Who else here is a recovering white nationalist...

Who else here is a recovering white nationalist? How long did it take you to realize Marxism is the only way forward for humanity?

how do these people just forget all the crime statistics, the IQ scores, the mountains of evidence for racial differences?

Because we go outside and don't see individual people as statistics.

I used to be unironic 1488 anti communist, then I actually read some theory.

Also capitalism is causing far, far more problems than any racial differences. Anything you blame da j00s or da niggers for can be traced to capitalism as a system.

But the statistics are still there, and still highly relevant to any attempt at creating a prosperous society.


What definition of capitalism are you using?

Even if I started shooting niggers for the next 20 years I still wouldn't come close to the amount of evil Marxism has done.

This reads like a Christian who was a former "atheist" but instead of Christian it's a Communist who was a former "fascist".

> recovering white nationalist
Yeah guilty. It was pretty cringe, but it felt good to be part of an in-group. I still hate niggers and jews

Trips checked

these "recovered racists" always say the same thing. they never address why they think they are wrong, they just hurl "angry losers blah blah blah"

rlly of the making of thinkings

Capitalism. American capitalism.

Please don't pull "not real capitalism muh regulations". It's no different than when socialists go not real communism.

Yeah but they do not account for the outliers.
All I will say is, I do not wish to live in a majority black society because it will likely resemble Africa or Detroit, but I would not support kicking out every single black person in the country nor would I support living next to a trailer trash white redneck drug addict on welfare over a black business owner.

Fuck you just know this guy was never conservative and it's just some neurotic leftist making shit up like they always do

Fucking disgusting, lying cowards

Also, forgot another point, you don't have to be pro-capitalist to be pro-white, nor do you necessarily have to be a white nationalist. I support people advocating for white racial interests as long as other races do the same, but I do not support kicking out citizens or creating an ethnostate out of something that isn't already an ethnostate.

so you'll do nothing anyway?

I'm actually curious what your definition is, do you consider 15th century Italy to be capitalist? Is China capitalist?

Your comment on outliers is fine, but doesn't really get around the basic problems of diversity.

no white nationalist listens to rush limbaugh, glenn beck, or michael savage. litterally larp the post.

>then I actually read some theory

>Yeah but they do not account for the outliers.
Most people are around the average, not outliers...

>All I will say is, I do not wish to live in a majority black society because it will likely resemble Africa or Detroit, but I would not support kicking out every single black person in the country nor would I support living next to a trailer trash white redneck drug addict on welfare over a black business owner.
Great, but the third world people that create shitholes want to come live next to you. There's a lot more of them than there are of you.

Nazbol is just posturing and counter-signaling the admittedly-cringy alt-right anyway, it's not a serious theory.

shilling is obvious lmao

Belief evolution doesn't progress red pill-> blue pill unless one receives brain damage. Then one may go back to blue pill. It is tragic but true.

Shit you converted me
Guess I should vote for the Marxist satanic pedophile Democrat instead

The guy was never a white nationalist to begin with. White nationalists are born from the reaction to the prolific anti-white racism of the left. The fact that he doesn't even recognize this shows that he's a larper.

>hurr a statistical framework of understanding human behavior is not working for me
>adopts a theoretical one
Oh yeah, dialectical materialism sure is gonna help you understand the complexities of human society better than empiricism.
People who switch between two extremes this easily are mentally-ill.

>thinks he's a white nationalist
>listens to glenn beck, rush limbaugh, and michael savage
What? Is this like virtue-countersignalling or something where you pretend to be a white nationalist once upon a time so you can call cuckservatives white nationalists?

Funny, I'm the opposite. I was a normie lefty who'd read a great deal and felt very smug with myself that I belonged on the "right side of history." I'd read Das Kapital and thought revolution was cool.
I'm not a white nationalist or NatSoc, I just like posting swastikas on Sup Forums, I want to end illegal immigration and I'm not ashamed of being white. Also communism and socialism are cancer. What do you think of me?

The guy just sounds like a he was a normie conservative and for some reason he thinks normie conservatives are white nationalists

Kys faggot

Most of these "reformed racist" posts are left wing larpers writing fanfiction, they almost always follow the same general American History X style plot, take a look at the pic in OP, his story ticks all of the redditers boxes of what he wants this hypothetical racist to be, but if you've ever really talked to those kinds of people you start to see holes. A young white nationalist type wouldn't be listening to Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck, the random about face into full Bernie style communism, attributed to getting a history degree of all things, is another giveaway.

Well that's what the media tells people.

They tend to write these kinds of fanfiction for the same reasons yeah.

>attributed to getting a history degree of all things, is another giveaway.
learning history is what turned me from a neo-liberal to being anti-diversity

You can't unlearn race realism once you've seen the truth.

sorry faggot op, it doesn't work that way. the natural progression is from infantile libertalism to the maturity of ethnic nationalism, not the other way around


>White nationalists exist because of muh self-hatred
>Nothing to do with resisting actual self-hatred leftists try to impose on you

You never were right of Mao and I bet you conflate jews with whites when you LARP against the 1%

But shooting niggers would increase your karma, user.

(((Fellow white nationalists)))

Jesus christ

If you called yourself a White Nationalist and not a National Socailist or a Fascist, then you are a fucking loser.

No fucking actual National socialist believes he is superior over other races, just that he wants to better himself and his own people, in his own country. You're prob some stupid spic.

When I realized that the jews were the master race, I decided to follow the best jew of all, Karl Marx.

>How long did it take you to realize Marxism is the only way forward for humanity?

When I realized the only way to fix things is to bring people back to reality by having half of them starve to death.

Heh. The true red pill: we need communism because fascism isn't brutal enough.

Post is more than an hour old, and
> 1 Post by this ID

If you expect people to read all that, realize they expect you to engage. When people see this shit, they know you're a shill. There's a reason the "1 Post by this ID" is a meme here. I don't know why I even bother.

t. Not a White Nationalist

This, white people are not a nation and shouldnt be. We all have distinctive cultures we should cherish through the glory of fascism and tradition

It has nothing to do with hating others, all to do with loving your own people. Our own people being the nuclear family->the nation->the race because its with these people we share blood and heritage in that order

I didn't want to steer the thread or bump it beyond what others thought worthy

You need try harder than that faggot.

*Niggers shoots you in the back while Jews in the media say if you speak out your a racist*
>capitalism's fault

None of that is Marxism.

China, for example, is Maoism.

Marxism hasn’t only ever been rewritten for unindustrialized peasant countries trying to modernize.

Fuck off

>Who else here is a recovering white nationalist? How long did it take you to realize white genocide is the only way forward for humanity?