much so.

So it's the same problem that other kickstarter not-anime had?

Except for LWA2 yes.

I'm conflicted. I want the West to make more "anime-like" cartoons, but at the same time CR is cancer and the PVs looked pretty shitty.

That's anime.

No, you don't as thats creatively bankrupted.

You and I want cartoons to be like what was done by Tex Avery & Bob Clampett as thats what normies and I want.

I did not see "not-anime", all I seen was "anime", my bad.

Why haven't Netflix and Crunchy adapted classic manga that is already completed and would appeal to westernfags already?

Why are they wasting money on shit nobody cares about?

>You and I want cartoons to be like what was done by Tex Avery & Bob Clampett
Also true

Probably incompetence

I thought this was an old movie from back in the direct to DVD cartoon days. What the hell is this? Why does it exist? What is its target audience?

Because those classic manga are unheard in western markets and for the IPs that people do care about they need to shove in a bigger IP just to get them jump started again.

You're lucky you're even getting Dragon Ball Super at this point.

>those classic manga are unheard in western markets
How exactly does this matter? The DB manga was unheard of in western markets until DBZ exploded.

>How exactly does this matter? The DB manga was unheard of in western markets until DBZ exploded.

Only for americans, the rest of us knew about DB

Netflix is adapting Devilman you dumbass.

And nobody asked for that.

>Only for americans
Yeah, only the single largest western market.
>the rest of us knew about DB
What western nation was crazy about DB before DBZ aired?

No they're fucking not. Aniplex and Dynamic Planning are producing it. Netflix just has the international license and the premiere rights.

What did you think would happen when a black guy tried to emulate anime?

It's an aniplex anime. Netflix is only credited with "Cooperation/collaboration".
None of the Netflix anime are actually Netflix anime, just because they helped by allowing an anime on their platform doesn't mean they funded it or produced it. This meme needs to stop.

They're doing something with IG & TMS so theres that.

Can we please stop having westerners try to create "Anime", it just feels like they don't really care about the medium itself other then it being "cool" and "foreign" to them. They don't really even try to do shit like visual metaphors or try to do shit that can only be done in a visual medium other then a "cool" action scene. Fuck, Avatar used the medium the best. Showing great details of emotions and scenery that couldn't possibly be done in any other medium without it looking weird and off putting.

Just about, it's why Animaniacs is coming back.

made by a desperate weaboo
>look at me, Japan!
>let me in the club!

>just because they helped by allowing an anime on their platform doesn't mean they funded it or produced it. This meme needs to stop.
LWA had a higher budget than it ordinarily would have done because it had Netflix money. This was mentioned by Tattun and the producer when the came here

How much?

How should I know? You think they came to Sup Forums to outline the budget? They mentioned Netflix often so presumably it had quite an impact on the production. They were also ran ragged because of it, presumable out of a need to finish episodes earlier than they're used to.

But they've never been the main contributor/investor for an anime like they do with their own produced TV shows.

>I hadn't even heard of it before this thread.
That's because it's not an anime, it's a show made by some black guy who thinks anything that's "Anime" is anything that has visuals to look like such a thing.

Unheard of doesn't matter if it's done well. We've had lots of adaptations in america of previously unknown properties that have completely exploded in recent years.

Thanks for telling me , OP. Watching tonight

>Shit nobody cares about

>Keep making threads about it


How does one make an "animation like" cartoon?

How does one "emulate animation" your sentence makes no sense.

Its animated by a Franko Japanese studio and the character designs are by the guy Behind Michiko to Hatchin. At least use google before posting

>Its animated by a Franko Japanese studio
Nope, a studio from France called "Yapiko Animation".
>and the character designs are by the guy Behind Michiko to Hatchin
I too can hire some people with enough cash.

>How does one "emulate animation" your sentence makes no sense.
You know damn well what i meant
